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Coaching Sportsmanship and Volunteer Awards

This year, WHLL established two awards to recognize the league’s longest serving volunteers, Sammie Joseph and Richard Queen.
Sammie Joseph has been a part of WHLL since the league began. Sammie has served as league president and on the WHLL board of directors, but Sammie is best known for coaching.  Generations of baseball players have learned baseball from Sammie Joseph.  Sammie is now coaching the sons of fathers that he coached as children when they played little league baseball.  Many parents request that Sammie coach their children because they know Sammie will not only help them develop their baseball skills, but will also teach them good sportsmanship, whether they win or lose.  Accordingly, starting this season, WHLL will recognize coaches who exemplify sportsmanship with the Sammie Joseph Coaching Sportsmanship Award.
Richard Queen has been a league volunteer for more than a decade.  Richard started out volunteering as a result of his son Jack playing baseball, but Richard continued to volunteer long after Jack was too old for WHLL.  Richard has volunteered in almost every capacity.  He has been a board member and league president, but has also worked as a coach, league commissioner, head of scheduling and chief umpire.  Every WHLL family has benefitted from Richard Queen’s endless hours of work as a league volunteer.  Therefore, from this season forward, WHLL will recognize volunteers who demonstrate Richard’s work and commitment to the league with the Richard Queen Outstanding Volunteer Award.
Recipients of the Sammie Joseph Coaching Sportsmanship Award Recipients of the Richard Queen Volunteer Award
Chad Auler
Aimee Babbs
Merritt Belisle Tammy Belisle
Will Burns Ashley Covert
Brianna Fleet Chris Ellis
Rob Kohler Cubby Gillingwater
Ed Lamme Jeff Lucado
John Turman Jon Petersen
Weldon Whiteside
Duke Hildreth
Jim Shapiro

Congratulations to the WHLL 9/10 All Stars for Making it to the State Tournament

Congratulations to the WHLL 9/10 All Stars for winning Section 1 and reaching the State Tournament!  One of 4 teams left in a tournament of over 100 teams!!