This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.

MHSAA Loyalty Rule

Let me know if you ever need any clarification or help. In short, the rules state that you are allowed to practice with a non-school team but you are not allowed to participate in any scrimmage or contest if you are concurrently on a school team.


Practices only, no scrimmages against those not on the same team until the middle/high school season ends for that student.  A scrimmage is a competition.


SECTION 12 (A)—A student who, after practicing with (including tryouts) or participating in an athletic contest

or scrimmage as a member of their high school athletic team, participates in any athletic competition not

sponsored by his or her school in the same sport during the same season, shall become ineligible for a

minimum of the next three (3) days of competition and maximum of the remainder of that season in that

school year.


Andrew J. Smith

Dean of Students / Athletic Director

504 Coordinator


Webberville Middle and High School

517-897-2437 (c)

517-521-3447 (w)


517-521-4740 (f)

WJAA 0nline Registration Instructions

C        Create an account or log in under My Account

2.       Click on Register Now!

3.       Click on the Parents/Contacts button in the “Overview”. 

a.       If you are creating your account for the first time, there will be a red X in the "Overview".

                                                               i.      If you already have an account, please verify that all of your information is correct by clicking on the “Edit” button, verify, and click on the blue Save Changes button.

b.       Fill in all of the required fields for the Parent/Contact information.  (All required information lines that end with a red * must be completed.)  then click on the blue Save Changes button.

c.       When all information has been completed, the red X will be replaced with a green check mark in the “Overview” section under Parents/Contacts.

4.       Click on the Participants button in the “Overview”.  

a.       If you are creating your account for the first time or registering for a new sport, there will be a red in the "Overview".

b.       If you are creating your account for the first time, fill in all of the required fields for the participant’s information.  (All required information lines that end with a red * must be completed.)  then click on the blue Save Changes button

c.       If you are registering for a new sport, click on the “Edit” button for each participant and verify that their information (current age and classroom grade) is correct and click on the blue Save Changes button. 

d.       Click on the red Choose Programs button

                                                               i.      The programs that are available for that participant will appear.  Choose a program and click on the blue Save Selected Programs button.  (Programs are based off of a player's current age, gender or classroom grade, so please verify that this information is correct.)

                                     If the program you are registering for does not appear in the Program choices, please verify that the player's current age and classroom grade are correct.  This information does not automatically update.

                   e.     If there are additional Participants, click on the Add Participant drop down box and choose “New”.  Repeat steps 4b, 4c and 4d for each participant.

f.       When all information has been completed and a program has been chosen, the red X will be replaced with a green check mark in the “Overview” section under Paarticipants.

5.       Click on the Miscellaneous button in the “Overview”.

a.       If you are creating your account for the first time, there will be a red in the "Overview".

b.       Fill in all of the required fields for the Miscellaneous information.  (All required information lines that end with a red * must be completed.)  then click on the blue Checkout button.  The red X will be replaced with a green check mark in the "Overview" section under Miscellaneous.

6.       Summary / Checkout

a.       Coupon Code is used for Sponsorship.  (The Commissioner will notify the Treasurer that a sponsorship is being given, and a coupon code will be added for you.)

                                                               i.      Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose the blue Submit Registration & Pay By Mail to complete your registration.  Once the Coupon Code has been added, the amount due for the registration fee will change, and you can choose to pay by PayPal, Pay By Mail or Pay In-Person.

b.       Complete the registration by clicking on 1 of the 3 options:

                                                               i.      Pay Online, click on the blue Submit Registration & Pay Online, this will direct you to the PayPal site to input your credit card information.  Your registration is now complete and you will receive an email confirmation; or

                                                             ii.      Pay By Mail, click on the blue Submit Registration & Pay By Mail.  Your registration is now complete and you will be sent email reminders that there is a balance due until paid in full.

                                                             iii.      Pay In-Person, click on the blue Pay In-Person & Submit Registration  Your registration is now complete and you will be sent email reminders that there is a balance due until paid in full.

c.       You must complete 1 of these 3 options to complete your registration.



If you have a zip code other than 48892, and the registration system is not allowing yours, please use 48892.

Please retain your login information and password, you will need this each time to register for a new sport, update personal information, or add a participant.

WJAA Sponsorship

 All athletes qualify for a WJAA Sponsorship.  If a WJAA Sponsorship is used, there maybe a non-refundable fee charged and volunteer requirements during that season.    

If a WJAA Sponsorship has been given for a player's registration fees, and the required fee and/or volunteer hours are not satisfied, that child/family will no longer qualify for future sponsorship.  Full registration and uniform fees will be due for the next sport that is played. 

Please contact the commissioner of the sport that has granted the sponsorship for details, and what is required to fulfill the sponsorship requirements.

WJAA Uniform and Equipment

 Should an individual fail to return a WJAA uniform and/or equipment in a timely manner, the WJAA Board of Directors may suspend the player from participating in any or all activities for that sport and/or any other sport they are eligible to play in the future through WJAA, until the uniform and/or equipment has been returned. 


Friendly Reminder:  

If you have a game or practice on field #4 or the football field, there is NO PARKING inside the fenced area.  Please use the grass lot north of the football field/field #4 on Pardee Road or the school dirt lot on the south side of the football field/field #4.  Thank you, WJAA Board

WJAA Calendar Updates

Attention Coaches: 

The main calendar will show all of the practices & games that have been scheduled for WJAA.   (Please send me your practice and game schedules, or notify your commissioner of the changes, and I will keep the calendar updated when notified.)

The “Team” tab has a drop down, choose your sport and then your level, click on the "Full Schedule" button, and you can view/print your team’s individual schedule.

Practice Facilities:

The Spartan Center (rubber floor), MS Gym (wood floor), Elem Gym (wood floor), Elem Multi Purpose Room (rubber floor) are available to use.   I would recommend using the Elementary facilities, only because the HS & MS will use the MS Gym and Spartan Center after school for fall and winter sports, and for spring sports when they have to be inside due to weather.  The HS & MS gyms are both usually booked later in the evening for community adult sports.  Practices inside need to be scheduled in advance, so there is someone to unlock/lock the facility.  Please contact Sandy Judd to secure a practice time and location.

Indoor practices must be scheduled at least 3 days in advance of your requested practice date.

The school athletic schedules can be found at

If you schedule a practice on a field or in a gym that the school uses, you may get bumped due to a make up game.  I will do my best to keep the calendar updated, and if I have your email, I will notify you that your practice has been bumped. 


Texts & Alerts feature:

I encourage everyone to sign up for the texts and email alerts.  If you have practice or game changes or cancellations, please let me know, and I can send the alert.  It saves the coaches time on making calls or sending a mass text.


Cheer Coaches:

Your Commissioner will schedule your practices.


Basketball Coaches:

Your Commissioner will schedule your practices.


Baseball/Softball Coaches:

When scheduling a practice outside, please review the calendar, and if any of the following show, the field is not available that day:

Varsity/MS Softball = Field #1

Varsity/MS Baseball = Field #2

JV Softball = Field #3

Varsity/MS Track = Field #4


 T-Ball scheduled games are on Field #4 from 5:30 – 7:30 in the month of June (6 guaranteed games).


Field #1 is available after 5:00, if no home HS/MS games are scheduled

Field #2 not available (14u baseball allowed after Varsity/JV/MS practice is completed, and if no home HS/MS games are scheduled)

Field #3 is available after 6:30, if a MS Softball game is scheduled, the field is available at 5:00

Field #4 is available at any time if no Varsity Track meets are being held


Games for Baseball & Softball:

8u boys - Williamston fields

10u boys - field 3

10u girls - field 3 (Wednesday)

12u boys - field 4

12u girls - field 1 (Monday, Wednesday)

14u boys - field 2

14u girls - field 1 (Tuesday, Thursday)



 If you have any questions or updates, please email me at


Thank you!




WJAA Player's Position & Playing Time

It shall be the policy of WJAA that the position an athlete plays on the field/court and the amount of playing time he/she earns in any particular game shall be determined at the sole discretion of that team's coaches, with the head coach ultimately responsible for determining the position and play time for any one game.  The head coach is strongly encouraged to consult with his/her assistant coaches in making the decisions.  All WJAA coaches must abide by the specific league playing time guidelines.

WJAA Failure to Pay Fees or Volunteer

Should an individual fail to pay registration fees in a timely manner, the WJAA Board of Directors may suspend the player from participating in any or all activities for that sport and/or any other sport they are eligible to play in the future through WJAA, until the delinquent fees are paid.


If a WJAA Sponsorship has been given for a player's registration fees, and the required volunteer hours are not satisfied, that child/family will no longer qualify for future sponsorship.  Full registration and uniform fees will be due for the next sport that is played.   



WJAA Conflict Resolution

For conflict resolution, please follow the 24 Hour Rule and then the Chain of Command.

1.  If a conflict arises, please speak with your child's Coach; if you are not comfortable speaking to the Coach, or your concern is not being addressed, then;

2.  Please speak to the Commissioner of that sport, and if the concern is not being addressed by the Commissioner, then;

3.  Please contact the WJAA Board of Commissioners.


Parents and Coaches please note:  Commissioners and/or Board Members are available to coordinate mediation with the concerned parties to assist in resolving conflicts that arise.


WJAA "24 Hour Rule"

Youth sports can be an emotional experience. The physical activity of the kids can often spill onto the sidelines and into the stands and create strong reactions in coaches and parents. 


For parents, it is important to separate their child's sports development from game emotions. For this reason, WJAA has adopted the "24 Hour Rule" which simply states that coaches will not discuss a game or situation until at least 24 hours after the fact. This important rule does two things. First, it moves the discussion away from the presence of the players. Second, it allows all parties to have time to put things in perspective and "cool off", if necessary. 


If parents will respect the 24 hour rule, their concerns are more likely to be fully addressed in reasoned discussion. More importantly, the kids' enjoyment of a game won't be marred by an ill-timed confrontation.


Policy: Chain of Command

In the event a problem or concern arises that the parent needs to address with a coach, the following procedure will be followed:

If it is concerning a safety issue, the parent should bring the issue to the attention of a head coach, assistant coach, or the Commissioner of that sport IMMEDIATELY.

If it is concerning your child's position, or other issue that occurred during a practice, please contact the HEAD COACH via phone or email after the practice.  The Head Coach will respond either via phone or schedule a time to speak within 24 hours of the call or email.

If it is concerning your child's position, or other issue that occurred during a game, the head coach MAY NOT be contacted in any way, shape or form for at least 24 hours.  After 24 hours, the coach may be contacted or addressed by email or by phone.  Upon initial contact, the coach may elect, at his/her sole discretion, to address the issue immediately or schedule a time to address the issue, not to exceed 30 hours.

If the parent, after addressing the issue with the head coach is still not satisfied or the head coach has exceeded the time frames above, the parent shall contact the Commissioner of that sport.

If the parent, after addressing the issue with the Commissioner of that sport is still not satisfied, the parent may take their issue to the WJAA Board of Directors.  The WJAA Board of Directors may choose not to become involved in a given situation unless the chain of command has been followed.  The decision of the WJAA Board of Directors will be the final decision.

Comments, questions and concerns regarding: game officials, players, managers, or coaches of other teams; shall be directed to the Commissioner of that sport in which the concern, comment, or question is applicable.  Only those persons explicitly authorized to do so by the WJAA Board of Directors shall contact/communicate with game officials, other teams, other associations, on behalf of WJAA.

Please keep in mind, everyone at WJAA, every coach, every commissioner, every board member, everyone - is a volunteer.  We volunteer for many reasons, but the end result is that we want to see your child grow and develop in sports.

WJAA Lightning Policy



When lightning is observed or thunder is heard, the practice or contest must be suspended.  The occurrence of lightning or thunder is not subject to interpretation or discussion * lightning is lightning; thunder is thunder.  When lightning is observed or thunder is heard and the practice or contest is suspended, players shall not return to the playing field until the lightning has been absent from the local sky and thunder has not been heard for 30 minutes.


Some 500 people will be struck by lightning in North America this year, and 30% will be fatal.  Victims of minor strikes often don't realize or report it.  Teams who tried to finish a baseball game before "the rain came" and found their teeth buzzing, hair standing on end and tingling all over.  The amusement was terminated by a quick flash and loud thunder.  Everyone was fine, but it took days to piece together what happened.  The greatest danger in our community comes from killer bolts.  Lightning can kill before the rain starts!  Examples abound of people being struct while watching distant storms believing it to be safe.


This can result in "KILLER BOLTS" being launched ahead and also behind the storm front.  These bolts have been known to travel as far as 10 miles.  They kill without rain and sometimes during a "sunny game".

WJAA Concussion Policy

If an athlete is suspected of having a concussion they will be removed from the game or practice and will not be allowed to return until they provide written clearance from a licensed physician.

WJAA will make available for participants, parents and coaches education materials about the risk of concussions.



Healthy Snacks


Your kids have been racing up and down the court for hours.  They're tired, they're thirsty and pretty soon they're going to be downright cranky on you. 

What do you give them to boost their energy level and keep their mind and bodies in the game?  Too many youth athletes don't realize just how important it is to eat a healthy and a balanced diet in order to stay healthy as well as to optimize their performance on the field.

Provide a variety of healthy snacks that are nutritionally dense in order to both please your youngsters palates and fuel up their bodies in an optimal manner.  Here are some suggestions to replace those doughnuts and ice cream bars at half time.

Go for the crunch!  Everyone enjoys something crunchy in their mouth and it doesn't have to be greasy chips.  Here are some suggestions for crunchy and healthful snacks to give your youth athletes:

  • Apples
  • Baby carrots
  • Celery sticks
  • Cereal bars
  • Granola bars
  • Trail mix
  • Pretzels
  • Air popped pop corn
  • Baked chips
  • Rice crackers

If your youth would prefer something a bit more smooth or creamy, you can always give them applesauce cups, cheese sticks or cubes, pudding cups, peanut butter (high in protein) or bananas.

Some kids go for the chewy, so offer them raisins, bagels, rice krispie treats (a HUGE favorite) or chewy granola bars.

Food is fuel, and just as your high performance vehicle will sputter and die out when you need it most, so too will your star players stumble and lose steam at a critical moment in the game.  Make a plan to have healthy, high energy snacks for your youth athletes and you'll see a big difference in their performance.