ASA/USA Background Clearances Link Coaches: All clearances are required to coach with our organization. If you have questions, please let a Diamonds board member know. Our local FBI processing center is Bosler Library.
Athletes Edge Camps/Facility Athletes Edge is located in Greencastle, PA. They offer pitching, hitting, and fielding instruction. Check out this site for more details.
Cumberland County Magic Cumberland County Magic has travel tournament teams serving 12U, 14U, and 18U. Tryouts for the 2012-13 season are August 11,12,18, & 19. Please refer to the attached form in the handouts section.
PA ASA Tournaments This site is for coaches who are interested in putting together tournament teams.
PA Child Abuse Check You must apply for this after getting PA State Police Criminal Check. You can't apply for this online. You will have to print it, get a money order, and submit it. It takes about 3 weeks to get it.
PA State Police Criminal Record Check Coaches must submit for this form first. After receiving this clearance, you can apply for PA Child Abuse check.
PA Triple Threat Softball Travel team based out of New Cumberland area that practices in Mechanicsburg.
Softball Equipment This site has some of the best deals on the latest softball equipment.