30 MINUTE CONCUSSION VIDEO Once you have completed this 30 minute course, please be sure to print 2 certificates. One for your records because this is good for 3 years, and one for your league president/town representative. ALL parents must receive a concussion fact sheet & sign the attached page that they understand the symptoms of a concussion. The fact sheet and parents page can be found under handouts on the Main Menu on the left. Any questions please contact Ken Shields.
ACE CERTIFICATION FOR 1ST TIME COACH ACE Certification for a 1st time coach will cost $25 and a renewal is $20. Click on the link and make sure Head Coaches click on ACE Certification WITH background check. Once your background check has cleared (can take a day or 2) you may then proceed to take the test. Any questions please contact President Ken Shields.
Head Coaches: ACE Certification w/background check to be turned in by April 17, 2017 along with Heads-Up Concussion Training. Any questions please contact President Ken Shields