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8 HUGE mistakes young hitters make...and exactly what to do to correct them
A Slump Buster Plan For Your Hitters
A simple 4-step plan for helping ANY hitter to regain their confidence and break out of a slump. -
Ball Coach Tips and Drills
Site for coaches, players and parents to find drills, tips and information about playing the great games of baseball and softball. -
Drills for coaches and parents
This site has a lot of drills concerning hitting, bunting, base running, position specific, playing catch, and team. -
Baseball workouts for the off season
'In this video tutorial (it's about 50 mins long so take some time
out to view it), you'll learn EXACTLY how hitters are made in the
offseason... and it will put YOU in a position for 2011 to be your
best year EVER.' -
Cool Outfield Drills for both softball and baseball
Advance Skills of Softball Pitching with Crissy Rapp
Fastpitch Softball Pitching Fundamentals 1
Fastpitch Softball Pitching Fundamentals 2
Fastpitch Softball Pitching Fundamentals 3
Fastpitch Softball Pitching Fundamentals 4
Fastpitch Softball Pitching Fundamentals 5
Pro softball instructor/coach Suzy Willemssen Part 1
Softball Pitching Tips and Drills with Ernie Parker
Pitching Tips - A Pitcher's Checklist
Here are some pitching points to remember to help you be the best you can be. -
Throwing to avoid arm pain
Although this video focuses on softball, the principals apply to baseball as well. The website also offers other good examples of pitching and throwing mechanics. -
14 "Must-Know" Hand Signals
Buying or breaking in a new mitt
Here is a good article on what you should do in breaking in a new mitt. Your child needs to work in the mitt before he or she uses it. -
Responsible Sports
Hear what USA Softball Head Coach Mike Candrea has to say about Liberty Mutual's new program 'Responsible Sports' which has partnered with ASA \ USA Softball to promote Responsibility in Softball -
Here is a great link for all to view Baseball and Softball instructional videos. These skill are presented by both professional coaches and players. These video's show all of the skills that all coaches work to teach. Please share this link with anyone you can. By having everyone look from both sides will make coaching and playing more fun for all. Randy Martin -
Understanding Baseball
Here is some information from another league that breaks down the game. (Understanding Baseball) -
Ever wonder how major-league baseballs are manufactured? Find out by checking out this episode of the Discovery Channel's "How It's Made" television series.