Narbonne HS
Narbonne High School
24300 Western Avenue
Harbor City, CA 90710
Field location: The field is located on 247th Street east of Western Avenue just past the football field.
Restroom location: In the building close to the football field on the street side of the field. OR, sometimes to the left of the left field back gate in the bungalows going west about 100 feet from the field.
Parking: On 247th Street on the first base side of the field, but be aware of foul balls, so it's best to park far away from the home plate area. Please only park on the field side of the street, NOT on the houses side of the street .. thank you. Park at your own risk, and do not leave anything of value in your vehicle, the league insurance does not cover anything.
The administrator of this League has not provided an address for this venue.
Use the Contact Form to contact the League Administrator.