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Wilbraham Memorial #2

Memorial School Fields 1 and 2 ( 8-10 )
Memorial 1 is Green Monster Field, School Address: 310 Main Street, Wilbraham

From the South:
Take Route 91 North to Longmeadow exit. North on Route 5 in Longmeadow to Route 192 East on Williams Street. Williams Street becomes Maple Street in East Longmeadow. Maple Street to East Longmeadow Center.Go across Rotary to Pleasant Street.Follow Pleasant Street bearing right onto Porter Road.Continue onPorter crossing Parker and Allen Streets.Porter Road becomes East Longmeadow Road in Wilbraham.Take left at stop sign onto Stony Hill Road.Proceed on Stony Hill to traffic light; right at light onto Tinkham Road.Take left onto Main Street.Follow Main Street approximately 2 miles, past center of Town and Wilbraham-Monson Academy. Memorial School will be on your right.

From the North and/or West:
Take Mass Turnpike to Exit 7 (Ludlow).Turn right after paying toll - go to first traffic light - turn right at fire station (Chapin Street).Go as far as you can on Chapin St. thru lights to stop sign - turn right - go over bridge and continue to stop sign at intersection with Route 20.Turn right onto Route 20, go under RR overpass, then turn left just past the Wilbraham Fire Station.You are now on Main St. in Wilbraham. Follow Main Street approximately 2 miles. Memorial School will be on your left.

From the East:
Mass Pike (Route 90) West to Exit 8 (Palmer).After exit turn right onto Route 32.Continue on Route 32 to center of Palmer.Turn right at 2nd traffic light onto Route 20.Travel West on Route 20 under two RR overpasses.After the 2nd RR overpass take 3rd left onto Main Street.Follow Main Street approximately 2 miles. Memorial School will be on your left.

310 Main Street, Wilbraham, MA 01095