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PW Spartans

The Plymouth-Whitemarsh Spartans play at East Plymouth Valley Township Park, located between Jolly Road and Arch Road off of Germantown Pike in Plymouth Valley.


1. From the Turnpike, you would take Exit #333 (Old Exit #25) - NORRISTOWN.

2. Stay in the LEFT lane at tool booth. After the tolls, follow the sign for PLYMOUTH ROAD.
3. At the light at the bottom of the hill, go left onto Plymouth Road.

4. Go to the next light (Germantown Pike) and turn right.

5. Follow Germantown Pike across Jolly Road. (DO NOT TURN onto Jolly Road - the field is NOT at East Plymouth Community Park).

6. You will see Plymouth Valley Professional Center on your right. Just after that, you will see high tension wires overhead. SLOW DOWN.

7. Turn RIGHT into East Plymouth Community Park. You will see the new Spartans sign on the right. Follow the road back to the field. There is plenty of parking.

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