Directions to Gyms
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Charles H Berry Gymnasium/Huntsville High School Gym
From HWY 412
Take HWY 412 turn right on HWY 412 B. Upon entering Huntsville you will turn left on Phillips Street (across from Economy Drug/adjacent to United Country Realty) Go 1 block to the end of the football field and turn right on Polk Street. The gym parking lot is the next right.
From HWY 74
Take high way 74 to the “Y”. Go straight(veer right) . The Huntsville School District administration building will be on your left. Take the next street on your left, Polk Street (between the Methodist church and Ozark Foods). Go through a 4 way stop sign and the gym will immediately be on your left.
Directions to PE facility: Coming from Hwy 74,at the "Y" go straight towards downtown. At the end of the square, turn right on 23 South (like going to the pig trail/Saint Paul). Go past Pizza Hut, then the school will be on your right (about a 1/4 mile further). Go past the high school and turn right up the driveway at the south end of the building. There will be a parking lot behind the high school and the gym is a large metal building. The north entrance will open. All other doors will be locked.