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Tiger Shark Cove Park
From Turnpike:
Take Lake Worth Road exit and go West. Cross over SR7/441 and continue until road ends (approximately 8 miles from Turnpike). Make right (North) onto Southshore Blvd. Second light is Greenview Shores Blvd., make a left. Make first left at next light, Greenbriar Blvd. Fields are immediately located on your left.
From I-95:
Take Forest Hill Blvd. exit and go West. Cross over SR7/441 past Wellington Regional Medical Center. Approximately 1 mile past the hospital, make a left onto Southshore Blvd. Go straight to Greenview Shores Blvd. (approximately 1 1/12 miles) and make a right. Make first left at next light, Greenbriar Blvd. Fields are immediately located on your left.