RULES 2024

Nick “Buff” Maglio Brooklyn Kiwanis Baseball League

Regulations and Guidelines  






Section 1: Rosters


  1. Age cut-off for players for 2024 will be April 30th.  Example: A player can turn 9 on or after May 1st to play in the 8u...& so on.
  2. A team must have a minimum of twelve (12) players on its roster. 
  3. A team having fewer than twelve (12) players on its roster will be reviewed by the League.
  4. A team may have no more than twenty (20) players on it's roster at any time.
  5. Prior to the start of the season, the League will determine a date when roster additions can no longer be made. For 2024, this date (at 11:59pm) is: Friday, May 3rd for the 8u to 14u Spring Divisions and Friday, July 19th for the 8u to 14u Summer Divisions.
  6. Should a team have twenty (20) players on its roster, no player can be added unless another player is first removed.  Dropped players can not be added back to the roster until the next season begins...see league for details.
  7. If a player quits a team, he/she can not play on another team in the same age group during that season unless he/she is given a release by the team he/she just quit.
  8. A coach must present to the League’s roster administrator, a valid birth certificate for every player on or added to a team’s roster.
  9. A player may play on a team in his age-appropriate division and on a team in the next division above his age-appropriate division, provided both teams are affiliated with the same organization and he is on each team’s roster. 
  10. Any player on a roster can play in any game even if they are not listed on the line-up card (that is a courtesy that we hope all coaches do for one another and the umpires).  This applies even to suspended games where a player may have not been in attendance on the original day, but is in attendance on the continuation day.
  11. A coach has the right to challenge any player on another team’s roster. This is not considered a protest. The umpire should be notified of the challenge, and the challenged player will be asked to sign the umpire’s lineup card and provide the information about him that should be on his team’s roster (date of birth, address, school, etc.). If necessary, his signature and the information he provides will be compared to his signature and the information on the team’s roster. Should a team use a player not on its roster, they will forfeit any games that player has played in, and the team and its manager will be subject to review by the League.
  12. PLAYOFF ELIGIBILITY for ALL divisions requires a player to appear in 20% of the games played.  The league officials will check team's score-books if a particular player is in question.  Penalty of a loss for playoff game(s) appeared in will be issued if this requirement is not met.  GAMES WILL BE HELD AT THE HIGHER SEEDS HOME FIELD WHEN AVAILABLE & approved by the league. In the FINAL(s) a NEUTRAL FIELD can be used if available.  Any forefeits in the playoffs will result in the team being disqualified form the remaining playoff games until the next season begins.

Section 2: Regulation Game 

  1. No new inning can start after 1:50 for divisions 8u to 12u and 2 hours for the 14u & older divisions.
  3. With the exception of the 7-10 year-old divisions, all divisions play 7 inning games, should time permit. (Exception: In the 7-10 year-old divisions, 6 inning games will be played, should time permit.)
  4. An OFFICIAL GAME is if the losing team has had at least 3 full at bats in the 7-10 divisions or 4 full at bats in the 12 & up divisions.  Should an umpire call a game because of weather or darkness and it is not official, such game is suspended in the REGULAR SEASON, we will TRY to complete it at a later time.  In the REGULAR SEASON: IF WE CAN NOT FINISH AT A LATER TIME, IT WILL REVERT BACK TO THE LAST FULL INNING COMPLETED.  IN THE PLAYOFFS: games still have a time limit of 2 hours in ALLA divisions and mercy rules, but innings will be completed and games must be regulation if time still allows. SUSPENDED GAMES MUST BE COMPLETED IF NOT OFFICIAL IN THE PLAYOFFS.  If weather issues happen in a PLAYOFF game, we will continue the game at another time before the next round begins IF NOT OFFICIAL and if time is left.  In a CHAMPIONSHIP (final game): games have NO time limit, but the mercy rule still applies. 
  5. ALL teams qualify for the playoffs (unless otherwise noted) so, if a game is called, but not yet regulation, it will be suspended and continued, if necessary, at a date to be determined by the League.  Playoff seeds will be determined by winning percentage of games played.  If this is percentage is identical between teams: the tie will be broken by first head to head wins/loses and if still tied, by the least amount of runs allowed (RA) vs eachother than other teams over the entire season.  Home team and field is the higher seed throughout the playoffs if their playoff record continues to be better than the team they are playing round by round.

Section 3: Starting and Ending a Game

  1. A team must have eight (8) players physically present in order to start a game. A team has fifteen (15) minutes from the scheduled start time to field eight (8) players. The 9th batter will NOT be an OUT. IF BOTH TEAMS ARE ON-TIME THEN THE GAME-TIME IS OFFICIAL START TIME... so don't delay. 
  2. A team that cannot field at least eight (8) players fifteen (15) minutes from the scheduled start time will forfeit the game, BUT the teams/ump(s) must stay to play a game.  (Note: A team that forfeits two or more games will be subject to review by the League.)
  3. A team will forfeit if it cannot field at least eight (8) players after starting the game with eight (8), nine (9) or ten (10) players. (Note: A team that forfeits two or more games will be subject to review by the League.)
  4. Unless notified by the League in advance that a game is cancelled, teams are required to be at the field, regardless of weather or field conditions. A team with fewer than eight (8) players in attendance after fifteen (15) minutes from the scheduled start time, shall forfeit the game regardless of field or weather conditions. If both teams have fewer than eight (8) players in attendance, a “double forfeit” will be declared. Umpires will only make a determination if a game can be played if both teams have eight (8) or more players in attendance.
  5. Should a game be delayed for any period of time (up to fifteen minutes) beyond the scheduled start time because a team is waiting for a ninth player, and, at the two hour mark, the team that had enough players at game time to start the game is behind, the time lost will be added to two-hour time limit. (This rule is enforced in the 9-10 and 11-12 year-old divisions according to the time limit prescribed in those divisions.)
  6. Should a game be delayed for any period of time (up to fifteen minutes) beyond the scheduled start time because a team is waiting for a 8th player, and, at the two hour mark, the team that did not have enough players at the scheduled game time is behind, the time lost will not be added to two-hour time limit. (This rule is enforced in the 7-12 year-old divisions according to the time limit of 1 hour and fifty minutes.)
  7. (“Mercy Rule”) The game shall end when the visiting team is behind ten (10) or more runs after three and a half (3½) innings or after the fourth inning if either team is ten (10) runs behind and both teams have had an equal number of times at bat, or, at the two hour mark, if either team is behind (10) or more runs, regardless of the inning. (This rule is enforced in the 7-12 year-old divisions with the two-hour mark being changed to the 1 hour and fifty minute.)

Section 4: Uniforms

  1. All players must be in uniform, wearing the same organizational hat, shirt, and pants.
  2. Unless the League is notified in advance, players out of uniform cannot play.
  3. Since rosters fluctuate and uniform orders are often delayed, the League will impose a grace period at the beginning of the season during which time players can play out of uniform. Once the grace period expires, the above rules apply.  For the 2021 season, this grace period expires on Sunday, April 30th or the 7-14 year-old Spring divisions and Sunday, June 27th for all other divisions.

Section 5: Equipment

  1. As per NYc & NYS regulations: each team must have their AED at the playing field with them inorder to participate.
  2. Only all wood bats are to be used in 7-12...Metal, bamboo, and composite bats are NOT permitted. All wood and High School approved composite bats are permitted in the 13 and older metal or bamboo.
  3. A coach may appeal the attempted use of an illegal bat at any point after the player steps into the batter’s box and during a player’s at bat, but a coach cannot appeal the use after a subsequent pitch or play.
  4. No appeal needs to be made for an umpire to penalize a player for the use or attempted use of an illegal bat.
  5. The first time a batter tries to use (enters the batter’s box) or uses anything other than a regulation wooden bat: No runner can advance because of such batter becoming a runner on a batted ball, award, or uncaught strike three.
  6. If any player from a team that has already violated rule 5.04 uses, or attempts to use, an illegal bat, rules 5.04 is enforced, and the player and his manager are ejected from the game. 
  7. If any player from a team that has already violated rules 5.04 and 5.05 uses, or attempts to use, an illegal bat, his team shall immediately forfeit the game. 
  8. If an umpire is in doubt as to whether a bat is illegal, only penalty 5.04 is applied.

Section 6: Coaches

  1. Teams are allowed a maximum of four (4) coaches in the dugout.
  2. One (1) coach must be keeping the scorebook. 
  3. At no time should the person keeping the scorebook be outside the playing field.
  4. It is suggested that each coach wears their team apparel: hat, shirt, jacket, jersey etc.

Section 7: The Batting Order:

  1. ALL divisions can begin with 8 players with NO penalty...if 8 are in attendance at game time, the game MUST start.
  2.  ALL divisions can use the OPTIONAL Universal Batting order.  Both teams do NOT have to agree to use it. It can be used by one team and not the other.  Whatever number they choose to start the lineup with MUST be the same number they end with.  A player who can NOT bat (injury, leaves early, etc) and can not be replaced by someone NOT in the batting order already, is then an OUT if the defensive team notifies the umpire(s) before the next pitch is thrown to the following batter.
  3. Since this is a choice: if, for any reason, a team must remove players from the game and has no substitute players to replace the removed players, those players’ spots in the batting order will become automatic outs.
  4. There is NO re-entry into the batting order in any division...BUT YOU CAN MAKE UNLIMITED DEFENSIVE SUBSTITUTIONS.
  5. There is NO courtesy runners allowed for any players in any division.
  6. Any player on a roster can play in any game even if they are not listed on the line-up card (that is a courtesy that we hope all coaches do for one another and the umpires).  This applies even to suspended games where a player may have not been in attendance on the original day, but is in attendance on the continuation day.
  7. ALL divisions can add players to the BACK END of the batting order until one full turn through the order is completed.  IF they start with 8, then they can add until one full turn though the order.  If they do not add, then the batting order remains at 8 without penalty, but 9 can play the field.
  8. ANY player in attendance can play the field at ANY TIME, even if not in the batting order...also see the section below for 8u, 10u & 12u specific rules.

Section 8: Pitching Regulations

  1. A second trip to the same pitcher in the same inning will cause this pitcher’s automatic removal from the pitching position and can not return to pitch.
  2. A third trip to the same pitcher in the same game will cause this pitcher’s automatic removal from the pitching position and can not return to pitch.
  3. Once a pitcher is moved from the pitching position to another position, including the EH, provided he was not removed from the pitching position because of rule 8.01 or 8.02 or removed from the lineup, the pitcher can only be allowed to return to the pitching position once per game. 
  4. In the 8u division, a pitcher can only pitch three (3) innings per game or per day if a DH.
  5. In the 10u division, a pitcher can only pitch four (4) innings per game or per day if a DH.
  6. In the 12u division, a pitcher can only pitch five (5) innings per game or per day if a DH.
  7. A pitch thrown in any inning counts as 1 inning of pitching towards thier daily limit.
  8. Further explainations of Pitching Rules are below in the 8u, 10u and 12u specific rules section (section 12).

Section 9: Safety Regulations

  1. Runners are never required to slide, but if a runner elects to slide, the slide must be legal.
  2. At no point can a base runner make any violent contact with a fielder in an attempt to dislodge a ball. Penalty: The runner will automatically be called out and he may be ejected from the game.
  3. Any runner is out when he does not legally slide and causes illegal contact, or, on a force play, does not slide in a direct line between the bases. A runner may slide away from the fielder to avoid contact. Penalty: On a force-play with fewer than two outs, the batter-runner is called out in addition to the runner, and runners shall return to the bases occupied at the time of the pitch. With two outs, the runner is declared out and the batter-runner is credited with a fielder’s choice.
  4. While attempting to tag a base runner, a fielder cannot make violent or unnecessary contact with the base runner. Penalty: The runner will automatically be called safe, and the fielder may be ejected from the game. The determination of deliberate violent contact and the decision whether or not to eject the player will be at the sole discretion of the umpire(s).
  5. A player may not fake a tag without the ball. In such a circumstance, the defensive player is guilty of obstruction. Also, at the end of playing action, the umpire shall enforce the penalty for obstruction and issue a warning to the coach of the team involved. The next offender on that team, including the player’s manager, shall be ejected. 
  6. Players are not permitted to wear jewelry or any other adornments (other than medical alert bracelets and/or necklaces that are taped down). Should an umpire see a player wearing any jewelry or adornment, the umpire will ask the player to remove it. If the player does not, then he, along with his head coach, will be ejected. 
  7. Coaches and players should not use cellular phones or similar electronic devices in the dugout or on the playing field. Should the need arise to use any such device, the person must leave the field completely to use it. 

Section 10: Protests

  1. If a manager claims that an umpire has misapplied a rule, he can file a protest.
  2. A manager may not protest an umpire’s judgment.
  3. A manager cannot protest an alleged misapplication of a rule after a subsequent pitch or play. 
  4. In order for a protest to be reviewed by the League, it must be submitted, in writing, to the League within 48 hours of the conclusion of the game. A fifty-dollar ($50) fee must accompany all written protests.
  5. Should the umpires involved in a protest also be members of the League’s Board of Directors, those board members will abstain from voting on that protest.
  6. Should a protest be accepted, the League will return the fifty-dollar ($50) fee. 
  7. Video reply of games will not be used when determining protest decisions.
  8. A protest can be denied for the following reasons:
    1. The umpire’s decision involved judgment.
    2. The disputed rule application was correct.
    3. The disputed rule application was incorrect, but did not significantly affect the protesting team’s opportunity to win the game. The determination of whether the misapplication significantly affected the protesting team’s chance to win the game is at the sole discretion of the board of directors. (In this case, the $50 fee will still be returned.)

Section 11: Ejections

  1. Any player or coach who is ejected from the game (POST SEASON INCLUDED) is required to leave the playing field completely and is not permitted to view the game from the stands.
  2. Any player or coach who is ejected from the game will be required to serve a one-game suspension (POST SEASON INCLUDED) during his next scheduled game. Exceptions: (a.) Should a player be ejected during the first game of a doubleheader, the player will be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game if, and only if, his team will forfeit and his ejection was not a result of fighting, violence, or a threat of violence. If his ejection was a result of fighting, violence, or threat of violence, he will not be allowed to participate and his team may forfeit. (b.) Should a manager be ejected during the first game of a doubleheader, he will be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game if, and only if, he is the only coach in attendance and his ejection was not a result of fighting, violence, or a threat of violence. If his ejection was a result of fighting, violence, or threat of violence, he will not be allowed to participate and his team may forfeit.
  3. The League reserves the right to determine if a player, manager, or coach ejected from a game warrants a suspension longer than the mandated one game.
  4. Video can be used to determine further punishment due to the severity of the situation and those involved.
  5. Should the umpires involved in an ejection also be members of the League’s Board of Directors, those board members will abstain from voting on any matter related to that player, manager, or coach.

Section 12: 8u, 10u & 12u Specific Rules (some additional 8u division specific rules are below in section 13).

*All of the above rules apply to the 8u, 10u & 12u divisions, with the following exceptions and additions:

**No new inning can start after one hour and fifty minutes has passed since the start time announced by the umpire....APRIL: NO INNING BEGINS PAST 7:40pm unless field has working lights.

***8u, 10u &12u can use the OPTIONAL Universal Batting Order...both teams do NOT have to agree to use it.  Whatever number of batters they choose to bat MUST be the same number they end with.  A player who can NOT bat (hurt, leaves early, etc) is an automatic OUT if the defensive team notifies the umpire(s) before the next pitch is thrown to the following batter.

  1. In the 8u division, the bases will be 60 feet apart, and the pitcher’s plate will be 42 feet from home plate. 
  2. In the 10u division, the bases will be 65 feet apart, and the pitcher’s plate will be 46 feet from home plate. 
  3. In the 12u division, the bases will be 70 feet apart, and the pitcher’s plate will be 52 feet from home plate. 
  4. In the 8u division, a pitcher can only pitch three (3) innings per game or per day if a DH.
  5. In the 10u division, a pitcher can only pitch four (4) innings per game or per day if a DH.
  6. In the 12u division, a pitcher can only pitch five (5) innings per game or per day if a DH.
  7. Concerning rules 12.04 and 12.05, once a pitcher takes his place on the pitching rubber during an inning, he is considered to have pitched in that inning, regardless of how many pitches he throws or number of batters he faces. 
  8. Coaches can initial or sign each other’s scorebooks at the conclusion of each game, so there are no discrepancies regarding pitched innings.. 
  9. Should there be a discrepancy as to how many innings a pitcher has pitched, the game should be played under protest. The pitcher will be allowed to continue pitching, and the protest will be reviewed by the League.
  10. Unlimited defensive substitution is allowed, meaning any combination of players in attendance can play defense, regardless of whether or not they are in the batting lineup or were removed from the starting lineup. However, rules 8.01, 8.02, 12.04, and 12.05 still apply regarding pitchers.
  11. In the 10u division, balks will be called. However, each pitcher will receive one warning per game before a balk penalty is enforced. Should a player who has already received a warning commit a balk in the same game, the penalty for a balk will be enforced according to the Official Rules of Major League Baseball. IF A BALK (or balk warning) IS CALLED, THE PLAY IS DEAD AND NO ONE CAN ADVANCE BESIDES FROM THE BALK PENALTY.


Section 13: Additional 8u specific rules:

-5 run per inning mercy which will be waived in the playoff and championship rounds.

-3 hit batters in an inning (4 in a game): pitcher must be removed (cannot pitch any more in that game)

-NO infield fly rule.

-NO drop 3rd strike rule,

-NO leading or balks.

-Up to 10 players in the field (there MUST be 4 outfielders on the outfield grass)

-Must earn home: by a batted ball put in play, Walk, Hit by Pitch or Tag-Up. Cannot advance home on a SB attempt, error following SB attempt or a bunt.

-BUNTING is allowed, but no runner can advance past 3rd base due to a bunt or error following a play on a bunt.

-STEALING: is allowed when the ball reaches the catcher: Advancing on a wild pitch is considered a SB.

            -3 steals per inning (if a player gets thrown out attempting to steal, it does NOT count towards the 3 limit)

            -Simultaneous/double steals = 1 stolen base

      -Error on thrown/dropped ball on a SB attempt to 2nd base does NOT count as another SB if a player then advances to 3rd base.    

      -Can never advance home on a stolen base attempt or error on or following a stolen base attempt (see above).

      -NO delayed stealing.  CAN NOT steal when the catcher (or any player) is throwing the ball back to the pitcher.