Coaches Promise/About CBK

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To all Parents, Family, friends , players, supporters and Coaches this is a promise & mission statement dedicated to everyone that participates with CBK.  We Promise to always:


  • Give all children Honesty & Opportunity: honest feedback and a realistic opportunity to succeed using basketball as a tool.
  • Loyalty: To utilize our "In house Supporters & Players" before we would ever recruit or deny any player from any CBK program.  CBK, Skills & Drills or High School Training.
  • To Ensure that the Student comes before the Athlete. To excel in the classroom primary and on the court secondary.


Coaches Promise:

Coaches here at CBK have collectively created and agreed to these key points;

  • Discipline in the Classroom and on the basketball court, on offense and Defense.
  • Teach Fundamental and basic strategies of the game of basketball first and foremost.
  • Enforce the importance of Being "Family" or "1 Unit" basketball is a team sport there will never be 1 player above the team.
  • Communication: Knowing there is an appropriate way to talk to your family, knowing that it isn't what you said but how it was said to a teammate. Talking on defense on the court or on the bench as well, both sides are very important to a team/Family.
  • Enhance Basketball IQ: the Who, When, Why, Where and How to be successful with your Coaches, teammates and family members. 
  • Create and encourage a positive environment at all times towards family members and teammates on and off the court, in school, out to eat where ever we may end up together.  Consistently encouraging your teammates, like a Brotherhood should be.
  • Preparing all Family members for Mental battles as well as physical basketball battles. 


"Stop Watching, Get Involved"