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The 2014 Edison High School / JP Stevens High School Alumni Game


We raised $1,017 which will be donated to


Thanks to Karl Schmidt and Rock Ice Center for graciously donating the ice slot; Fana Horenbien for providing the jerseys at below cost; our referee Coach Russ Berner; our "coaches" Dan Naraine, Jake Hobor, Mike Tutalo, and Robert Distefano; and the ETIHPA board members for donating their time. 


I'd also like to thank all the players and fans who came out to make this event such a success. 




click here for the Alumni Hockey Facebook group... 


or here for the ETIHPA Facebook group...





The 2013 Edison High School / JP Stevens High School Alumni Game

is now in the history books

We raised $1,263 which will be donated to the American Cancer Society in memory of

Mr David Laub and Mrs Suzanne Wales.

Thanks to ETIHPA for donating the ice slot; as well as our referees Patrick Connelly, Dan Naraine, and Mike Small; our "coaches" Ryan Daly, Joe Kolesar, and Adam Sklar; our scorekeeper Christina Caruso; and announcer Jerry Sopp for donating their time. 

 This was the biggest Alumni Game yet, with 34 alumni on the ice (29 skaters plus 5 goalies) and a packed house. 

I'd also like to thank all the players and fans who came out to make this event such a success. 


(low resolution image. see photo album of facebook pages for HiRes)

 (see photo album link at left or facebook pages for hi-res photo)


click here for the Alumni Game Facebook group... 


or here for the ETIHPA Facebook group...