

Playing Rules



Revised July 2023


The Golden Blades Women’s Hockey League

is incorporated as a private non-profit Corporation by

Letters of Patent under the Laws of the Province of Ontario
Table of Contents

Constitution. 2

ARTICLE I:      NAME.. 2













By-Laws. 5


1.1        PRESIDENT. 5

1.2        SECRETARY.. 5

1.3        TREASURER.. 5






4.1       INITIAL SETUP. 7


4.3       FINES. 8

4.4       PLAY.. 8



5.1       PROTESTS. 9

5.2       APPEALS. 9

Playing Rules. 10

1.1       PICK-UP PLAYERS. 10

2.1       TEAM COLOURS. 10


3.2       GAMESHEETS. 11

3.3       EQUIPMENT. 12

3.4       SUSPENSIONS. 12


3.5       PLAYOFFS. 13




The Name of the League shall be the Golden Blades Women’s Hockey League heretofore known as the League.



The Purpose of the League is to promote and govern hockey for women who are interested in playing OWHA sanctioned Competitive hockey in the Greater Toronto area.



Membership in the League shall consist of all team members which have applied and been accepted by the League Executive. A membership, unless suspended, shall be valid for the duration of the hockey season, expiring on the date of the Annual General Meeting.


Associations, Leagues and Independent Teams who wish to register a team or teams in the League must agree to have their teams operate under the jurisdiction of the League, and to comply with the League Constitution and By-Laws.



The Membership Fee shall be estimated by the Executive and presented at the Annual General Meeting with the due date determined by the Executive.



  1. The Executive of the League shall consist of not less than the following elected officers:

·         President

·         Secretary

·         Treasurer

·         Scheduling Convenor

·         Co-ordinator of Officials (Refs & Timekeepers)


  1. All members of the Executive shall be elected for a one year term at the Annual General Meeting.


  1. The Executive, by majority, shall have the power to fill any vacancies which may occur in its number until the next AGM.


  1. The Executive shall have the power to form committees.


  1. The President may only vote when it is necessary to break a tie.


  1. Each member of the Executive has the right to vote on any matter at the Executive Meeting or at any General Meeting of the League.



  1. A General Meeting must be called by the President. Each voting member shall be notified of the meeting through mail (email or surface) or by telephone, at least 15 days prior to the date of the meeting.


  1. A quorum at the General Meeting shall consist of a minimum of 50% of the voting membership. In order to pass any motion, 51% of the voting membership present must approve it.


  1. Each Team shall be entitled to ONE VOTE.


  1. A Team may at any time assign their proxy vote to another team representative.


  1. An Executive Meeting shall be called by the President. Notice of the meeting shall be mailed or called to each Executive member at least 5 (five) days prior to the date of the meeting.


  1. A quorum at an Executive Meeting shall consist of a minimum of 50% of the Executive.


  1. Each Executive member shall have one vote on any issues addressed at an Executive meeting. The president may only vote when it is necessary to break a tie.



  1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on or before June 1st of each year. Teams will be given a minimum of 45 days notice.


  1. The Annual General Meeting must include a financial statement and an election of officers. 



  1. Each member will be able to nominate a candidate for any elected office on the Executive. Nominations must be received in writing, by the Secretary, no later than 30 days prior to the League AGM. These nominations will be distributed to the membership at least 15 days prior to the AGM.


  1. A member may be nominated for more than one office but may not hold more than one office in any given year. 
  2. Election of the Executive shall be by secret ballot.


The voting membership for General Meetings shall consist of one designate from each team.  That voting person must be designated in advance of the meeting. Each team must designate their voting person prior to commencement of all meetings and notify the secretary of such a designation. At the Annual General Meeting each team in attendance shall have a vote.



All hockey played under the jurisdiction of the League shall be governed by Hockey Canada Rules subject to certain amendments set by the OWHA and the League. The specific quoting of the Hockey Canada Rules in various subsections of this Constitution does not eliminate the other Hockey Canada Rules not otherwise included herein.



The Executive may, from time to time, set, repeal, or amend such By-Laws as it deems necessary for the conduct of the business of the League in a manner consistent with this constitution. Teams must be notified of any changes.


This constitution may only be amended at the Annual General Meeting by a 51% majority of the voting membership present provided that the notice of proposed amendments are given to the Secretary thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.







The Executive shall administer the League in keeping with the League’s purpose. The Executive shall be responsible for the operation of the League, assigning duties to its Executive members or League members as it may see fit. The Executive, by majority, shall have the power to remove and replace any Executive member that it deems is not performing his/her duties as required.



The President shall preside at all General Meetings of the League. The President shall be an ex-officio member of any Committee formed for any purpose. The position of the President shall be filled only by a person who has served on the Executive for one year or by a member in good standing with the League and supported by two other League members in good standing.



The Secretary shall record and preserve the minutes of all meetings of the Executive and all General Meetings of the League. The Secretary shall handle all correspondence on the League's behalf as instructed by the President or the Executive.



The accounting records, supporting invoices, deposit receipts, cancelled cheques returned by the bank, and the bank statements maintained by the Treasurer shall be available for review by any member of the Executive at each Executive Meeting. The Treasurer shall provide a financial statement and report on operating results of the League to each meeting of the Executive and any meeting of the representatives of the teams forming the League. In addition, an annual financial statement for the year ending April 30 shall be presented to each Annual General Meeting of the League held on or before June 1st of each year. The annual financial statement shall comprise a balance sheet and statement of the operating results for the current year ending April 30. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting and maintaining all ice contracts.



The Scheduling Convener is responsible for maintaining schedules for each division; establishing and maintaining an overall League schedule; and for notifying the Coordinator of Officials of all games on League ice. The schedule shall be completed for the entire season a minimum of one week prior to the start of the season.



The Co-ordinator of Officials shall work with the Scheduling Convener to ensure that all on and off ice officials are available to cover all scheduled games within the League. It is highly recommended that the Co-ordinator of Officials be an OWHA registered official. The schedule for the referees and timekeepers shall be completed and made available to the President at least two weeks in advance.



The Executive reserves the right to place teams in the most appropriate division/tier as they deem appropriate. The Executive will endeavor to place teams in divisions according to their OWHA designation.


  1. All League games are played at a centralized location within the Greater Toronto Area.


  1. Teams must complete a Team Application Form and be approved by the Executive.


  1. All teams, coaches, managers, trainers, players, and support staff must be registered with the League, and registered and insured with the OWHA before participating in any League function.


  1. Teams are to be registered with the League by the due date set by the Executive each season by forwarding the OWHA Registration Form to the OWHA and by submitting their registration fee as set by the Executive. Team deposits are non-refundable after July 31st. Any team that has not complied by the due date may be suspended from further League play until compliance is complete. Any games played by non-complying teams will result in a 5-0 forfeit.


  1. Changes in the personnel of the team must be submitted as soon as they occur by providing a copy of the OWHA Approved Roster to the President of the League.


  1. Failure to register a player or staff member with the League will result in the following fines: First occurrence is a $50.00 fine to the member club. Second occurrence is $100.00 fine to the member club and a one game suspension to the head coach of the offending team. Further infractions will result in further disciplinary action at the discretion of the League.




  1. All referees and timekeepers shall be paid prior to the commencement of each game. Referees and Timekeeper fees shall be paid as designated by the Executive.


  1. All game sheets shall be recorded in a legible manner by the timekeeper. 


  1. It is highly recommended that all referees be currently OWHA registered or crossed over officials.


  1. When no referees show for a scheduled League game the game shall be considered unplayed and must be rescheduled within seven (7) days by the League scheduler.





All teams are required to advise the Scheduling Convenor, in writing, of any tournaments or other commitments that might prevent them from participating in regular League ice times.



  1. If a team needs to re-schedule a game, the team requiring the change shall be responsible for any and all costs for both the original and rescheduled game. The following procedure shall be followed and must be completed within seven (7) days of contact. Extension may be granted with Executive approval.


1.      Contact the Scheduling Convenor to determine the dates and times of any available ice

2.      Contact the other team to see if any of these ice times are suitable

3.      Re-contact the Scheduling Convenor to provide agreed upon ice time.

4.      Scheduling Convenor will approve/disapprove change and update the website if required.


  1. The Executive reserves the right to issue a fine (to the maximum of $200), payable to the League, to any team who either fails to show for a scheduled League game without just cause; cancels a scheduled League game within 24 hours of its playing time without just cause; or refuses to reschedule a cancelled game.


  1. The Executive may, in its discretion and upon identifying special circumstances, waive any fines levied for game cancellation infractions.


  1. If a game must be cancelled because one or both teams cannot travel due to inclement weather (keeping in mind that it is not a traveling league, so both teams should be expected to make every effort to get to the games), the following policy is in effect:


    1. The decision to cancel the game must be made public a minimum of 3 hours prior to game time.
    2. The Scheduling Convenor and the Co-ordinator of Officials are to be notified by the home team that the game has been cancelled because of weather.
    3. At the time of cancellation, teams must agree to either reschedule the game, or declare a 0-0 tie, with no points awarded.
    4. A reschedule date for these cancelled games must be provided within seven (7) days of game cancellation. Extension may be granted with Executive approval.
    5. Costs of the officials for the cancelled game to be shared evenly by both teams. These costs may be waived if the game is cancelled by 9 PM the night before or six hours prior to the start time of the game.
    6. Costs of the rescheduled game to be shared by both teams, if required.
    7. In the event that both teams do not agree to cancel, a ruling will be made by an Executive member who is not a member of the participating teams.
    8. Games rescheduled because of bad weather conditions are not included in the two allowed cancellations defined in rule d).


  1. All League games must be completed by the Sunday prior to the Playoffs.


4.3       FINES

  1. Teams receiving fines in accordance with any of the forgoing provisions shall be notified by the League that an infraction has occurred a fine is being levied and the amount of the fine; the fine shall be paid within fourteen (14) days of notification. Should a team fail to pay a fine as provided above, then the Executive may advise the defaulting team that, as a result of its failure to abide by the rules, it is deemed to have withdrawn from the League, and from all League games scheduled by it, and that the team is no longer a League member, with the result that:
    1. all points awarded to the defaulting team will be taken away, and
    2. all points awarded to other teams in games played against the defaulting team shall be taken away, and
    3. the defaulting team shall not be eligible for playoffs, and
    4. all reference to the defaulting team shall be deleted from the League's web-site.


  1. Teams with unpaid fines will not be eligible to play next season.


4.4       PLAY

  1. All League games including Play-off and Championship games shall consist of three periods (12/12/10) stop time, unless designated otherwise.


  1. In regular season games only, the clock shall revert to running time should there be a 5 or more goal deficit within the last 5 minutes of the game. For no reason does the clock revert back to stop time.  


  1. As soon as the zamboni doors close, 15 minutes will be put on the clock and the clock will start to run down. Game starts at the 12 minute mark.


  1. If a team is unable to field enough players to play the game at the 12 minute mark, but has players in the dressing room, then the team will be allotted two minutes running time to field enough players. A delay of game penalty will be assessed at the start of the game. If a team is unable to field enough players to play the game at the 12 minute mark, or the players are not ready at the end of the two minute allotted time, then the game may be deemed a forfeit.



  1. For League games played at the League arena, the timekeeper(s) will collect the original game sheets for statistic purposes. Managers can request a photo of the game sheet from the time keeper at the end of the game (no more carbon copies). All discipline issues are to be forwarded to the OWHA by the manager of the team with the offence. You must obtain a copy/photo of the game sheet from the timekeeper for this purpose.


  1. For League games that are not played at the League arena, it is the responsibility of the HOME team to provide a photo or hard copy of the game sheet to the visiting team and to ensure that the League receives the game sheet within seventy two (72) hours. Failure to provide the game sheet on time will result in the loss of an additional two points.


  1. If there is a disciplinary issue resulting from a tournament game, the game sheet must be faxed to the OWHA.  It is the responsibility of the team with the disciplinary issue to ensure that the League also receives a copy of the game sheet.
  2. RAMP GAME SHEET APP: HOME teams must provide the timekeeper with the GAMESHEET code written on the game sheet so that timekeepers games can enter game results live into the mobile APP during game play. Both teams must update their roster attendance into the mobile APP prior to the start of each game. Failure to do so will result in team fines.



5.1       PROTESTS

  1. To protest, a team must submit written documentation stating the reasons for the protest and facts supporting the protest through the General Manager. The protest shall be filed with the League and be accompanied by a cheque or money order in the amount of $250.00.


  1. Within seven (7) days of the protest being filed, the League shall set a date for the hearing of the protest. The hearing date will be no more than fifteen (15) days after the filing date.


  1. A game protest MUST be filed within seventy-two (72) hours of the infraction(s). The procedure in 5.1 a) must be followed before the League will take any action.


  1. The fee may be returned if the protest is upheld.


5.2       APPEALS

  1. To Appeal, a team must submit written documentation stating the reason or reasons for the appeal and facts supporting the appeal through the coach/team rep. The appeal shall be filed with the League within seventy-two (72) hours and must be accompanied with a cheque, money order or etransfer in the amount of $250.00.


  1. Within seven (7) days of the appeal being filed, the League shall set a date for hearing the appeal. The hearing date will be no more than fifteen (15) days after the filing date.


  1. The fee may be returned if the appeal is upheld.


Playing Rules


a.       Golden Blades league teams are permitted to use a maximum of  (3) pick-up players per game - including goalies. League teams may pick-up any player of a lower category to a maximum of five (5) games for each player team per season. Pick-up players are to come from a lower OWHA category than that of the team picking up the player (C can play for B, B can play for BB, BB can play for A). Goalies can play across category (A can play for A). The league understands that emergencies do occur and sometimes teams will experience instances where they require a last minute pick-up on game day (weather, sickness etc) OR they have exhausted all avenues to pick-up a player from a lower category. In these unique instances, teams are able to pick-up a player of the same OWHA category or GB Tier ONLY when last minute at the rink situations arise where teams find themselves with a short bench (less than 10 skaters + goalie). If this occurs, teams may then pick-up players from the same or higher OWHA category WITHIN their GB Tier from teams that are playing prior to or following their game, in order to bring their roster up to 10 skaters + goalie (with no more than 3 call ups per game). The goal of this rule is to allow flexibility with real life situations so that both teams are able to play the game with a reasonable amount of players. The GB Executive will monitor pick-ups and reserves the right on a case by case basis to reject a request if they think this leniency is being abused and is disruptive to the competitive equilibrium in any given Tier.

  1. Where a player is registered with a League team, the player shall not be permitted to participate with another team, except on a valid Pick-Up Consent using the RAMP portal.


  1. Pick-Ups are not eligible to participate in Play-off and/or Championship games. An exception may be for goalies. If a team's registered goalie(s) are injured or legitimately unavailable, that team may pick-up a goalie for League, League Play-Off, and/or Championship games. The pick-up goalie must come from the same OWHA category or lower. The League must be notified immediately and proper documentation must be submitted to the Statistician within 72 hours as to why the registered goalie(s) was absent. Failure to submit proper documentation may result in forfeiture of points from game(s) in question. Any Pick-up goalie is limited to a maximum of six (6) games per season, including regular season and playoff games, with that League team.


  1. Every Pick-Up player or goalie must be designated on the game sheet with the symbol “PU” or "CU" beside her name. When a Pick-Up goalie is designated, only one other regular goalie may appear on the game sheet. Pick-up goalies are considered to have played the game regardless of any actual ice time. The Executive may authorize lateral movement of a goalie in an emergency situation.

2.1       TEAM COLOURS

  1. Team colours must be documented on the League's Registration Form. All teams must have light Home jerseys as well as dark Away jerseys.


  1. The Home team shall wear their light jerseys and the visitors shall wear their dark jerseys.


  1. The referee may declare a game forfeiture to the team which fails to provide the proper sweater colour.


  1. Goalies must not wear the same colour sweater as the opposition team.


  1. All teams must endeavor to wear matching colour socks which should match the colour of the sweater being worn.



Hockey Canada Rule 9.2 "Team officials shall be responsible for their conduct and that of their players at all times. They must endeavor to prevent disorderly conduct before, during or after the game, on or off the ice and any place in the rink. The referee may assess penalties to any of the above team officials for failure to do so and shall report full details of the incident to the President."


  1. All hockey played under the jurisdiction of the League shall be governed by the Hockey Canada rules subject to certain amendments set by the OWHA and the League.


  1. Each coach, manager, trainer, player and support staff person must register with the League and must be properly registered and insured with the OWHA before participating in any League function.


  1. Each team shall be entitled to a maximum of 20 players in uniform, which includes two goalies for any game or pre-game warm-up.


  1. A playing coach or playing manager shall not be entitled to the privileges of a Captain or Alternate Captain.


3.2       GAMESHEETS

The Game Sheet is a LEGAL DOCUMENT for insurance purposes. Any falsification of data makes it invalid should the need arise to claim an insurance benefit. It is important that the game sheets be completed correctly and accurately and forwarded to the proper person as quickly as possible.


a.       It is the responsibility of the home team to provide a game sheet. The home team should have the game sheet completed and give it to their opponents at least fifteen minutes prior to the first scheduled game time or prior to the commencement of the third period of the preceding game. All information including the two team names and OWHA team numbers, the arena, the division, and the scheduled time and date must be recorded.


b.      It is mandatory for teams to have preprinted game sheet label affixed to the game sheet. Teams will be allowed one warning; after this time, a $25 fine will be issued. Each additional offense will result in a $50 fine for each offense, with possible disqualification from playoffs. Fines must be paid within 14 days.


c.       Full players’ names must be listed in sweater numerical order. Any number changes must be identified on the game sheet. If a player is not at a game, the player MUST BE CROSSED OFF the game sheet.


d.      All suspensions must be indicated by writing SUSPENSION and the suspension game number beside the suspended person’s name on the game sheet. (ie SUSPENSION 2 OF 4)


e.       Pick-up players must have "CU" or “PU” beside their name.


f.       All bench staff as well as players MUST be clearly identified on the game sheet. All players’ names must be on the game sheet at the start of the game (cross out any player not in attendance). If a player arrives after the start of the game and her name is NOT on the game sheet, the player is ineligible and CANNOT play. A player must be on the bench, and the name properly identified on the game sheet prior to the start of the third period.


g.      If applicable, it is the responsibility of the Coach/Manager to name the captains and alternates on the game sheet. A minor bench penalty can be called if this is not done prior to the start of the game. If there is no “C” or “A” on the game sheet, there is officially no “C” or “A” on the ice irrespective of any letters on sweaters. 

3.3       EQUIPMENT

  1. All players including goalies are required to wear a BNQ certified throat protector. Goalies are also encouraged to wear a manufactured neck protector.


  1. Pants with zippers on the inseam are designed to be worn with zippers properly closed. Referees will send any player with their zippers undone off the ice and the player will not be able to return until they are zipped properly.  Players with ripped pants will also be sent off the ice and will not be able to return until corrected.  Shells can be used to resolve this issue; however using tape to cover tears or close zippers is NOT acceptable.  Players must come to the rink with proper equipment and warnings will not be issued given it is in fact a safety issue. 


  1. All players must wear proper equipment as per Hockey Canada and OWHA rules.



All Golden Blades League members must follow the OWHA Minimum Suspension guidelines as circulated prior to the commencement of each hockey season.


  1. The serving of all suspensions shall comply with the requirements as set out by the OWHA.


  1. Where a suspension is received outside the jurisdiction of the League, it is the responsibility of the team to advise the League of such suspension within 72 hours of the infraction. Failure to notify the League of such matters could result in the coach/team facing further disciplinary action.


  1. Suspension(s) shall be carried out during the present season and if necessary into the next season.


  1. Should an additional suspension be issued at the end of the season, or where a team does not have any more games to play, that suspension shall be served at the beginning of the following year.


  1. The suspended person’s name must be entered on the Official Game Report with “SUSPENDED” marked beside their name and what suspension game number it is (e.g. 2 of 4). Where a person violates any provision of this section, additional suspensions may be imposed by the Executive Committee.


  1. A Discipline Board shall be struck by the President consisting of not less than three (3) Executive members for the purpose of hearing any particular matter concerning a Suspension, Appeal or Protest.
  2. Where a matter with respect to a suspension may directly relate to an Executive member, such member shall not vote on the matter.


  1. The Executive Committee may suspend any League member where such conduct in and/or around an arena or other place, or by such action, may bring discredit to the League and/or women’s hockey.



The League may issue additional suspensions beyond the minimum OWHA guideline. These suspensions are to be served only at League events. In this case, the Suspended players name shall be crossed, or left off, of the game sheet.


  1. Any member incurring a first time suspension for any infraction shall serve the minimum OWHA suspension. However, as stated above the League reserves the right to impose additional suspensions should the severity of the offence warrant it.


  1. Any member incurring a second suspension for any infraction may incur an additional one (1) game suspension over and above the OWHA suspension.


  1. Any member incurring a third suspension for any infraction may incur an additional two (2) game suspension over and above the OWHA suspension.


  1. Any member incurring a fourth suspension of any infraction shall be suspended until further notice and will be requested to attend a Discipline Committee Hearing.


3.5       PLAYOFFS

All teams registered in the League cannot make other commitments on the weekend or dates of the League Play-Offs and Championships.


  1. Players registered after January 1st will not be eligible to participate in League Playoff and/or Championship games.


  1. No player is eligible to participate in League Playoffs and/or Championship games unless the player has played a minimum of five (5) League games with that team, unless otherwise approved by the Executive.


  1. To determine the League standings, positions that are tied at the end of the regular season play will use the OWHA tie breaker rules described under Playing Rules and Regulations for Provincial Championships in the current OWHA Constitution.


  1. Format and eligibility shall be determined by December 31st and shall be based on the League enrollment and ice availability.


  1. Playoff Game Rules


1)      One thirty (30) second time out per team per game is allowed.


2)      There will be a clocked two (2) minute warm-up before the game starts.


3)      All awards will be handed out in the dressing rooms after the games.


4)      If any game is tied after regulation time, the following rules will apply; subject to ice time availability:


a.       The first overtime period will be sudden victory, 5 minutes in duration and played 4-on-4.

b.      The second overtime will be a shoot-out with 3 shooters per team. Pairs of opposing players will shoot simultaneously. Shooters will be specified after the first overtime, if required. When all three pairs have played, the scores will be tallied and the winning team will be the team with more goals.

c.       If the game is still tied, the third overtime will be a sudden victory shoot-out. Two players, one from each team, will start simultaneously and try to score on the opposing goaltender as follows:

                                                                          i.      If one player scores and the other player does not, the game shall be won by the team whose player scored.

                                                                        ii.      If neither or both players score, another different pair of players will shoot-out. Teams will cycle through their roster. This will continue until one team scores and the other does not.

                                                                      iii.      When one team has gone through their roster, the other team may also reuse shooters.


5)      If a player has a penalty that has not expired at the end of overtime, that player will not be allowed to participate in the shoot-out.