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By Laws


The Purpose of the Hammondsville Pony League is to provide a means for girls and boys to learn sportsmanship, teamwork and responsibility while playing the sports of softball and baseball.


ARTICLE 1 League Officers

The Officers of the Hammondsville Pony League shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer / Financial Secretary and Recording Secretary. Who will serve a two year term, and form the Executive Committee.



               1. President: The President shall conduct all meetings of the league and follow                                Roberts Rules of Order.

a.       Oversees all league activities.

b.      Appoints chairperson of all committees.

c.       Attends all Edison Central League meetings.

1.      Follows and enforces Edison Central League By-Laws.

2.      Interprets discrepancies between the Hammondsville Pony League By-Laws and Edison Central League By-Laws.

d.      Schedules field practice time and league meetings.

e.       Sees that all team Managers have adequate uniforms and equipment for their players.

f.       Cosign all disbursements of the League with the Treasurer.

g.      Chairs the Executive Board and the Board of Directors.

h.      Appoints all vacant offices until next regular election.

i.        Authorizes all expenditures of the league.


       2. Vice President: Succeeds the Presidents duties if office becomes vacant.

a.       In the absence of the President presides over the league meeting.

b.      Assists President in his or her duties.


       3. Treasurer / Financial Secretary:

a.       Keep accurate records of all League finances.

b.      Co-sing outgoing disbursements.

c.       Provides financial reports at all League meetings and upon request from the President.





d.      Pays all expenditures approved by the Executive Committee.

e.       Approves all expenditures of the Concession Committee.

f.       Keeps accurate record of all active players in the league. Including birth certificates address and phone numbers.


       4. Recording Secretary:

a.       Record written minutes at all League meetings.

b.      Read previous minutes of League meeting.

c.       Responsible for all correspondences, including but not limited to League meetings, sign-up information, and notification.

d.      Assists Treasurer in keeping accurate records of league players.


ARTICLE 2 Elections of Officers


                   SECTION 1 TERMS OF OFFICE

1.       All Officers shall serve a two year term or office. The President and Recording Secretary will be elected in even numbered years. The Vice President and Treasurer will be elected in odd numbered years.

2.       Nominations for Officers of the League shall be held at a special meeting following the season.

3.       All active members of the Hammondsville Pony League are entitled to vote.

a.       Active member is a parent or legal guardian who has a child playing in the Hammondsville Pony League or involved with the League in some way that should give them the right to vote.

4.       All active members of the Hammondsville Pony League are qualified to run for any office in the league.


ARTICLE 3 Committees



1.       This committee is designed to generate funds for the League to better the enjoyment for the kids.

2.       This is also a committee that may help with the sponsorships for the League if requested by the Recording Secretary.

3.       It is also responsible for getting help and organizing the work days for the Hit-a-thon and Championship Day.


1.       This committee is designed to establish general rules for all members of the League including but not limited to Officers.

2.       Designed to adjust these By-Laws to correspond with the Edison Central League By-Laws.


1.       Designed to establish appropriate awards for the Players and Coaches, and to generate a yearly picnic for all the Players, Coaches and Members of the League.





2.       Responsible for the awards given to the team sponsors at the end of the season.


1.      This committee is designed to operate the functions of the concession stand as well as organize the members for duty to work the concession stand on a fair basis.

2.      Responsible for stocking the concession stand and providing enough supplies to fulfill its purpose to generate funds for the League.


1.       This committee is designed to organize every day up keep of the complex grounds and equipment of the league.

2.       Its sole purpose is to keep the complex in a fashionable and respectable manner. To assure the safety of all spectators, players, coaches and members of the league.


ARTICLE 4 Board of Directors


SECTION 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected Officers of        the League and the appointed Managers of each team in the League.

1.        The sole purpose is to handle matters directly effecting the development,                          growth and welfare of the League.


ARTICLE 5 Executive Board


                    SECTION 1 The Executive Board shall consist of the elected Officers of the                    Hammondsville Pony League.

1.      The sole purpose is to handle all investigations of conduct, grievances, by-law abuse and shall take appropriate corrective action.

2.      All dicins by the Executive Board shall be final.


ARTICLE 6 Meetings


      SECTION 1 Meetings of the Hammondsville Pony League shall be held at                       least once in each month of January, February, March and April.

1.      A special meeting of the League shall be held once after the end of the season for the purpose to hold its annual awards picnic. And to conduct nominations and elections of Officers for the next year.




SECTION 1 The purpose of these by-laws is to keep everyone in uniform on    the rules and expectations of each individual involved in the Hammondsville Pony League with regards to all the children who participate.

1.      They are also designed to cooperate with the Edison Central League By-Laws and are not intended to be in conflict with them.





2.      The Hammondsville Pony League By-Laws shall be the official governing documents of the Hammondsville Pony League with regards not to supersede the Edison Central League By-Laws.

3.      By-Laws may be changed in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order and in way can they be adjusted or amended after the month of March of the current year.


ARTICLE 8 Grievances


SECTION 1 Grievances are to correct problems that arise during the seasonwith misunderstandings of the rules and or By-Laws of the Hammondsville Pony League.

              SECTION 2 Reprimands

1.      Reprimands shall be issued only by the Executive Board and they shall be issued in this order.

a.       1st offense    written verbal warning signed by the President and Offender.

b.      2nd offense written warning with two game suspensions.

c.       3rd offense dismissal from League for one year.

d.      4th offense dismissal from Hammondsville Pony League indefinitely.


ARTICLE 9 Coaching


             SECTION 1 Qualifications

1.      All Managers are appointed by the league President for each year and all appointees must be eighteen years of age or older.

2.      All 1st assistants must be at least eighteen years of age.

3.      All other coaches and or score keepers must be at least seventeen years of age.

4.      All teams shall have no more than five coaches on its staff.

5.      Each team shall have 1 manager, 1 1st assistant, 1 official score keeper and 2 additional coaches as the manager decides.

SECTION 2 Coaching requirements and responsibilities.

1.      Must adhere to the Hammondsville Pony League and Edison Central League  By-Laws.

2.      Each Manager and 1st Assistant is required to attend all Hammondsville Pony League and Edison Central League monthly meetings.

3.      Each Manager must have a responsible replacement for him or herself when not able to attend either meeting.

4.      Each Manager is responsible for having adequate coaching at all team practices and games.

5.      Each Manager is responsible for having adequate practice time for his or her team.

6.      Each Manager is responsible for his or her team involvement in league activities and fund raisers.







7.      Each Manager is responsible for the welfare of each child while in his or her command and until a legal guardian has picked the child up from the location at which you are at.

8.      Each Manager is responsible for the proper condition and proper lining of the field when playing on home field before each game played.

9.      No Manager or 1st Assistant shall harass, badger, or use profanity towards any Umpire, Player, and Spectator or physically touch any of the same for any reason other than for coaching purposes only.

10.  All Managers are responsible for the conduct of any Coach, Player or Spectator supporting the team they represent.

11.  There shall be no tobacco, alcohol, drugs or contraband anywhere near the children while engaged in practice and or games. All Managers shall be upright law abiding citizens.

12.  Sportsmanship shall be shown at all times before and after games.

13.  Managers are responsible for all his or her teams’ equipment.


ARTICLE 10 Drafting for Teams


SECTION 1 Existing teams shall keep existing players from the previous year when no more teams are needed.

1.      Additional players shall be drawn from a hat to add these teams.

2.      If an unequal amount of players exists, then the remainder shall be drawn from a hat altering turns until exhausted.

3.      If an additional team is needed, existing teams will pick five players and the

New team will pick five players and the remainder shall be drawn by the hat alternating until exhausted. Children of the coaching staff shall be considered part of the first five picks of the team.

4.      All brothers and sisters in the same age grouping may play on the same team.

5.      Consideration may be given for any circumstance when approved by the Executive Board.

6.      Only team managers shall pick for the team they represent. If team Manager is absent, the 1st Assistant shall draw the players.

SECTION 2 Drafting up within the Edison Central League.

1.      All up drafting shall be followed by the Edison Central League By-Laws only.

SECTION 3 Team names and colors.

1.      All Teams shall keep current name for age groupings. Any additional team names should be determined by the new team. With final approval by the League President except were stated in Appendix A (team names). Only if all teams are filled in Appendix A.  Any age grouping that has not a sufficient number of players to fill previous teams shall keep the oldest team name in that age grouping. See ( Appendix A )

2.      All colors are determined by team Managers with final approval by League President.









ARTICLE 11 Player Conduct


            SECTION 1 Rules for all players of the Hammondsville Pony League

1.      There shall be no profanity.

2.      There shall be no tobacco, alcohol, drug or contraband what so ever.

3.      Sportsmanship shall be shown at all times for the Coaches, Umpires, Spectators and parents while on the complex premises.

SECTION 2 Player discipline.  Fill out Appendix B for records

1.      1st offense verbal written warning signed by Manager and Offender.

2.      2nd offense benched for one game attended.

3.      3rd offense benched for one game attended and conference with parents and or legal guardian.

4.      4th offense dismissal from team for the year.


ARTICLE 12 Special Rules


SECTION 1 All special rules shall be governed by the Official Pony League Rule Book.




























HPL BY-LAWS                    REV. # 1                    DATE REV.  FEB. 8 2014







  1. Is the oldest team name



Tee Ball

1.      Red Sox

2.      Thunder


Minor Boys Baseball

1.      Aeros


Major Boys Baseball

1.      Tribe


10 Under Girls Softball

1.      Lady Bugs

2.      Blue Angels


14 Under Girls Softball

1.      Indians

2.      Buckeyes


18 Under Girls Softball


1.      Braves