Coach Resources

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Scarborough National Malvern Soccer Club is a member of the Scarborough Soccer Association (SSA), and the Ontario Soccer Association and is in full compliance with all the association initiatives.

Malvern Soccer Club is a part of the SSA’s LTPD and Grassroots Development.


Long Term Player Development (LTPD) is about putting the player first and offering age-appropriate opportunities for kids to enjoy the game of soccer. Making the game fun is key in teaching and coaching so that players will continue in the game and may even coach or referee as they get older.

• Increased Retention – More children enjoying themselves, and developing skills by playing soccer for life.

• Best Practice – The changes we are making to soccer in Ontario and Canada are consistent with best practices around the world in soccer-playing nations.

• Healthy active children – Benefits are wider reaching than just soccer, it involves Canada having a healthier nation and Ontario families having more active children.

We are fighting an increase in child obesity and the risk of an inactive nation. The changes we are introducing will lead to children being more active during soccer practices and games, enjoying soccer and progressing on a pathway to an active, healthy lifestyle with the right environmental support.

Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) is leading this change and all provinces and territories are making the transition to implementing Long-term Player Development (LTPD).

The OSA (Ontario Soccer Association) Grassroots Player Development Model is recommended for training grassroots players from the ages of U6-U12. The model allows for players to train in larger groups which help build a child's social network. 

When using the Player Development Model, players will travel in a group throughout the session from and activity to a game back to an activity.

Using the station approach we are able to cater the session to the individual needs of the player, which keeps the children engaged and motivated. With this method players will work at a station for a predetermined amount of time, travel to the next station while having a drink and be ready for the next station to start.

When dealing with large groups of players, multiple stations will be running at the same time. When this is the case all stations will start together and all stations will break together, creating a FUN and enjoyable environment for both players and coaches.

Stations can be created for any kind of activity ranging from physical literacy, individual ball work, passing and receiving all the way through to shooting or goalkeeping. For the game stations, coaches can get creative and have a regular 3 v 3 game, 4 goal soccer, end zone games or possession based games, basically any kind of game which places players against an opponent with a target as the goal.

Respect in Soccer

It is now mandatory for all competitive coaches to become certified in the Respect In Soccer Program.

Certification can be done online through the OSA by clicking Respect

Concussion Awareness

Concussions can occur while participating in any sport or recreational activity. Since the circumstances under which a concussion can be sustained are so varied, it’s important for all coaches, parents, and athletes to be aware of the signs, symptoms, and what to do if a concussion occurs.

It is now mandatory that all competitive coaches become certified with the Making Head Way course through the NCCP. (

Certification can be done online by clicking Concussion

Make Ethical Decisions

By successfully completing the Make Ethical Decisions (MED) training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. MED training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sports.

MED training is a cornerstone of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) and leaves coaches with no doubt as to what to do when the going gets tough.

MED certification is done through our SSA District office and get the online info by clicking MED

Ontario Soccer Association pathway to Certification Coaching Courses

The OSA offers more than 200 courses and coach education opportunities each year. Use the resources on these pages to determine which course is right for you and get information on how to register.

Please note that all participants are required to be the age of 16 on or before the course they attend as per the rules of NCCP.

The link to the OSA's online page is here

House League Coaching and the US F License.

Malvern Soccer has found the F License to be of great compliment to our House League Coaches.

It is on online course that compliments the volunteer parent lifestyle and, it is resourceful.

The cost is US$25 and registration is done by clicking here