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The Newfields Youth Athletic Association was formed almost 60 years ago in 1958 as a volunteer, non-profit organization to provide all-inclusive recreational athletics to the youth of Newfields. In 1960, Alfred Conner, Jr. and Carolyn Conner gifted the land adjacent to Newfields Elementary School, which includes the playground, baseball, softball and soccer fields, to the NYAA. Their vision was that the land would always be used for youth recreation and athletics inclusive of all children in the Newfields community. Since then, NYAA has been privileged to act as the stewards of these resources and we’ve strived to uphold the Conner’s vision. Accordingly, in concert with school and community, the NYAA has sponsored four youth sports programs: soccer, basketball, baseball and most recently girls’ field hockey. These programs are open to all age-appropriate children in Newfields.
The NYAA is proud to be a part of the Newfields community. We work collaboratively with NES and enjoy a longstanding, cooperative and respectful relationship that continues today. Exemplary of this relationship, the NYAA owns the playground and playing fields, and NES maintains the playground and playground equipment. These responsibilities are part of the original terms of a Lease Agreement between the NYAA and NES signed in 1998.
Recently, under this collaboration, the NYAA and the School Board drafted a formal partnership agreement to ensure this relationship continues regardless of any changes in NYAA Board Members, NES Board Members or Administration for generations to come. While the Lease Agreement is up for renewal in 2018, it is not under negotiation. It will be renewed and will continue to include the playground, and additionally the playing fields, for our children.
The mission of the NYAA remains the same as it has for the past 60 years: We are an organization that allows all children to participate. We are committed to providing a safe, instructive and enjoyable experience through team sports while promoting the importance of sportsmanship and fair play. We are committed to promoting an atmosphere that stresses active participation, positive modeling of team concepts and increasing the participants’ self-esteem.
The NYAA would like to thank the community for its widespread support for the past 60 years. We would like to thank our coaches who dedicate their time and expertise for the benefit of our children, our volunteers who work tirelessly to keep the NYAA’s vision a reality, and the parents of Newfields for entrusting your children to our program. We look forward to continuing our relationship with members of the Newfields community, NES and all of the other independent volunteer organizations that work to help make our community a great and special place to live.
Please feel free to contact any board member with questions or concerns