Registration Fee and Info
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A minimum of 50% deposit is due at time of registration, and the balance must be paid exactly 2 weeks after.
Please note: Once fees are paid, there is no refund!
All Players $300.00
PLUS 1 mandatory Fundraiser or buyout $50.00
There is "NO REFUND" once you set foot on the field on the first day of practice!!!
Meaning: If you come to practice the first day and find after a week you no
longer want to play you "WILL NOT" receive your money back, because at
that point the player is already on the roster.
Beginning Wednesday, July 10th,2018 (After the Holiday) official practices will be three days a week:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday From 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
The first day of practice arrive at 5:30p.m. SHARP! to make sure all paper work is in and to get stamped to be on the field. PRACTICES begin at 6:00p.m. SHARP! All players should be prepared for the first week of practice as follows:
*Attire-Wear white Tee-shirt with last name printed on back in permanent ink.
*Bring a water bottle. We will not let kids share water!
*This is a good time to break in your cleats- if you have purchased them already-if not, wear good running shoes
*Parents will not be allowed in the field practice area during practice
*During the first week, All players will undergo 10 hours of physical
conditioning in shorts and T-shirts. Contact practice will start once the player has completed the 10 hours of conditioning also known as grass time.
Game Time
Regular Season games will be played every Saturday, both home and away. Game times are from the first game at 8:00am until the last game at 4:00 pm. All Football Players are required to be at all games 1.5-2 hours before each game starts.
CAUTION: If you are taking another player other than your own child to an away/home game, make sure that they come and go with you. An emergency contact card MUST BE completed in case of an emergency. The league will need a copy of the card and be notified of such arrangements.