League Rules
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League Rules 2019
1. Scorebooks – Scorebooks will NOT be provided by RHD this year. It is the responsibilty of the team to have one available and may be collected and/or challenged at any time. All names will be entered into the scorebook with first name and last name NO exceptions and NO nicknames. Umpires will not sign off on a scorebook that is not filled out properly and that game will not count.
2. Games are scheduled to begin at 6pm. Teams will have a 15 minute grace period and then the game must start. At 6:16, if ALL players on roster are NOT ready to play the scorebook will be signed by the umpire and the team will forfeit AND be required to pay the umpire fee. If this fee is not paid by the team's next scheduled game, they will continue to forfeit and accrue umpire fees, until paid.
3. Teams must start with 10 players in the batting order. If teams do not have 10 players at the start of play, they may add players to the bottom of the batting order up until all players in the line-up have batted once. Teams will not be charged an out for missing players until after they have gone through the line-up once. After, teams will be charged one out for a missing player when the 10th person is due up to bat.
4. Teams with lots of players may elect to have 2 Extra Hitters, who can bat at any spot in the line up. All field players have to bat, but it is a way to have other people involved in the game. This is not mandatory, but in order to use extra hitters, all players must be present at the beginning of the game. You cannot add this person after the game has started. These EH's can sub in to the defensive field. Be advised if you start with 11-12 players you must end with the same amount.
5. Seven innings will constitute an official game, unless darkness or rain prevails. 5 full innings will be considered an official game. Only playoff games will be resumed from the point from which it was stopped, if it is postponed for any reason.
6. Re-entry rule – If a player listed on the roster leaves the game for any reason, they may re-enter the game, but they must go back into the same position in the batting order as they were before.
7. Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in possible ejection from the game at the umpire’s discretion. If a player is ejected from a game he/she will also have a 1 game suspension (next scheduled game)
8. No bunting or stealing.
9. A hit batter is not awarded first base. However, if a person has mental and/or physical disabilities, they can be awarded first base if they are hit with a pitched ball, provided both coaches agree prior to the start of the game.
10. The batter may not become a runner on a dropped third strike.
11. A player may not leave the base until the ball is hit, if caught doing so by the umpire, they player will be called out.
12. On a fly-out, the base runner or runners must re-tag the last held base before attempting to advance.
13. If an out-of-turn batter takes an official swing, he/she will immediately be declared out.
14. If a foul ball is caught for an out, a runner may tag up and advance.
15. A courtesy runner may be used if a a particular batter is up (may only be used 1 time per inning unless due to an injury), provided both coaches agree prior to the start of the game. The courtesy runner must always be the batter who made the last batted out (i.e. it might not always be the same runner). Violation of the courtesy runner rule results in the runner being declared out. A team cannot use a courtesy runner for a female, unless it is another female. Injured players that continue to play may utilize a courtesy runner each time they are up to bat.
16. A person with mental and/or physical disabilities may be allowed to have five (5) strikes, provided both coaches agree prior to the start of the game.
17. All official league games must be played on the scheduled field or, if agreeable to both teams and the umpire, on another official diamond. No games are to be played on unofficial fields or spaces.
18. A runner is out when a batted ball hits the runner in play. If the ball is thrown and hits the runner, then the runner is not out.
19. On a force out, the fielder may touch the base. If the out is not a force out then the fielder must tag the batter.
20. Rainout decisions are left up to the umpire.
21. Each team must have at least one female player on the field at all times.
22. Schedule changes may occur IF ALL teams involved in that switch are in agreement AND are notified 2 weeks in advance. If you notify Carl and Tori prior to week 2 about schedule changes you may be more likely to be granted one.
1. There shall be forty (40) feet from the front of the pitcher’s rubber to the back of the home plate.
2. The pitcher must hesitate and visibly present the ball before starting his/her pitching motion. She/he must start with both feet touching the rubber and she/he may not step backwards.
3. We are playing slow-pitch softball. The pitcher must release the ball in an underhanded position. His/her arm must be in line with his/her body. No slingshot, windmill, snap or whip motion is permitted. The ball must not be outside the pitcher’s wrist after the pitch passes the hip on the backswing or at any time on the forward swing. The arc of a pitch can be from 6 feet to 18 feet.
4. The pitcher’s back foot must be in contact with the rubber upon the release of the ball.
5. After three (3) warnings by the umpire for pitching infractions, the pitcher must be removed from the mound.
1. A team must call either Carl or Tori by 12pm on the day of their scheduled game in order to cancel that game. If a team cancels after 12pm, they are responsible for paying the $42 umpire fee. Regardless, canceling a game will result in a forfeit.
2. If a game is cancelled due to rain, the decision will be made at the field unless teams hear from Carl or Tori via text and email. If you do not hear from us, please be prepared to play your game.
3. Cancelled games due to weather can be rescheduled based on field availability, commissioner’s discretion, and if BOTH teams are in agreement.
4. A team is allowed up to three (3) forfeits during the season. If they exceed this amount, that team will be ineligible for the playoffs. This will be enforced and teams will not receive any money back for the season.
5. A player must play in at least five (5) games during the regular season in order to be eligible to play in the playoffs.
6. Each team must have an official scorebook at each game, and must have enough people to have a scorekeeper at all times.
7. Scorebooks from both teams will be compared after each inning.
8. Both teams must call Carl ( 267-271-9543) after each game and leave a message stating the name of your team, the name of the team you played, the score and which team won.
9. If a team does not have their Coach or Assistant Coach present, they must designate a Team Captain for that game. Only the Coach, Assistant Coach or designated Team Captain can dispute a call with the umpire.
10. The Coaches will meet if necessary throughout the season. Attendance at these meetings is strongly encouraged.
11. A player must be on an official roster in order to play in the game. Rosters are due to Carl by the 3rd game. No more than 25 players are permitted on a roster. If a roster is not submitted to Carl by the 3rd game, your team will forfeit each game until you submit your roster.
12. All teams will make the playoffs. A team’s seeding in the playoffs will be based on their record.
13. Each team’s Coach must sign off verifying that they have received a copy of these rules before their team can participate in any scheduled games.
15. Teams MUST provide Carl and Tori with phone numbers of 2 players from their teams by week 2.
16. Teams must notify Carl and Tori by week 2 if they have a bases from last season if they are missing bases this must be communicated.
17. Home team must provide balls and bases.
1. The championship game will be BEST OF 3 games. Due to the withdrawing of teams this season, the first round of playoffs will only be 1 game.
2. ALL playoff games will begin at 5:45pm with a 15 minute grace period. This time change is due to sunlight at this time of year.
3. Teams must submit books at last regular season game so we can verify eligible playoff team players. You will receive your book back at your 1st playoff game and notified of any problems on the Monday before your game.
4. If your playoff game is cancelled due to rain or lack of sunlight, you will be rescheduled where you left off the following week on the same day. The 5 inning rule which was applied during the regular season does NOT apply to playoffs. Your roster must resume exactly where it left off prior to the cancellation. Any new players must be subbed in after an inning.