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Required Equipment -

  • Shoes & Headgear - All wrestlers are required to have wrestling shoes and headgear for all practices and matches.  Please do not wear wrestling shoes outside of practice/matches.  Bring them with you and put them on before you get on the mats.  This is vital to keep our mats sanitary.  Shorts and T-Shirts are acceptable for practice.  Please do not wear anything loose fitting nor that has zippers, snaps, strings, etc.  We prefer shorts without pockets as well.  This is for the safety of all wrestlers.  
  • Singlets - Singlets are provided to our Novice level wrestlers each year.  A deposit check is required and will be returned at the end of the season when singlets are turned in.  For our Future Stars and Varsity levels, singlets are available for either rent or purchase.  Rental singlets are coordinated through Tiger Wrestling Club.  Purchase items have been created in partnership with 5Kount and are available direct at  

Novice Program - Our Novice Program is specifically tailored to teach basic fundamentals of the sport of wrestling.  Wrestlers with 0-1 years of experience begin at this level before advancing.  There is no age limitation at this level however the majority of our Novice wrestlers tend to be in the Pre-K to 2nd Grade range.  We pair wrestlers off by their age, weight and experience level during practice to ensure everyone is placed in the best environment to learn. Practices are held 2 nights/week and normally run from the beginning of November through January.  Matches are run in a Jamboree format with multiple matches happening at one time on the mat.  There is no scoring kept at this level and no wins or losses are recorded.  Coaches match wrestlers up based on age, weight and experience level.  Matches are scheduled both home and away with surrounding area towns throughout the season.  We participate in one year end Novice Tournament sponsored by Tiger Wrestling Club.

Future Stars Program - Our Future Stars Program is the next level up from our Novice Program.  This level continues teaching basic fundamentals of wrestling while adding additional skills from all positions.  Practices are held 3-4 nights/per week beginning in early November through early February.  We participate in the New Jersey Future Stars League which is a JV level league.  Wrestlers range in age from K-8th grade in this league and cannot have more than 2 wins at the Varsity level.  Matches are scheduled with area and league teams both home and away.  There are no set weight classes for matches.  Coaches match wrestlers up based on age, weight and experience level.  Matches at this level are run individually and are officiated by Certified Officials.  Match lengths are typically 1-1-1.  We participate in the Future Stars League Year End Tournament typically held in early February.

Northwest Jersey Midget Wrestling League - Tiger Wrestling Club participates in the NWJMWL each year.  This is a K-6 Grade varsity level league with 23 regionally located teams.  We wrestle a schedule of 14+ matches typically in Quad Meets on Sunday's.  Weight classes for this league are 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 80, 85, 90, 95, 102, 110, 125, and Hwt (150lbs max).  Weigh-ins are conducted at each match.  The league also features year end team championship matches as well as a final year end individual tournament.    League information is available at

Tri County Youth Wrestling League - Tiger Wrestling Club participates in the TCYWL each year.  This is a K-8 Grade varsity level league and is one of the premier wrestling leagues in the state each year with 13+ regionally located teams.  We wrestle a schedule of 12+ matches both as Dual Meets during the week and as Tri or Quad Meets on Saturday's.  Weight classes for this league are 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 96, 102, 110, 118, 126, 136, 146, 165 and Hwt.  Weigh-ins are conducted at each match.  The league also features year end team championship matches as well as a final year end individual tournament.  League information is available at