WHMB Association Rules

West Hants Coyotes have a ZERO tolerance policy for bullying, aggression and violence. This includes players, officials, coaches, staff, parents, fans on or off the diamond. 
Instigators and individuals involved in an incident will be banned from attendance for an appropriate amount of time. Depending on severity of incident the ban could be permanent. Players found to be involved will be suspended and possibly banned from the association permanently.

To provide a safe and inclusive space for everyone, we are providing a confidential platform to express concerns that you, or your player, may be experiencing. 
Please use this form to report anything you find concerning to our board. If you wish to remain anonymous the name & contact fields are NOT required and can be left blank if you choose. If you do choose to provide your contact information to us, please know your complaint and identity will remain private and confidential.
Click Here to Report a Complaint or Concern



• Always respect the umpire’s decision.
• Never become involved in acts of foul play.
• Honour both the spirit and the letter of the competition rules and live up to the highest ideals of ethics and sportsmanship.
• Never engage in disrespectful conduct of any sort including profanity, obscene gestures, offensive remarks, trash-talking, taunting or other actions that are demeaning to other players, officials or supporters.
• Care for and respect the facilities and equipment made available to you during training and competition.
• Safeguard your health; don’t use any illegal or unhealthy substances.
• Recognize that many officials, coaches and umpires are volunteers who give up their time to provide their services. Treat them with the utmost respect.

• Actively discourage foul play and/or unsportsmanlike behavior by players.
• Seek to maximize the participation and enjoyment of all players regardless of ability.
• Show concern and caution toward all sick and injured players. Follow the advice of a physician and/or sports trainer to the letter when determining when an injured athlete is ready to recommence training or competing.
• Maintain appropriate, professional relationships with players at all times.
• Maintain a thorough knowledge of the sport and keep abreast of current coaching methods. .
• As coach, conduct yourself at all times in a manner, and in all situations, that shows leadership, respect for the sport of Baseball and those that are involved with the sport – the players, officials, the fans, the parents, the umpires and the media.

• Condemn all violent or illegal acts, whether they are by athletes, coaches, officials, parents or spectators.
• Respect an official’s decisions – don’t complain or argue about decisions during or after a game.
• Unsportsmanlike language, harassment or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.
• Never ridicule or scorn an athlete for making a mistake – respect their efforts.
• Participate in positive cheering that encourages athletes you are supporting; do not engage in cheering that taunt or intimidates opponents, their fans or officials.

No bullying this includes the following:
• Unwanted physical contact - fighting, pushing, slapping, kicking will not be tolerated 
• Verbal abuse - putting down, name calling teammates, opponents’, or umpires 
• No spitting, including on your hand to shake opponents’ hands following a game
• No arguing with teammates, opponents’ coaches’ umpires or parents
• No abusive language, including swearing and lewd gestures will be tolerated
• No throwing of equipment (helmets, bats or gloves) regardless of being yours or associations
• No complaining about position being assigned or batting order assignments

Any infraction, regardless of cause/event will result in a immediate 3 game suspension for the individual.
Upon review of the Executive, the suspension may result in an immediate dismissal from any further play (player and/or parent).

Infraction Discipline (as administered by respective Head Coaches) 
• Unwanted physical contact two (2) game suspension
• Spitting on another individual two (2) game suspension
• Cursing/swearing one (1) game suspension
• Abusive language one (1) game suspension
• Lewd/offensive gestures one (1) game suspension 
• Argument with umpire immediate ejection from game
• Throwing equipment immediate ejection from game
• Unwanted verbal abuse immediate ejection from game
• Arguing with coaches or teammates benching at coaches’ discretion 
• Uncooperative behavior benching at coaches’ discretion

It is imperative that we offer and deliver a program that meets the expectations of the Executive. Remember not only are we representing the community of West Hants, but we are also representing our parents, grandparents’ friends and neighbors.