Wildcat Baseball Philosophy

All members of the Wildcat Baseball Family will be expected to uphold three basic principles.

1) Hard Work- Nothing that comes easy is worth achieving. Every member of the program will be expected to work hard to become the best student and athlete they can become. Through working hard they will not only make themselves better students, athlete, and men, but they will make everyone around them better as well.

2) Commitment- All members of the program must dedicate themselves to become the best athlete and baseball player that they can become. They must also commit themselves to the philosophies of the program. Each person in the program has a role and their commitment to fulfilling this role to the best of their ability is vital to both program and individual success.

3) Sacrifice- All members of the program must make individual sacrifices for their team and the program. Each person must accept their role and dedicate themselves to thriving within that role for the good of the group. While each person will be giving an opportunity to become the best player and person they can become, the concept of “team” must always remain the most important principle.