Town of Cheshire –Cheshire Men's Softball 2023 Rules & Regulations Governing Adult Softball

These Rules & Regulations shall be considered tentative until May 1st, 2023


A. Fees

1. Modified Pitching Division: $1500 – This includes fees for lights, umpire fees, insurance and registration to USA Softball. The USA Softball fee allows us to use USA Softbal Umpires and offers teams insurance through their programs. 

2. Slow Pitch Division: $800 - This includes fees for lights, umpire fees, insurance and registration to USA Softball.




A. All managers/players must be age 18 as of April 1st of the current year. If not 18 til the end of the calendar year and wish to play, their parents must sign a wavier form. We will accept 17 year olds to play as long as they turn 18 by end of the calendar year. If a player does not meet this criteria, they will not be allowed to play. We do not accept players younger than 18. 


All equipment must meet the specifications of the USA Softball as outlined in Rule 3 of the Official Rules of Softball; and the local variances detailed below.

During the course of the 2024 season any bats whose status (legal or illegal) has been changed by the USA Softball will by changed in Cheshire

The Cheshire Men's Softball League reserves the right to ban any and all bats it feels to be in the best interest of the league, the Recreation Department, and the Town of Cheshire.

Prior to buying a bat player's should consult with the USA Softball website www.softball.org for the most recent list of both certified and banned bats.

BATS – see specific leagues for requirements

Men's Modified A Division: Wooden Bats

Men's Slow Pitch: Wooden bats - single wood

In 2024 these divisions of play will continue to use Bats that are deemed legal by the USA Softball in 2024 and meet the proper specifications. All bats must be marked with Approved 2024 (purple for 2024) label to be used in a game.

1. Must bear either the ASA approved 2000 certification mark, ASA 2004 certification mark, or USA Softball 2024 certification mark, and must not be listed on an USA Softball non approved list, or

Must be included on a list of approved bat models published by the USA Softball National Office; or

Must, in the sole opinion and discretion of the umpire, have been manufactured prior to 2000 and if tested, would comply with the USA Softball bat performance standards then in effect.

A list of bats can be found on our website for quick access to legal bats.

In 2024 the divisions that use WOODEN Bats as outlined below.

All wooden bats will continue to be approved for USA Softball Championship Play regardless of whether they bear an USA Softball approved certification mark or are included on a list of approved bats published by the USA Softball National Office.

Shall not be more than 34 inches in length, nor exceed 38.0 oz in weight

Shall not be more than 2.250 inches in diameter at its' largest part.

Shall be marked "Softball” or "Official Softball”


If a team feels a bat is being used that is illegal. Notify the umpire, write down the bat info and file protest. The bat will be allowed to complete the game but, if it is deemed illegal the team will forfeit and the team manager will be suspended for one game.

A 2nd violation in the same season will result in forfeit, the manager being suspended for a game and that team losing it's post season eligibility. These consequences are severe as this is a honor system and cheating will not be tolerated.

. During the course of the 2024 season any bats whose status (legal or illegal) has been changed by USA Softball will therefore be changed in Cheshire.

. During the course of the 2024 season the Cheshire Men's Softball League reserves the right to ban any and all bats if it feels it is in the best interest of the league, the Recreation Department, and the Town of Cheshire. This decision would be based upon the input of umpires, players, and the commissioner.

. USA Softball web site (www.softball.org) contains a list of certified equipment and updated press releases, which will be utilized to determine the status of all bats.

BALLS  see specific leagues for requirements

All balls must be Optic Yellow.

All Leagues and divisions will use

12” .52 Tattoo cor 525 compression NA*


A. General  the USA Softball Rules and Regulations will govern all leagues, except where local Cheshire Men's Softball Rules and Regulations apply.

B. Double First Base – The double first base will be used in all games at fields where it has been installed. The runner shall run to the Orange side (foul territory) of the base and the defensive player shall use the white side (fair territory) of the base.

C. Forfeit Time  A forfeit allowance of fifteen minutes will be in effect for every game. After 15 minutes past your start time, if a team still does not have enough players, it will be considered a forfeit. However, time limit will be in effect and countdown starts at the scheduled game time. (example - if you start 10 minutes late - the game will still need to be over 75 minutes in slow pitch and 90 minutes in modified past your start time). Games may end early or in a tie. (see letter K)


1. START OF GAMES Visiting Team may start with 8 players but must have 9 before taking the field. 9th batting position is a automatic out if player is not available. Any team can play with 9. A 10th player can be inserted at any time. No 11th player may be inserted once the spot has passed in the order. If a teams gives up home field to start game as visitor with 8 players. The team will not be home team next time, they will have given up their home field advantage. A tenth (10th) player only may be added prior to the team going through the entire batting order. If he is added afterwards, the team must take an out in his roster position, as per the line up card, in order to insert him into the line up. Once the leadoff batter hits for the second time, a team must finish with nine (9) players.

D. Interrupted / Suspended Games

1. In the event that rain and/or darkness causes the interruption or suspension of a game in progress the following procedure shall be adhered to:

a. The game shall be declared official if 5 innings (4 ½ if the home team is ahead). The score shall revert to the last completed inning.

b. If the game is not official it may be resumed at the exact point where it was stopped using the same players and/or legal substitutes or may be started over based upon the discretion of the league director.

c. In the case where neither team has kept an official scorebook, the League may declare the game official regardless of the inning.

E. Metal Cleats – are not permitted in any Cheshire Men's Softball leagues.

F. MERCY RULE - 12 run mercy rule will be in effect. The team must have batted 5 times before a mercy can be called. If a team is up by 12 in the top of the inning the bottom of the inning must be played. In the playoffs the Mercy Rule is 15.

G. Scorebooks – It is mandatory to keep a scorebook. Scorers should compare scorebooks resolve and discrepancies. In the event of an unresolved discrepancy the home team's book shall be official. If the home team does not keep a book the visitor's book shall be official. Absolutely no protests will be heard on scorebook or substitution matters. All discrepancies shall be settled by the umpires on the on the field. Modified divisions are required to give a batting order to the umpire at the beginning of the game. 

H. BATTING - We are using a EH and DH. No Bunting Allowed. Batter must remain in the box at all times and umpire has the right to allow a pitcher to pitch if the batter does not re-enter the box in a timely manner.

Players may alternate defensive positions but must remain in the same batting order

I. Must Slide Rule – Teams /players should all be aware that there is not a rule that states a player must slide. All players should know  that they are not entitled to crash into a defensive player who has the ball and that they should either slide or give themselves up. A player who crashes into or runs over a player is subject to automatic expulsion from the game, with further disciplinary action to follow. A Defensive player shall not block the base/plate without the ball, if they do, they shall be called for obstruction. However, it is illegal to try and jump over the catcher or a player on a base. This is an automatic out if attempted.

Calls are umpires judgment.

J. Courtesy Runner – All leagues may use a Courtesy Runner as outlined below

Two runners per team per game. Once a courtesy runner has been used for a player, they must be used every time. Courtesy runners can only advance on a batted ball or walk. They cannot advance on a passed ball, wild pitch, pitchout, attempted pick off. The player who made the last out for the team will be the courtesy runner. If a player gets hurt during the game and two courtesy runners have been used it will be up to the umpire to allow courtesy runner.

Must be the last recorded out.

A courtesy runner whose turn comes to bat will be out. The courtesy runner will be removed from the base and take his turn at bat. A second courtesy runner cannot be substituted at this time.

A courtesy runner must be a player who is in the game. A player on the bench who enters the game as a runner, will treated as a substitute and all substitution rules shall apply.

K: TIME LIMIT – One hour thirty (1:30) minutes is the maximum amount of time allotted for each game. No new inning can start after one hour fifteen minutes (1:15). The only exception is rain delays. There will be no time limit in the playoffs. The umpire has right to speed the game up, "no throw arounds”, getting innings going quicker, not allowing the batter to step out of the batters box, etc. We need to speed games up so games don't drag out and push out the late games. The umpire will warn that no new inning can start 15 minutes before the next game is scheduled. Games therefore have the possibility to end in ties or with teams playing less than 7 innings. All times will be determined by the umpires cell phone. If there is a dispute on the true time based on the umpires cell phone, then each of the manager’s cell phones will be used to determine the truest time. 

6:15 pm Start Time Example:

No new inning can start after 7:30 pm, at which time the umpire will warn that “No new inning can start”. The game will end at 7:45 pm

               Example: If at 7:28pm you are starting the 6th inning, this will be your last inning, both teams will bat. Umpires must communicate this with both teams as the time is approaching.

 7:45 pm Start Time Example:

No new inning can start after 9:00 pm, at which time the umpire will warn that “No new inning can start”. The game will end at 9:15 pm

               Example: If at 8:58 pm you are starting the 6th inning, this will be your last inning, both teams will bat. Umpires must communicate this with both teams as the time is approaching.

 9:15 pm Start Time Example:

No new inning can start after 10:30 pm, at which time the umpire will warn that “No new inning can start”. The game will end at 10:45 pm

Example: If at 10:28 pm you are starting the 6th inning, this will be your last inning, both teams will bat. Umpires must communicate this with both teams as the time is approaching.


L: PLAYOFFS - The seeding is determined by record. In case of a tie it it goes to Head to Head record. All series will be best of 3 and after each round teams will be reseeded. 1st will always play lowest seed available. 

M: SCORES/RESULTS - To keep the website and the standing correct each team must email the commissioner at cheshiremenssoftball@gmail.com or you can request a password on the website and enter you own scores the next day. If the games are not reported the team will forfeit the next game.

N: HELMETS: All modified division players must wear helmets when batting and running the bases. 


A. Slow Pitch – In Slow Pitch league, batters shall begin with a 1 Ball / 1 Strike count.

1. No fouls after the 2nd strike. If foul ball occurs after the second strike it will be considered a strikeout.

2. Pitching must be within the 6 foot and 12 foot arch.

3. All players on a team may bat – team captain's decision – However, if the line-up has gone through once you can no longer add players to bat and they must be substituted into play.

B. Men's Modified

1. Stealing will be allowed

2. Bunting will be not allowed


A. All teams must file a roster (Official Adult Softball Player, Release of Liability and Indemnification Agreement) prior to the start of the season.

1. Roster may contain no less than 10 players and may have as many players as needed

2. Rosters must be filled out completely and signed by each player.

4. The last day to make changes to your roster is July 1st, 2023

a. An addon player form must be completed, notarized and submitted 24 hours prior to the game in which the added player will participate.

5. No players will be allowed to transfer from one to another without the written permission from the manager of the team whom they have already played for.

6. Players are considered official on the roster of the first team they play for.

7. Use multiple rosters when necessary.

8. A player may only play for one team in one division

Exception: A player may play for both a modified division team and a slow pitch division team.

9. A player must play in 4 games to be considered a legal player for playoffs.


A. COACHES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ELIGIBILITY. No protests will be considered.


1. In the case of an Umpire misinterpretation of the playing rules.

2. In the case of ineligible players.

3. In the case if illegal players.

Both types of protests must be filed prior to the end of the game with the opposing team and the umpires. It must then be filed in writing with the commissioner within twentyfour (24) hours of the end of the protested game.

Manager must file a protest with the umpire and the opposing manager at the time of the call. Once another pitch has been made their cannot be a protest. It is up to the manager of the team filing the protest to notify the commissioner via email or phone call. The commissioner will then get with the committee and both managers if need be and their decision is final. The protest committee which is subject to change at any time will be posted in contacts on the home page.

B. The decision of the protested game may result in the following:

1. The protest is found invalid, the game score stands as played.

2. When a protest of umpire's misinterpretation is found valid, the game may be replayed from the point at which the incorrect decision was made with the decision corrected.

3. When a protest for an ineligible player or illegal player is upheld, the game will be forfeited. Based on the infraction the player and coach may be expelled from the league and suspended from all Cheshire Men's Softball games for the year. All rostered players shall be placed on probation for the remainder of the season. All penalties shall be at the discretion of the League Director and the protest committee and are final.

C. No protest on player eligibility will be heard after May 31. Only illegal player/roster protests will be heard.

CLAIRIFICATION: To protest eligibility it is questioning whether a person is permitted by rules to participate on that team or in that league. An illegal player protest encompasses a broader list of scenarios including but not limited to: The player plays on another team (illegally), the player is not on the roster.

D. All protests and rule clarifications and displicine will be done by our rules committee. For the 2024 season, the rule committee will be Ed Berneir, Jim Adolonfi, Alex Shelton and Rick Uluski Sr. The decisions of this committee are final and will be enforced by the league commissioner or board members. 


A. A team who forfeits 3 games in any year is no longer in the league and all games will be awarded victories for the opposing team. To be a fun viable league teams must participate.


A. Any participant (player, coach, fan, etc) participating in a fight will be ejected from the game, to be followed by further disciplinary measures (multigame or league expulsion) pending investigation by the League commissioner. Fighting will result in forfeiture of the game.

B. Only team managers or coaches may enter the playing field to discuss a play. Any other player illegally entering the field will be ejected from the game.

C. Any participant physically approaching, threatening, or belittling a Cheshire Men's Softball representative at any time will be indefinitely suspended from all Cheshire Men's Softball programs pending an investigation.

D. Any participant making disparaging or insulting remarks, gestures, or threats towards any umpire, player, coach, fan, or recreational official before, during or after a game will be ejected from the game or the next game. A second offense will result in expulsion from the league. If this violation, in the opinion of the Umpires or Cheshire Men's Softball , is considered flagrant, it will result in multigame suspension or expulsion from the league, depending on the severity of the incident, with further disciplinary measures to follow pending investigation.

E. Teams are responsible for their fans. Abuse by fans can result in the forfeiture of the game and further disciplinary actions.

F. Any participant will be ejected from the ball field if his/her actions are judged to be the result of alcohol consumption or use of an illegal or controlled substance. Anyone ejected for the aforementioned reasons will be automatically suspended with further disciplinary measures to follow, pending investigation. A participant observed consuming alcohol before or during will be asked to not play/ejected from the game.

G. An Umpire or Cheshire Men's Softball Official may terminate a game at any time, if in his/her discretion, the ideals of recreation play are not being observed.

H. A participant may be ejected from a game without warning, if in the mind of the Umpire or Cheshire Men's Softball Official, a person's behavior warrants expulsion.

I. In all of the above instances, the person(s) in question must leave the grounds immediately. Failure to comply will warrant forfeiture of the game and further disciplinary action from Cheshire Men's Softball and the town Recreation Department, pending investigation.

J. Any participant ejected from a game for any misconduct reason will be suspended from the league for at least two (2) games and placed on probation for the remainder of the season with possible disciplinary measures to follow, pending investigation by the Commissioner.

K. Any participant involved in a misconduct or ineligibility incident late in the season or during the playoffs will be placed on probation for next season and/or program with disciplinary actions being more severe than normal, including multigame suspensions or expulsions.

L. If not described in the League Rules & Regulations; the Commissioner may take any disciplinary measures he/she deems necessary against a participant. The Cheshire Recreation Department and Cheshire Men's Softball reserves the right to make any decisions it feels to be in the best interest of the League, the Town of Cheshire and/or the Recreation Department.


The above conduct rules apply before, during, and after games


A. All games are to be played as scheduled or rescheduled by Cheshire Men's Softball. Games may be scheduled on as little as 24 notices and may be scheduled for 6:15pm games as well as regularly scheduled times.

B. Managers are responsible for reporting in the score of their game (win or lose) prior to 9:00 a.m. by calling/texting 203.623.6932 or email cheshiremenssoftball@gmail.comI WILL NOT CHASE YOU DOWN FOR YOUR SCORE; unreported scores will simply be listed as losses for both teams.

C. In the event of inclement weather players and managers should call 203.623.6932 after 4:00 p.m. for cancellation information or visit https://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=cheshiremenssoftball

E. If there is a tie for 1st place at the end of the regular season in any league/division a single elimination playoff between tied teams will decide the champion.

F. The consumption of Alcoholic Beverages is prohibited at all city parks. Violators are subject to enforcement by the Police Department.

G. All trash needs to be removed from Doolittle and Highland School parking lot and not left in the school dumpster.

H.. All teams and players are reminded that many fields are located in residential areas and that every effort should be made to respect the rights and privacy of the residents.

This document and its contents shall be considered tentative until noted otherwise on April 1st, 2023.

LEAGUE Commisioner:

Richard Uluski


