Kids Christmas Party
Subscribe to our Newsletter Kids Christmas Party December 1st at the NASH!
Official Schedule for the Kids Party
1:30 - Doors open (Held in main hall upstairs)
2:30 - Food is served
-Pizza, mac and cheese, hot dogs, Hot chocolate, ect.
-Each family bring a dessert
3:00 - Crafts/cookie decorating
-Sugar Cookies, icing, sprinkles
-Construction paper Santa – pre-cut packages / cotton balls for beard and hat / glue sticks
-crayons and coloring book pages
-write a letter to give to Santa
-Guessing game with prize – 3 or 4 buckets of candy – guess how many pieces.
3:30 - Santa and presents
Plan on attending, please let Mitch know how many guests, with names, ages, and gender of the kids as well as any food allergies.
Mitch: (330) 635-9590 call or text is fine