Hey Ref!
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Why Become a Referee?
Referees are as critical to soccer as players and coaches. In LaVale, the game can’t be played if there aren’t enough referees. It’s most common for a volunteer to begin their referee career by refereeing their own child’s game. However, as they learn the rules, develop their own techniques for managing players, coaches and fans, and gain an appreciation for how important the role of the referee is to a fun, fair and safe soccer experience, they often find it very rewarding to expand their knowledge and experience through referring youth games. Soccer knowledge is a plus, but is certainly not required. Referee training will give you all you need to know to have a terrific experience on the field. The first thing you need to do to become a referee is fill out an volunteer application form. After you are approved as a volunteer, the training provided to become an youth soccer referee is free.
Helpful Referee Links
Advice for new referee's from US Youth Soccer. Link
To Whistle or Not to Whistle? Referees must make decisions related to games, applying knowledge, common sense and their wits. These decisions must always respect the letter of the law and embrace the spirit of the game.Updated Frequently. From AYSO.
Here are two great videos brought to you by Dynamic Thought. One will cover the most often misunderstood rule in soccer. Law 11, Offside. The other is a video we recommend for all volunteers, especially those new to soccer. It explains the basics of soccer and some general rules of the game. The Soccer Field.