- How is PONY Baseball different from Little League Baseball?
The primary features that distinguish PONY Baseball from Little League Baseball are the use of a two-year age bracket system and scaled diamonds. In organizations such as Little League players can differ by as much as three years within a division. As a result, the younger players because of their lack of maturity, ability, and size find it hard to communicate with the older players. Generally they find themselves spending a disproportionate amount of time on the bench and may feel disconnected from their team. With players of only two ages involved, as is the case with PONY Baseball, it is far easier to permit every player to play more positions since the difference in skills within the age group is not that great.
The game of baseball cannot be played as it was intended to be played if the physical capability of the players does not match the physical achievements required for the game. Little League uses two diamond sizes. Up until age 12 players play on a 60-foot diamond. PONY Baseball, on the other hand, scales the size of their diamonds to match the physical capabilities of the players within each division. The base dimensions for PONY Baseball are:
50-foot bases for Pinto (7-8 year-olds)
60-foot bases for Mustang (9-10 year-olds)
70-foot bases for Bronco (11-12 year-olds)
90-foot bases for Pony (13-15 year-olds)
- Where are the games played?
We have 9 fields at Encino Franklin Fields. Each division has 1 or more fields.
- When are the games played?
During the spring season all divisions play two games a week, one during the week, typically Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Weekend games typically start at either 9:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, or 3:00 p.m. Weekday games typically start at 5:00 pm. It is recommended players need to arrive at the field an hour prior to game time, so managers can warm them up and get the line up cards ready prior to the start of the game.
Fall Ball games are played on Sundays. Some seasons may have 1 or 2 games during the week for the first week or two of the season.
- How often, and where, will my child practice?
Prior to the beginning of the season teams will usually practice twice during the week and once on the weekend. However, this can vary due to the individual manager's particular schedule. You should expect practices to last a minimum of 2 hours. All practices are at each league's particular field at Mid Valley. In addition to field practice, many managers will often schedule a "Batting Cage" practice.
- When will the practices begin?
Depending upon the date of the league's drafting of the teams - we try to start practicing 2 - 3 weeks prior to the start of the season. Typically practice starts the week after draft night, once the manager has his roster completed.
- When will the season begin?
Please check the calendar, either in our newsletter or our web page for league dates and events. Typically the spring season starts near the beginning of March. Fall seasons usually begin in early September.
- How long will the season last?
The Spring season (20 games) usually lasts about 10 to 12 weeks long, and is extended for those that are on the tournament teams. The Fall Season (10 games) is often slightly shorter than spring due to the change in the time (Daylight Savings).
- What equipment will my child need before the first practice or game?
The registration fee provides a jersey and cap to each child for use during league games. A uniform consists of a pair of baseball pants, a baseball jersey, a hat, a belt, an athletic supporter (highly recommended) and a pair of baseball socks. The pants are either gray or white but managers sometimes also choose pinstriped. Be sure to check with your manager prior to buying new pants for the season. Only players in the Bronco, Pony, and Colt divisions are allowed to wear metal cleats. All other divisions must wear rubber molded cleats.
Last but not least -- a quality leather glove is a must. Vinyl and simulated leather gloves may be cheaper but tend to cause the player a great deal of frustration. It's impossible to form a pocket in gloves made of vinyl or simulated leather. Therefore the ball tends to pop out when the player attempts to catch it.
All players should bring a windbreaker, jacket or sweatshirt to every game and practice. Especially early in the season.
- Who do I call if I have a problem that needs to be resolved by the league?
If at any time you have a problem or just want information call (747) 333-8445 or call your divisional representative. Leave a message on the voicemail. If possible, please provide us with both a day and evening phone number. In most cases we'll get back to you within 48 hours, unless the message states otherwise.
You are also welcome to attend a board meeting and express your concerns directly to the board. We meet on twice a month on Thursday evenings in our Board Room (next to the Mustang Field). Please leave a message on the phone number above if you wish to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
- Can my child be placed on a team with one of his friends?
While we can't always grant these requests we do our best to accommodate if it is practical for parity for all the teams in the division. We understand that many parents have carpool arrangements and it would be convenient if we could always grant the request. However, please understand that we are on a best efforts basis. Depending upon the skill level of the players involved -- it sometimes can be an issue.
- Who is responsible for staffing the Snack bar?
Mid Valley has a snack bar director, and the parents and members of our league are responsible for working shifts as required per their registration obligation.
- How much do team pictures cost?
The basic picture package is included in your registration fee. Extra pictures can be ordered on Picture Day and special items like trading cards and pennants can be purchased on Picture Day directly from the Photographer. Extra pictures must be paid for at the time of the picture-taking.
- If my child is unhappy with the team he/she has been placed on, can he/she switch teams?
Only in extreme cases do we allow children to switch teams after the teams have been formed. Such requests must be made in writing to the league's Board of Directors.
- If my child decided to quit can I get a refund?
No. Registration fees are non-refundable.
- What are 'freezes or protected' players?
The manager for each team is allowed to protect one additional player (in addition to their own child) prior to the draft. These typically have been their coaches' child so that the manager and coach can work together to manage a team.
- How are children placed on teams?
All players are required to be evaluated prior to the draft. At these "try-outs" both returning and new players are given the opportunity to show their skills in front of all of the managers for their particular league. Each manager rates the player on a scale of 1 to 5 and all players are then given a draft score. During the draft - and taking into consideration the protected players draft score -- the managers select their team. This approach totals their teams draft scores and the managers continue to select until all players have been placed on a team. This method allows for parity for all teams.
- When and what is a player evaluation session?
All children in the Mid Valley program must attend a tryout session to be drafted onto a team. The tryouts gives the managers within the league an opportunity to evaluate each player prior to the draft. Please check the calendar for tryout dates.
- If my child does poorly at the player evaluation session will he/she be cut?
In all divisions all children participating in a player tryout will be placed on a team during the draft.
- Can I keep my child down in a lower division, or bring them up a division a year early?
If you wish to keep your child in a lower division instead of playing in the age group, you must write a letter to the board before tryouts. Upon review at the tryouts, you will be notified if you have been granted your request. Many times, parents see that their child are on the same level as most of the children trying out and withdraw their requests. Mid Valley does not allow players to "play up" due to the potential for injury or accident is greater.
- Are regulation baseballs used in Shetland?
No. In Shetland we use a RIF or Reduced Injury Factor baseball. It has the same size as a regulation baseball but is much softer. Your child's first introduction to a regulation baseball will occur in the Pinto division.
- Do the children pitch in Shetland?
No. There is no "kid pitch" in Shetland. Most PONY leagues have adopted the use of a pitching machine (Louisville Slugger UPM 45) because of increased strike zone consistency. The goal here is to have your child develop a consistent batting mechanic and the machine provides pitches with greater and more accurate consistency in their small strike zones. However, some coaches prefer to pitch to their teams and that is at the discretion of the coach. Please discuss with your coach for more information.
- Is the Pinto division an instructional or competitive division?
This is the player's first introduction to competitive baseball but the primary focus of the Pinto division is instructional. We do keep track of the standings. This is where the competitive element tends to creep in. If you have any issues with your child's coach, please call us at (747) 333-8445
- Do the children pitch in the Pinto division?