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Manager/Coaches Eligibility and Background Check


Qualified adults volunteers, who must be 18 years of age or older, are entitled to act as team managers, coaches and umpires. Team manager volunteers will be approved by the Board based on experience, past coaching history with SYBSL and need. For insurance purposes, all managers and coaches must attend a Coaching Certification class such as the Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y course and attend the annual Coaches Clinic. Any individual attending some other program must present course particulars to the Board for approval. Proof of Certification is required. All Managers, Coaches and Board Members are required to have a Criminal Background check done for the safety of our players. The cost is is paid by the volunteer. Additional information will be made available during the 2018 Coaches Clinic. Background checks will be done by the All background checks will be valid for 2 years within SYBSL. The website for completion of the background check can be foudn here:

SYBL Background Check

Each Manager will be allowed assistant coaches to assist with games and practicites. All coaches must meet the qualifications on the field/in the dugout during games. There will be a maximum of three (3) coaches (1 manager and 2 assistant coaches) on the field at any game
All Managers, Assistant coaches and Board members are still required to fulfill their work bond duties
Managers must choose a team parent volunteer and advise the Team Parent Officer of this selection before the start of the season.

Incident Reports: In case of an injury or incident, each Manager is required to inform the board member on duty and complete an incident report at the snackbar signed by the parent of the child involved. See your Division Director for more details.

Call Up Procedures

Click Here For Call Up List

In the event a team cannot be fielded with the required number of players (9), Managers will have access to a call up list. This list is comprised of players from the next lower division that have been pre-selected to fill any required vacancies. Only players on the approved call up list are eligible to play. Managers playing with a non- –call up list player will automatically forfeit the game. SYBSL will have a Rookie call up list for Minor games and a Minor call up list for Major games. The call up list is determined by a number of factors including manager and coach recommendation, Division Director approval, as well as age. Any player from the list may be utilized at the Manager’s discretion. There will be no active monitoring of the list to determine what players get used and when. All Managers will be given the call up list for their current division. All managers will be notified of which players on their team are on these lists for the next division. A manager cannot pull up a player if that player already has a game scheduled at the same time.

Incident Report


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