How to become a Coach
Subscribe to our NewsletterTo become a Coach...
1 - Speak to our Football Director or Head Coach of the team you wish to assist.
2 - A background check MUST be completed, site link:
3 - A NAYS membership MUST be purchased, site link:
4 - Be sure to complete training for your coaching specialty (football or cheerleading), pay close attention to complete the concussion training. Once all NAYS training is complete, your Membership Card and/or Certificate MUST show the Concussion Certification on your membership card.
5 - Sudden Cardiac Arrest training is mandatory for all NEW coaches. Once training is complete, print off a copy of your certificate and turn in at concessions. , link:
6. - Fill out a Coaches Concussion Form and Cardiac Arrest Form with your signature and turn in at concessions. You may obtain these forms under Forms Tab from pull down menu on home page.
Copies of ALL Certificates, Cards and other forms can be turned in at concessions.