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Coaches' Corner

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2018 Major and Minor Practice Schedule


Click here to view the 2018 Major & Minor Practice Schedule.  Be sure to notify PCYBL to reserve open time slots so we can keep the schedule current for all coaches.


2018 First PCYBL Coaches' Meeting Presentation - January 24, 2018


Click HERE to access the presentation from the first 2018 PCYBL Coaches' Presentation, held on January 24, 2018 at the Port Chester Senior Center.


PCYBL Coaching Clinic - Skills & Drills for Majors and Minors



Click here to access PCYBL's "Skills & Drills for Majors and Minors."

This document should be used as guide to run practices for all teams in the Major and Minor divisions of PCYBL.


Coaching Application, Questionnaire & Pledge

Click here to access the PCYBL Coaching Application, Questionnaire & Pledge.


Letter to 2018 Coaching Applicants

Dear Potential Coaches:

We are well underway preparing for the start of the 2018 season and we need to start gathering information on potential coaches.  And as we move to our new partnership with Cal Ripken Baseball, welcoming even more of our friends and neighbors from Rye Brook into our league, we strongly encourage and welcome Rye Brook residents to apply for and accept coaching and other volunteer positions with PCYBL.  

As always, we will try to place everyone requesting a coaching position, but there may not be enough positions available. Returning coaches in good standing based on past performance will be given first priority for available positions. New coaches will be approved based on the Coaches Application, Questionnaire, and Pledge as well as recommendations from board members, current coaches and league volunteers. It is important for all coaches to understand that coaching children is a privilege, and PCYBL always strives to ensure that we place the best qualified and most dedicated coaches with our children.


There are usually some open coaching positions at each level, in particular with the younger age groups. We are also now accepting player registration forms and documenting the date of receipt. It is our goal to be able to provide each and every registrant with a spot on a team, but that is only possible if we have a commitment from enough coaches, so please consider volunteering your time… you won’t regret it!


Whether you are a new coach or a returning coach you must fill out all required paperwork to be considered.  Our coaching Application, Questionnaire and Pledge is enclosed and is also available on our website,  As a reminder to returning coaches, this Application, Questionnaire and Pledge must be completed in its entirety, each season.

New for 2018 – PCYBL is excited to provide the following training for all coaches:


  • Coaches Clinic – we will be holding an age/division specific clinic for all coaches to ensure that the league and all coaches will be consistent with our instructional techniques so that all players will be taught and develop baseball skills consistently.  The clinic will provide and demonstrate age specific drills for our coaches to utilize in practices.  The clinic dates are:


  • January 9 - Tee-ball and Rookie divisions

  • January 10 - Minor and Major divisions 

  • January 11 – Additional date for coaches with scheduling conflicts


Clinics will be held from 7pm – 8pm in the Auxiliary Gym at Port Chester Middle School, and attendance will be considered when coaching positions and assignments are finalized.


  • Ripken Baseball Coaching Education Program – all approved PCYBL coaches (and all coaches affiliated with Cal Ripken and/or Babe Ruth Baseball) must become certified, by completing an online course, “Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way.”


This online course is available through the Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken websites.  PCYBL will cover the cost of training for all approved coaches (we will purchase access to the course in bulk), and coaches become certified for life once the course is completed and passed. 



Additional information and details will be provided at our mandatory Coaches Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, January 24th at 7pm, in the Port Chester Senior Center.  We will send out notice and reminders for this meeting over the next few weeks.


In the meantime, if you are interested in coaching with PCYBL for the upcoming 2018 season or would like to find out more information, please email Eileen Pellegrini or call/text us at 914-939-8619.



PCYBL Coaching Handbook


Click here for PCYBL's Coaching Handbook.

All PCYBL coaches should refer to this handbook for suggestions and guidance on how to run an effective practice for your team.