Table of Contents:

Registration (see below)

GotSport Tutorials - Email Team, Game Reports, Update Jersey #

Game Reminders

Rules & Regulations / Playing Rules

Zero Tolerance Policy

Coaching Guidelines

Referee Evaluation



Thank you for volunteering! Keep in mind that the experience players have with you a coach will stay with them for life! Be positive, be organized, and set a good example!


Register and complete an online background check, CDC Concussion Training, SafeSport Training, AND upload an updated Face Only picture (for your coaches badge). SafeSport Training has new instructions designed to be easier to complete - Safesport-Instructions.pdf  ** This is mandatory for all individuals who will be on the roster. Existing coaches can access this from your Gotsport coach account. New coaches will need to "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" from the link.


2. TEAM NAME - No name duplication within a league. Submit 3 names to your commissioner once you have been notified that you are coach.


3. UNIFORMS - All teams will receive jerseys each fall season. In the spring, only new players, new teams and returning player to new teams will be provided another uniform. Any returning playing on a returning team that needs a new shirt will have to pay $20. Uniforms are pre-ordered and pre-numbered and information on colors is available from your commissioner.

4. COACH BADGE - Every coach will receive a badge. This is usually ready by the first game of the season. Please upload a passport style photo with only YOUR face in the picture. Badges issued in the Fall are to be used through the Spring season. If you need a temporary badge on game day, you can request a temp badge from the concession stand or the OIC at the field for $5 nper game that day. If you are in need a of a new badge, you will need to request that with the Registrar ( and the cost of $10. Please give a few days notice for a new badge.

Coach jerseys can be ordered HERE

4. COACHES MEETING - Your commissioner will notified you via email of the date/time and your attendance will be required. At this meeting you will receive your roster and a review of basic information and rules, any new rules, and latest amendments to Bylaws and Regulations.  


5. ASSISTANT COACH - RCSA does not assign additional volunteers to help each team. The head coach should coordinate with parents of the team. Notify your commissioner of any additional coaches so they may begin the process of registration, background check and training. 


6. PARENT CONTACT - Contact parents as soon as you receive your roster. Email from your GotSport team account to reach your parents but...if you do not get a response from them, please call them. Some email addresses will go to spam/junk or there is an error in the address. If you are unable to reach a player, please contact your commissioner as soon as possible. 


7. SCHEDULES - Schedules are available online the weekend before Opening Day. Please check your schedule each week for any changes. Coaching conflicts are best handled by having an Assistant Coach on your roster. Teams are allowed 2 additional coaches. Contact your commissioner if you have any questions about your schedule.


8. RESCHEDULING GAMES - A team can request a reschedule. A fee of $50 must be collected prior to RCSA working on the reschedule. The opposing team must agree to the rescheduled game. If the opposing team does not agree, then the reschedule fee will be refunded and the game will stand as scheduled. Please follow the procedure below to submit a request.

  • Contact the appropriate Age Group Commissioner to request approval to begin the reschedule process, giving the reason why you are requesting a reschedule. Note: Reschedule requests can not include stipulations on when the rescheduled game will be played.
  • Contact the opposing team coach to ask for his/her approval to reschedule the game. Note: If the opposing team coach does not agree to a reschedule, the game will not be rescheduled and no fees will be due.
  • Contact the Age Group Commissioner to let him/her know that the opposing team coach has agreed to a reschedule.
  • Fill out the Reschedule Request form completely and submit it, along with the $50 reschedule request fee, to the RCSA Scheduler ( at least ten (10) days before the currently scheduled date. Payment may be made by cash, check or money order.

Once the game scheduler has rescheduled the game, the Age Group Commissioner will inform both coaches of the new game time and date.



(click here to access your existing account throughout the season)



1. Jewelry - No metal hair clips are allowed in the hair; no ear rings, ear/nose/cheek studs, and no lip/knee rings. This includes no Band-Aids covering them. No wrist bracelets, "Armstrong" bands, etc. may be worn by any player. No exceptions, no excuses, no jewelry. Ensure all parents are notified of this rule upon initial contact. 

2. Coaches ID Badges and North Texas Rosters - Each coach must have their Coaches ID Badge at ever game. Coaches without a valid ID badge will not be allowed to coach or be on the team side of the field. Each coach must have a current North Texas roster with them at every game.

3. Playing Time - All players attending a game shall play a minimum of 50% of game time, however if arrives late will play 50% of the remaining game time. 

4. Coaching Area - All coaching will be confined to an area of a minimum of three feet away from the touch line and fifty percent of the length of the field on one side of the midfield line. They must remain on the players side of the field and cannot cross the midfield line. PARENTS (without a coaches card) ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS AREA.

5. Red Card/Send-Off - As per NTSSA Rule,, and, any player/coach receiving a send-off (Red Card) must sit-out the next scheduled game that the player’s team is involved in. In order to verify that the offending player/coach serves his/her game suspension, this form must be completed by the coach, assistant coach, or team manager and the referee must sign off on the fact that the player/coach did not participate. Player/Coach receiving send-off must then submit this report to the tournament headquarters and/or team’s playing league. Player must present himself/herself before and after game to the referee for credit for sit-out. Coach not allowed on complex while he/she sits out.

6. Referees - If a referee is a no show, you also need to contact the personnel at the concession stand or officer in charge as soon as possible. These individuals are your first point of contact.



Royse City Soccer Association (RCSA) has adopted the following Zero Tolerance Policy for ALL RCSA age groups and teams. 

Coaches, players, parents and all members of the RCSA are expected to uphold this policy and respect the referee regardless of their age or experience. Many of the referees in RCSA are young and just starting their careers as soccer referees. Please be respectful and support these young referees, and report any Zero tolerance violations to the V.P. or any RCSA Board member. 

Zero tolerance violations will be taken very seriously by RCSA and will result in warnings, suspensions, or removal from RCSA. Additionally, violations may result in escalation to North Texas State Soccer Association where additional sanctions may be imposed.



Every coach and all spectators shall support the referee. Failure to do so undermines the referee's authority and has the potential to create a hostile environment for players, the referee, and all the other participants and spectators. Consequently, RCSA has adopted the following rule: 

No coach or spectator is to address the referee during the game!

Coaches Allowable Exceptions:

During the match:

Responding to a referee initiating a communication

Making substitutions

Pointing out emergencies or safety issues

At half time or at the end of the match:

A coach may ask a referee to explain a rule(s) in a polite and constructive way. This is not an invitation to debate or argue!

A coach may give polite and friendly feedback to a referee

Absolutely no sarcasm, no harassment, and no intimidation


1st Minor Infraction - Referee shall give a verbal warning

2nd Minor Infraction – Caution with Misconduct report submitted to A&D

3rd Minor Infraction - Ejection with Misconduct report submitted to A&D

1st Serious Infraction - Ejection with Misconduct report submitted to A&D

Spectators Allowable Exceptions:

During the match:

Responding to a referee initiating a communication

Pointing out emergencies or safety issues


1st Infraction - Referee should stop the game and ask the coach to quiet the offending spectator.

2nd Infraction - A verbal warning. Referee should stop the game and ask the coach to warn the spectator that the next infraction will result in the spectator and coach’s ejection.

3rd Infraction - The referee shall eject the spectator and the coach. A Misconduct report shall be submitted to A&D.

The referee should abandon the game if the spectator and/or coach does not leave the field immediately. If the referee abandons the game, the referee shall file a report, and RCSA may impose a forfeit on the spectator's team.

Communications among players and referees are governed by the FIFA Laws of the Game

North Texas Soccer Association / RCSA Rules & Regulations - CODE OF CONDUCT

6.1. Conduct

6.1.2. Conduct of the Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Team Managers, players, parents or spectators is required to be of high caliber when such individuals are participating in NTSSA or RCSA sponsored events, either directly or indirectly. The following actions by the coaching staff and/or parents are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN: Foul or abusive language Harassment of players Harassment of league officials, referees or spectators Acts of aggression to players, league officials, referees or spectators Conduct contrary to the rules or procedures of RCSA or the Parent Code of Conduct Violations of City Ordinances Failure to comply with any disciplinary action of RCSA or NTSSA

6.1.3. Any misconduct including, but not limited to profanity, abusive language, and/or obscene gestures shall be dealt with in a decisive manner in accordance with RCSA regulations, NTSSA Rules and Regulations 3.11 Rule XI "Discipline" and/or the City of Royse City, as may be appropriate



  • Practice can start as soon as your receive your roster. You may want to practice on Saturday the first two weeks before games begin. Make sure your practices are in an approved area (including but not limited to, school grounds and city parks). Be prepared with this information when contacting parents for the first time.
  • Make sure your parents know that the player will need shin guards, ball, and water bottle for all practices and games.
  • Coaches are expected to hold at least 1 practice per week not to exceed 2 times a week. Practice times, dates and locations are set at the discretion of the coach. Please keep time reasonable for commuting parents. Length of practices depends on age group:

U4-U8: no more than 1 hour

U10 & up: no more than 90 minutes.


Lessons learned by a rookie youth soccer coach | The Star



Coach Training - click here for coach training designed by United States Youth Soccer (USYS). These lessons plans include:  

U6 & Under

Ball Movement
Ball Sense
Coordination Movement
Dribbling Part One
Dribbling Part Two
Moving with the Ball

U8 & Under

One Ball, Two Players
Ball Control
Dribbling Part One
Dribbling Part Two
Lower Limb Coordination & Vision
Receiving Part One
Receiving Part Two
Small Group Play
Passing in Pairs

U10 & Under

Foot Coordination & Speed


U12 & Under

Receiving & Passing
Third Attacker
First Defender
First Touch Out of Pressure
Attacking Compactness
Spatial Awareness / 
Passing Lanes

U14 & Under

Midfield Attack
Receiving Air Balls


Referees | US Youth Soccer





RCSA is proud to have some of the best recreational referees in N. Texas. Coaches' evaluation of referees is one of the many important and critical parameters that we uses to improve performance of our referees. To evaluate or file a complaint, please click the link below, fill out and submit. It only takes a few minutes to fill out.