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8 Yr Old Standings

Last Update: 5-6-22

10 Yr Old-B Standings

Last Update: 5-6-22

11 Yr Old-A Standings

Last Update: 5-6-22

11 Yr Old-B Standings

See Commissioner for Standings
Last Update: 5-6-22

12 Yr Old-A Standings

Last Update: 5-6-22

12 Yr Old-B Standings

See Commissioner for Standings
Last Update: 5-6-22

13 Yr Old Standings

See Commissioner for Standings
Last Update: 5-6-22

14/15 Yr Old Standings

Last Update: 5-6-22

How Standings are Determined


A) Each team's record will determine the standings for Division winners, playoff positions, and home field advantage at end of the season.

B)Number of wins divided by games played is the formula used to determine the standings in a Division. Ties count as one-half win and one-half loss. Should the situation arise where two teams jointly choose to not play a scheduled or a rescheduled game, or if they jointly choose to not re-schedule a postponed game, then each team will be given a loss for that game. This rule is intended to ensure that all games that are meaningful to the standings are actually played.

C) If two or more teams are tied in the standings and there is no winner in the case of head to head competition during the regular season, then that spot or spots in the standings is/are determined by winning percentage against the opponents that those teams commonly played. When this tie-breaking mechanism does not produce a clear ranking in the standings, then that spot or spots in the standings is/are determined by the lowest Runs Against total. When these tie-breaking mechanisms do not produce a clear ranking in the standings, then a flip of the coin or a draw of the cards will be used, with the team located closest to the Bensalem Community Center calling the flip or pulling the card.

D) The team managers are solely responsible for reporting their team’s game scores (wins only) to their age group Commissioner by Sunday evening no later than 7:00 pm for their Friday and Sunday games.

Standings Template Document
Commissioners can download this form to their PC, Edit It, and
a) Save it with the Title structured as follows (11s used as example):
"Standings 11s (dd-mm-yy)"
b) Distribute via email to all Age Group Coaches
c) Send as an attachment to STBL Webmaster for posting to website