UDHL 2016 In-House Play Rules

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Pitching Rules:
Regular season: A pitcher cannot exceed more than 7 inning a week.  Babe Ruth Baseball Inc. defines a calendar week asMonday, through and including Sunday. Each game in which a pitcher pitches is considered one (1) assignment. Therefore, a pitcher in the same game may start out as a pitcher, play another position, and return to the mound and this would still be considered as one (1) assignment as long as the pitcher remains in the field.  If the pitcher is removed from the field of play, the player MAY NOT return to the mound and pitch in the same game regardless of remaining eligible innings.
Baulks: 13 year old division - 1 warning per pitcher up until Memorial Day Weekend.  After Memorial Day Weekend and into playoffs, no warnings.  14-15 Year Old Division - Regular baseball rules, no warnings from start to finish.
Playoff Pitching Rules:
All divisions, Rolling 7 innings over two games.  No must play rule for either division.
Inhouse Game Rules:
13 year olds:  Continues batting and free substitution in the field.  Any players the show up after the start of a game are allowed to play, however they must be added to the bottom of the batting order.
14-15 year olds:  Bat 9 and substitution rule applies.  Teams can utilize the EH.  EH is considered a starter and can be placed in the field of play for another starter as long as the batting order does not change.  Player that arrive after the start of the game can be worked into the line-up utilizing the substitution rule.
7 inning games with no time limit during the week.  Weekends - Cannot start a new inning after a 2 hour and 15 minute times for games with a following game scheduled.  
10 run rule:  4 1/2 innings if home team is winning.  5 innings if away team is winning.
Head 1st slides to and from the base is allowed.
No malicious contact, the call is at the discretion of the umpire.  A base runner must have access to the base or home plate. A fielder cannot block a base or the plate without the baseball.