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Code of Conduct

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Player Code of Conduct

I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials and parents at every game and practice by demonstrating good sportsmanship.


I will attend every practice and game that I can, and will notify my coach if I cannot. I will be on time for practice and games.


I will listen and learn from my coaches.


I will treat my coaches, other players, officials and fans with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities, and I will expect to be treated accordingly.


I deserve to play in an environment that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and expect adults to refrain from their use at all youth sports events.


I will partake in Warren Craze Fundraisers.


I will respect all practice and playing fields by disposing of all garbage in its proper place.


I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, league official or any other attendee.


I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety, or well being of a coach, parent, player, participant, league official or any other attendee.


I will not engage in the use of profanity while attending or participating in a youth sports event.


I agree that if I fail to abide by the above code of conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include but is not limited to the following:

*Verbal warning by official, head coach, and/or head of league organization.

*Player game suspension.

*Player season suspension.


Parent Code of Conduct:

I/we agree to set a good example for my/our daughter in their participation as a Warren Craze player by adhering to the following:


I/we will let the coaches' coach: No coaching of any kind from parents or other spectators is allowed. (This will prevent distractions and allow the player to properly focus and concentrate). 


I/we will be a positive role model: Encouraging sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials, and spectators at every game, practice or other sporting events. 


I/we will never criticize the umpire or coach openly or directly during or after games. 


I/we will support the program: By getting involved and volunteering.


I/we will help with fundraising or pay the opt out fee. 


I/we will encourage communication between the player and the coach. (This promotes growth by helping my daughter take personal responsibility.


I/we will encourage my daughter to always have a positive attitude while playing with the team. 


I/we will not discuss with the manager or coaches issues concerning my daughter's playing time, team strategy, other players etc, during or immediately following the game. (24 hour rule) I will only contact coaches after 24 hours through their personal email or the board at