Rules of play for all divisions
Age Divisions
Divisions of Play |
Base Paths |
Pitching Distance |
Outfield Fence* |
T-ball |
55' |
N/A |
N/A |
C/M Pitch |
55' |
N/A |
N/A |
7U |
60' |
40' |
160' |
Peewee 7/8 |
60' |
44' |
160' |
Minor 9/10 |
60' |
46' |
180' |
Major 11/12 |
70' |
50' |
220' |
13U |
80' |
54' |
275'-300' |
14/15 |
90' |
60'6" |
300'-375' |
16/18 |
90' |
60'6" |
300'-375' |
*These are recommended, and parks may be different |
Rules of play will be based on the NFHS rules. In addition, the following rules will be used in league and post season play.
For details on field layout including recommended direction of play, fair and foul territory requirements, infield and outfield grades, pitcher’s mound height and slope, batter’s and catcher’s box dimensions, and base and home plate size and construction should be referred to the Official Rules of Baseball as published by NFHS
No metal cleats will be allowed in any age or division under age of 13u. No player will be allowed to play in a game with metal cleats. Any team who does not have enough players to play will forfeit their game and will not be rescheduled. Any player found playing in metal cleats will be removed from the game for the remainder of the game. No metal cleats should be worn on any temporary pitching mound at any park.
The catcher shall wear all appropriate protective gear including a catcher’s helmet with face mask and either a built in extended throat guard or a separately attached throat guard, chest protector, shin and / or leg guards, and protective cup. The protective cup is required for any player male or female. In age divisions T-Ball – 13U, the catcher’s helmet shall fully cover both ears.
Time limit
8U - 18U - 1:40 No new inning all divisions - Game times played on field with no lights can be adjusted by hosting league
Maximum innings per game (Complete Games if finished under time limit)
7u - 12u 6 innings
13u- 18u 7 innings
For Weather delays - Any game that has played 3 innings or 60 minutes will be considered a complete game. If games are delayed prior to these outlined. Those games can be rescheduled later in the year if field space is available.
Run Rules
Single A Division
7u - 10u 6 runs per half inning
11u- 15u 7 runs per half inning
16/18 no run limit per inning
AAA Divisions
7u & 8u 6 runs per half inning
9u 8 runs per half inning
This applies to all innings including the final inning of any game. The max runs in any inning are listed above. In the event during the final offensive play of any inning when multiple runs score after the max those runs are not counted in the official score.
Mercy rule
If any team is leading by at least 15 runs at the end of 3 or 10 runs at the end of 4 or more complete innings the game will be declared complete and the team with the lead will be declared the winner.
Games will start as long as each team has a minimum of 7 players. When players arrive, they will be added to the end of the batting order. If a team has less than 9 players and the batting position that is missing a player, the opposing team has the option to take the automatic out or allow to skip the batting position with no out taken. If a player is injured during the game and is not able to make a plate appearance there will be no out taken, and the batter will be skipped.
Games can end in ties. In the event the time has run out and the game is tied at the end of that inning the game is over.
60 Foot base running Rule:
When a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher’s plate and in possession of the ball and the catcher is in the catcher’s box ready to receive delivery of the ball, base runners shall not leave their bases until the ball has been delivered and has reached home plate. Once the catcher has secured the ball and the runner has stopped his forward progress, the runner must immediately return to the base.
The violation by one runner shall affect all other runners.
A. When a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached home plate and the batter does not hit the ball, the runner is permitted to continue. If a play is made on the runner and the runner is out, the out stands. If said runner reaches safely the base to which he is advancing, all runners must be returned to the base occupied before the pitch was made, and no out results.
B. When any base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached home plate and the batter bunts or hits a ball within the infield, no run shall be allowed to score. If three runners were on the bases and the batter reaches first base safely, each runner shall advance to the base beyond the one they occupied at the start of the play except the runner who occupied third base, which runner shall be removed from the base without a run being scored. NOTE: See exception following the rules.
C. When a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached home plate and the batter hits the ball to the outfield, the base runner or runners are permitted to continue. If a play is made and the runner or runners are put out, the out or outs will stand. If not put out, the runner or runners must return to the original base or bases or to the unoccupied base nearest the one left. In no event shall the batter advance beyond first base on a single or error, second base on a double or third base on a triple. The umpire-in-chief shall determine the base value of the hit ball.
NOTE: When there is a base running violation, the umpire should signal such infraction by indicating a delayed dead ball. EXCEPTION: If at the conclusion of the play there is an open base, paragraphs (a) and (b) will apply
No Malicious contact - If a runner attempting to reach home plate or any other base intentionally and maliciously runs into a defensive player in the area of home plate or any other base, he will be called out and ejected from the game.
Protested Games
Umpire judgement calls cannot and will not be protested.
If there is a misapplication of a rule by an umpire there is an option for a protest. During the game the head coach will need to inform the umpire that He/She would like to protest the game. The score keeper and the umpire should track the time and point of the game in that the protest has been made. Play of the game will be resumed and the game will be completed as normal. The protest will need to be filed with the hosting league president within 12 hours of the end of the game. The protest will require the rule that was applied in error and why the coach believed it was applied incorrect. The league president should have a review process with his rules committee and provide a ruling on the protest within 7 days of the game. If the game has an impact on the end of season results the league president has the option to replay the game from the point of the protest and finish the game. If there is no impact on standings the game will not be replayed.
Coach/Player/Fan misconduct
any participant using inappropriate words, actions, or behavior is not acceptable and can be ejected and removed from any park. Upon ejection the parent/player/coach or fan must immediately leave the park. Such actions will also serve a one game suspension upon the teams next game. Presidents may also have the option to require additional penalties at their discretion. If any fan/spectator is removed from the game the head coach for that team will also be removed and serve the given suspension.
All players in Single A division and at all ages are to be placed in the batting lineup. There will also be open defensive substitutions and no player shall sit for more than 2 innings in any game. It is also recommended that no player should sit for consecutive innings at any time.
Background Checks
Each head coach should have a background check at a minimum
Each board member will need to complete a background check
Each individual league will responsible for conducting these checks on each of their coaches and board members
As per NFHS rules a pitcher may feint a throw to 3rd base and turn in an attempt to throw back to 1st base. Rule 6-1,6-2,6-3
It is not permitted to slash bunt in any age division up to and including 12u. This is an act by a batter to fake a bunt and then attempt to make a full swing on the same pitch. The runner will be called out and all base runners will return to preciously awarded base.
Speed up rule- 7u-12u may use a speed up runner for catchers only with 2 outs. The runner will be the last recorded out. Ages 13-18 speedups runners will be allowed for pitchers and catchers.
No music should be played by any team at any park at any time.
No more than 4 coaches will be allowed in a dugout during any game. Only 2 coaches are ever allowed outside of the dugout during play.
Pitching Rules
Age Divisions |
Pitches/ Day |
Days Rest |
Pitches/ Day |
Days Rest |
Pitches/ Day |
Days Rest |
Max/ Day |
7U |
1-19 |
0 |
20-35 |
1 |
36+ |
2 |
50 |
Peewee 7/8 |
1-19 |
0 |
20-35 |
1 |
36+ |
2 |
50 |
Minor 9/10 |
1-29 |
0 |
30-45 |
1 |
46+ |
2 |
65 |
Major 11/12 |
1-34 |
0 |
35-55 |
1 |
56+ |
2 |
75 |
13U |
1-44 |
0 |
45-59 |
1 |
60+ |
2 |
80 |
14/15 |
1-49 |
0 |
50-65 |
1 |
66+ |
2 |
95 |
16/18 |
1-49 |
0 |
50-65 |
1 |
66+ |
2 |
95 |
No pitcher is allowed to pitch in 3 consecutive days |
Minor 9/10 | USA BASEBALL / USSSA | NO MAX |
Major 11/12 | USA BASEBALL / USSSA | NO MAX |
14/15 | BBCOR | -3 |
16/18 | BBCOR | -3 |
14U | BBCOR | -3 |
Note: BBCOR bats are always allowed at younger age groups.
Any bat that has been Withdrawn/Disallowed will no longer be permitted for use on any league or post season game. We will use the list provided by USSSA baseball https://www.usssa.com/baseball/baseball-withdrawn-andor-non-compliant-baseball-bat-models .
Age Division Specific Rules
7U Division
· 7u special live ball running rule
· No stealing bases in any situation including past balls or overthrows
once ball touches the infield the runner may only advance to the next available/open base. The ball will remain live and an attempt on a runner can result in an out.
· Pitcher must remain behind the pitching machine prior to pitch being hit.
· 5 pitch max - Runner is out after 5th pitch is thrown. An at bat may be extended if the 5th pitch results in a foul ball. There will be no walks
· 7u teams will use 4 out fielders
· Team must start a game with 7 players at game time
· Coaches are allowed on the field during defense but must remain behind the outfield players.
· Defense will be allowed only one team conference per inning.
7U AAA Division
· Pitching machine will be used for all innings. No pitching will take place. Teams are encouraged to work on pitching during practice.
· 1:10 Minute no new inning
· 6 innings max per game
· 6 runs max per half inning in all innings.
· Pitching machine should be place at approximately 40 feet of just in front of the pitching mound on a 40 foot mound.
7u - Single A - all leagues decide what level of pitching/pitching machine will be used in local league play. For cross over games played at the end of year we will use all innings on pitching machine.
8u special base running rules - Single A divisions only
No stealing home base on a past ball or overthrow to pitcher prior to the first full week in May. Any attempt on a runner is a live play and runners may advance to any base including home. Starting with the first full week of May stealing home will be allowed.
9u/10u - Minor Single A
No lead off / No drop 3rd strike
9u AAA division
drop 3rd strike will be played
10u AAA
This division only will have 65-foot bases and with leadoffs
Drop 3rd strike will be in play
Balks will be enforced from start of season
11u/12u - Major Single A divisions only
Lead offs are allowed / Dropped 3rd strike is live
a Balk will be called but runners will not advance on the first offense during any game prior to the first full week of May. One warring may be given to each pitcher. (This is for Single A division only)