Western Bergen Gameplay Rules

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Established September 2020







Western Bergen Soccer League Gameplay Rules

Last Revised March 13, 2024

Section 1: Divisions and Specific Rules (***Note that any discrepancies with the bylaws and/or general ambiguities are subject to interpretation by the League Administrator***)

1.     Pioneer Division (Grades 3&4) foundation as follows:

a.    7v7 (including goalie)

b.    Small-sided fields and goals

c.    13 minute quarters

d.    Size 4 ball

e.    Penalty shots are taken 10 yards from goal line unless a line is already marked

f.     A build-out line will be used during goal-kicks, goalie possession, and offsides restarts.  If a field does not have a build-out line, cones will be used as a substitute.  The build out line is also the new offsides marker for the offensive team instead of the half-line.  Further guidance:  Buildout Line Guidance

g.    No punting or drop kicks by goalies will be allowed.

h.    Intentional heading is not permitted and will result in an Indirect Free Kick.  If the intentional heading occurred within the goal area, the Indirect Free Kick shall be taken in the vicinity of goal area line parallel to where the infringement occurred.

i.     Players shall be allowed a second throw-in (or do-over) if the first throw is a foul throw during the regular season.  In the event the second throw is a foul throw, the ball is turned over to the opponent.


2.      Champions Division (Grades 5&6) foundation as follows:

a.    9v9 (including goalie)

b.    Intermediate fields and goals

c.    16 minute quarters

d.    Size 4 ball

e.    Penalty shots are taken 10 yards from the goal line unless a line is otherwise marked

f.     Intentional heading is not permitted and will result in an Indirect Free Kick.  If the intentional heading occurred within the goal area, the Indirect Free Kick shall be taken in the vicinity of the goal area line parallel to where the infringement occurred.


3.      Premier Division (Grades 7&8) foundation as follows:

a.     11v11 (including goalie)

b.     18 minute quarters

c.     Size 5 ball

d.     Penalty shots are taken 12 yards from the goal line unless a line is otherwise marked

e.     Intentional heading IS permitted in this age group


Section 2: Rules for All Divisions

1.    WBSL will adhere to International Football Association Board (“IFAB”) Laws of the Game except where expressly noted.  Link:  IFAB Laws of the Game

2.     The most recent IFAB changes can be found in the following link IFAB Laws of the Game Changes

3.    Slide tackles are not permitted and will result in a Direct Free Kick and a yellow card to the offending player in Championship and Premier Divisions if, with respect to the latter, the slide tackle was viewed as intentional by the Referee (e.g., player didn’t slip).  A warning may be provided for a first offense in Pioneer Division at the Referee’s discretion.  If a player slips and accidentally slides towards the ball, however, it may result in a stoppage by the Referee with an indirect free kick awarded if there is no contact made with the opposing player.   

4.    Coaches may not unilaterally cancel or reschedule games.  Games may only be cancelled or (re)scheduled by agreement from the Town Delegates representing both sides.  Cancellations will generally only occur due to bad weather and/or unsafe field conditions. A “no show” o show by a team may result in a 3-2 forfeit if both coaches confirmed in accordance with Section 2(6) below.   Conversely, a home team may receive a forfeit if a field and/or game time was changed after the original schedule was released without first confirming with the opposing coach.  

5.    Similarly, a team that is not able to maintain the minimum number of players on the field (Section 3 (1)) will lose by a 3-2 forfeit.    Under that scenario the game may be played as a scrimmage at the agreement of the coaches.   Every effort should be made to reschedule games in advance where it is clear that a team may not be able to have the required minimum number of players on the field

6.    Coaches should attempt to communicate at least 48 hours prior to a game to confirm game details.   The home coach is generally expected to confirm their home field and time but it is recommended that a visiting coach reach out if they haven’t been contacted at least 48 hours prior to the game

7.    All players should play a minimum of half the game, even during the playoffs

8.    A player may not score more than 5 goals in a regular season game.  If a player scores more than 5 goals, the BoD may determine the game a forfeit and the coach may be disciplined.

9.   Color clashes should be avoided when ordering uniforms.     If both teams have the same color uniforms, the home team will switch to a different color shirt – pinnies are acceptable.

10.  The goalie will wear a contrasting, different color shirt.

11.  The goalie must be protected.  Attempts to kick the ball or push the goalie once controllable contact is established shall be considered dangerous play with an indirect kick awarded.   Referees are encouraged to error on the side of caution with respect to stoppage of play given the risk of injury.

12.  Goalies may throw or kick the ball with the exception of the Pioneer Division where no punting is allowed

13.  The home team is responsible for assigning and paying the referees. It is suggested a referee crew for Pioneer Division be composed of a minimum of 1 ref and Champions/Premier Division be composed a minimum of 2 refs. It is highly recommended that at least one Premier Division referee be a “senior” (post-High School) certified referee.  If referees do not show up, coaches may agree on a logical path forward with either parents or coaches refereeing.

14.  The home team will provide game balls.

15.  A maximum of 4 volunteers are allowed per team. Coaches and spectators are not allowed behind the end lines.   Spectators must sit on the sideline opposite the coaches and players.

16.  There is no overtime for regular season games prior to the final regular season game which will be golden goal + penalty kicks to create a playoff atmosphere for all teams.  

17.  Players must wear shin guards, covered by socks, as well as rubber soccer or multi-purpose cleats (baseball and football cleats are not permitted).  All team members shall have matching shirts, wear no jewelry or hard objects such as hard casts.  If sweatshirts (no hoods) or pants are worn, they shall be worn beneath the uniform.  Earrings are not permitted even if covered by band-aid or tape in accordance with United States Soccer Federation ("USSF") Advice to Referees on the Laws of the Game. 

18.  No player may play with a bleeding wound and may not return into the game until the referee is satisfied that the bleeding has stopped.

19.  Referee reports, including scores, should be sent to Town Delegates after each game.

20.  Substitutions

a.    Substitutions must be up and ready at the halfway line.     Substitutions are allowed on any stoppage in play

21.  Scoring

a.    Immediately following a goal which puts one team ahead by 5 goals, the team with the lead shall remove 1 player from the field.  Upon a lead of 6 goals, they shall remove a second player. A 7-goal advantage, remove a third player.   If the goal advantage should be reduced, the rule should be used in reverse to add players, 1 player per one goal such that at a 4-goal advantage, the number of players is even once again.

b.    No team should have a lead of more than 7 goals. For games that end with more than a 7-goal differential, the coach of the winning team may be suspended for a minimum of 1 game.

c.     A team that is winning by a wide margin shall discreetly and quietly refrain from scoring. 

d.    Regardless of final score, if a game ends with a difference of more than 5 goals, the official box score will be a maximum of 5 goal difference - for example a final score of 6-0 will be registered as 5-0 and 7-1 will be registered as 6-1.

e.     If the final score has a difference of 7 or more goals, the losing team will gain a goal on the final adjusted score for every goal over 6 goals.  For example, a score of 7-0 will be registered as 6-1


Section 3: Players and Team Rosters

1.    If a team has only one substitute or fewer, the coaches may agree to play the game with smaller sided teams subject to the following on field minimums.  For Pioneer Division teams may not play with less than 6 on the field (including goalie), Champions Division teams may not play with less than 7 on the field (including goalie), and Premier Division teams may not play with less than 8 on the field (including goalie).

2.    A team may not borrow players except to get to a roster size where substitutes are available as per below.   Borrowing players is not permitted during the playoffs.   If a playoff team is unable to field a full roster from their drafted players then they should yield their spot for the next team in the standings which can field a full roster.



3rd-4th Grade

1 substitute

5th-6th Grade

2 substitutes

7th-8th Grade

3 substitutes

1via non-impactful borrowed players from other Town recreational soccer active rosters

Any borrowed player should be at a skill level where they do not impact the outcome of the game either positively or negatively, either by virtue of playing across a division or playing up from the division below.  Players added to team rosters after the draft should be allocated by Town Representatives to ensure team balance; coaches should not recruit players who are added to their team outside of Town procedures. Referees should ask each head coach during check-in whether they are using any borrowed players and identify them (including name and number) to the opposing coach and their Referee Coordinator (the latter on a best efforts basis particularly if the borrowed player(s) impacted competitive balance).    Coaches must remove borrowed players from their roster and sideline in an amount sufficient to meet the limitations in the table above. 

3.     Boys teams may borrow girls from the same grade levels if required to ensure at least one substitute

4.     Borrowed players should not play more than any player on a team’s normal roster except in the case of an injury in which case the borrowed player could play more minutes than the injured rostered player

5.     Town Delegates should facilitate or review team drafts to ensure an even distribution by grade and skill level.  Non-drafted players who subsequently join a program should be allocated by Town Delegates in an attempt to ensure team balance.    Coaches should not recruit players for their team and parents should not avoid the registration process in an attempt to get their child on a preferred team

6.    Team roster differential should be limited to 1 in terms of grade level and highly skilled players.   Highly skilled players are not necessarily limited to players participating in club soccer programs

7.    If rosters within a town are observed to be unbalanced from common game results the Town Delegate representative should consider steps to rebalance the teams.


Section 4: Playoff Rules

1.    Playoff standing tie breakers include the following by priority with all age group teams combined into a single division:  Games played (capped at the minimum amount of scheduled games for each division), standings point (averaged where scheduled game counts are uneven in a division), head-to-head, goals against, goals for, coin flip.    Game count may be adjusted by the League with specific respect to late season weekend rainouts (one or both days, depending upon impact) where a majority of towns are impacted and there is insufficient time to schedule make-up games.   Strength of schedule is not a consideration in playoff seeding.

2.    There are no re-do throw-ins for Pioneer Division during the playoffs.

3.    A playoff team roster must consist of only drafted players or late additions approved by the Town Representative subject to the caveats listed above.   Each playoff team must submit a roster to the League via their Town Delegate at least one week prior to their playoff game.    Failure to do so could result in a loss of their playoff spot to the next highest ranked team.

4.    Playoff games must be played during the scheduled weekend unless there is agreement between coaches and Town Representatives

4.     A game tied at the end of regulation goes into two 5-minute sudden death (golden goal) overtimes.

5.    If a game is tied after overtimes, there will be a 5-player shootout (a goaltender is eligible to be a shooter).  Shooters and goaltenders in the shootout must be the players on the field at the end of overtime, with the same goaltender remaining in that position.  If still tied after 5 rounds, the rounds become sudden death and the other players on the field at the end of regulation will take attempts.   No player will attempt a second kick until all players who were on the field at the end of regulation have attempted a kick if still tied.    Coaches should ensure that the players on the field at the end of regulation remain on the field during the break.   

6.   There will be a stoppage of time for any substitutes during the last 5 minutes of a playoff game with extra time to be added to the end of regulation to account for the stoppage

Section 5: Cards and Conduct

1.     All red cards must be reported to the Board by the home team Co-President or Representative.   Both yellow and red cards should be noted in the game notes on the website with sufficient detail.

2.     A first red player or coach red card will result in a one game suspension.   A second red card in a season may result in up to a season long or lifetime ban at the discretion of the Board upon a review of the cumulative fact pattern

3.     A 3rd player yellow card in a season may result in a one game suspension following review by the Board

4.     The players and coaches will set up on one side of the field while the spectators are limited to the opposite sideline at a minimum of 2 yards from the field.  

5.    WBSL has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards any displayed or verbal hostile/non-respectful disagreement with all decisions of officials by players, coaches and spectators (for whom coaches are responsible). Actions that are deemed non-respectful by officials (including persistent dissension) will result in cards issued to the offending coaches and will dealt with by Town Representatives.  WBSL prohibits dissent of any kind, including words or actions, even if you are right.   No coach is allowed to walk onto the field (in an attempt to ‘talk’ to the referee) during the game or approach the referee during breaks or after the game. The referee should issue a card if she/he is approached by a coach walking onto the field during play, including stoppages, during breaks or after games.   A coach using profanity will also receive a red card and automatic ejection. In addition, any player using profanity or other ugly displays shall be immediately red carded, requiring ejection. Substitution for this player is allowed.   Red cards issued to coaches or players may result in subsequent game suspensions.   Multiple red cards received in a single season may result in a seasonal or permanent suspension at the discretion of the Town Representatives.  The proper channel for complaints is to your Town Representative following the game rather than to referees during the game.

6.    Any physical altercations between coaches, players, and/or referees will result in lifetime ban for the aggressor and requires Board discussion to determine further impact.