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USABL Monster Bash 14U Champions
USABL Octoberfest 9U Champions
USABL Labor Day Classic 10U Champions
USABL Summer Sizzler 8U Champions
USABL Summer Slam 12U Champions
Perfect Game Mid-Atlantic WS 13U Champions
USABL Jersey Battle 10U Champions
Ripken Aberdeen Power Alley 13U Champions
USABL American Metro Spring League 9U Champions
USABL Going Yard 14U Champions
NYEB Battle of the Bats 10U Champions
USABL East Coast Clash 14U Champions
Frozen Ropes Memorial Day Classic 12U Champions
USABL Memorial Day Classic 11U Champions
USABL Memorial Day Classic 9U Champions
Frozen Ropes Memorial Day Classic 10U Champions
NYEB Triple Play Showdown 13U (Justin) Champions
Frozen Ropes Rumble @ the Rock 12U Champions
USABL April Showdown 8U Champions
USABL July Showdown 8U Champions
Perfect Game Mid-Atlantic World Series 16U Champions
USABL Jersey Battle 12U (Blue) Champions
USABL Stars & Stripes 9U Champions
NABF World Series 12U (Orange) Champions
USABL Spring League 9U Champions
USABL - Memorial Day Classic 13U (Blue) Champions
Frozen Ropes Rumble At The Rock 12U (Orange) Champions
USABL Spring Blast 12U (Orange) Champions
Ripken - Summer Kick Off 12U (Orange) Runner Up
USABL - Going Yard 14U Runner Up
USABL - Easter Battle 12U (Blue) Runner Up
Perfect Game Mid-Atlantic World Series 14U Champions
USABL Summer Slam North 14U (Blue) Champions
Frozen Ropes Mid-Summer Classic 14U Champions
Battle of Omaha 14U Champions
USABL Bring The Heat 12U (Orange) Champions
Bergen County Charity Classic 14U Club Champions
USABL Memorial Day Classic 12U (Orange) Champions
NYEB Triple Play Showdown 12U (Orange) Champions
BSE Ring Series 14U Champions
USABL Spring Classic WS Qualifier 14U Champions
PG Northeast World Series (AAA) 12U (Orange) Runner Up
Future Stars - Blue Mountain Battle 13U Runner Up
Oradell Columbus Day Tournament 14U Champions
Diamond Nation Summer Bash 13U (Orange) Champions
USABL Summer Bash 13U (Blue) Champions
USABL Summer Bash 9U Champions
BSE Heat Wave 10U Champions
Frozen Ropes Bring the Heat 12U Co-Champions
USABL Stars & Stripes 12U Champions
USABL Fathers Day Showdown 11U (Blue) Champions
USABL Spring League 9U Champions
USABL Going Yard 13U (Orange) Champions
Bergen County Charity Classic 13U (Orange) Club Champions
BSE Mothers Day Battle 13U (Orange) Champions
NYEB Spring Slugfest 13U (Blue) Champions
USABL Easter Battle 13U (Orange) Champions
Frozen Ropes Calm Before The Storm 13U (Orange) Runner Up
USABL Fathers Day Showdown 13U (Blue) Runner Up
USABL Bring the Heat 11U (Orange) Runner Up
USABL Stars and Stripes 11U (Blue) Runner Up
USABL Summer Slam 12U Champions
Frozen Ropes Scope and Rope Invitational 12U Champions
USABL Summer League 12U Champions
USSSA Silver Slugger 1-1 10U Champions
USABL Columbus Day Bash 12U Champions
USABL Frazier Halloween Havoc 12U Champions
USSSA Silver Slugger 1-1 12U Runner Up
USABL NJ Mayhem 10U Runner Up
Frozen Ropes First Pitch Classic 10U Runner Up
NABF World Series 12U Runner Up
Perfect Game Mid-Atlantic World Series 12U Semi-Finalist
USABL World Series 12U Runner Up
USSSA Bring The Heat 10U Runner Up
USABL Spring Blast 10U Champions
USABL Spring League 11U Champions
USABL Summer Blast 11U Champions
Frozen Ropes Mid-Summer Classic 11U Champions
USABL Jersey Mayhem 10U Champions
Ripken Aberdeen Triple Play 11U Champions
USABL Oktoberfest 12U Champions
USABL Stars and Stripes Classic 10U Champions
USABL Summer Slam 10U Champions
USABL Summer League 10U Champions
Baseball Heaven 10U Runner Up
BCCC Memorial Day Tournament 10U Runner Up