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Please read and understand the following, for it details the limits to which we operate this home page site. We are operating this site for the betterment of Foothill Baseball Association (FBA) and its participants and do not wish to engage in any legal interactions with browsers. If you have concerns with anything we have reprinted here, please contact the League Executive Officers at and let us know of your concerns.

OTHER WWW SITES: Although we may provide links to other websites, you should be aware that websites listed on FBA's website are by no means, under the control of FBA or its Board Members. Accordingly, FBA can make no representation concerning the content of these sites, nor can the fact that FBA has given these listings, serve as an endorsement by FBA, or its Board Members or coaches. FBA is providing these listings only as a convenience to you with the intent of sharing information or products found on these linked sites; and, therefore cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety or suitability of any information or products found therein.

MEDICAL ADVICE: We are not licensed medical practitioners - so please consult your personal physician regarding any medical attention or advice offered on this website.

COPYRIGHT ISSUES: All attempts will be made to not infringe on an author's copyrighted material. For anything that FBA does post on this website, attempts will be made to identify the author and source and gain permission.

REPRINT INFORMATION: Non-profit youth organizations, parents of FBA players, and coaches or officers of FBA may reprint articles (along with attendant photos or graphics), schedules, team lists or other information from this website as long as it is for personal use only and not for profit or gain. Any copyrighted information must have prior approval by FBA Board Members before reprinting.

PROFILES: First, FBA assumes that any person submitting profile information, created the text and graphics and has the legal rights to agree to this statement. If anyone submits a professionally taken photograph or image, please obtain permission to reproduce the material from the creator prior to forwarding it to FBA. Second, the creator of any profile submitted to FBA must agree to the following conditions: You are giving FBA and its Board of Directors permission to use the text, with photos, graphics or images, without cost to FBA. FBA may use the text and images in any product published in the fulfillment of their mission such as Newsletters, Programs, T-shirts, caps, CD-ROMs, etc. You also agree to hold FBA and its Directors harmless if any profile information is reproduced and used inappropriately, or without knowledge or permission of FBA Board of Directors.

ARTICLES, PHOTOS, GRAPHICS: First, FBA assumes any article, photo, or graphic is created by the person submitting the materials, and they have the legal right to agree to this statement. Second, FBA assumes the materials are original and not copied from other sources, except as permitted by copyright law. Third, FBA does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of materials submitted; it is the submitter's responsibility to make sure the materials are accurate. Foutrh, the author and artist of any article, photograph or graphic representation submitted to FBA, must agree to the following: You are giving FBA and its Board of Directors, permission to use the article, photograph, or graphic representation, without cost to FBA. FBA may use the text and images in any product published, in the fulfillment of their mission, such as Newsletters, Programs, T-shirts, caps, CD-ROMS, etc. You also agree to hold FBA and its Directors harmless if any articles, photos, or graphics are reproduced and used inappropriately or without knowledge or permission of FBA Board of Directors.