May 1, 2023

GY Senior Softball Rules for Fall 2023 season

Summer Rules mirror the winter rules except for the Summer Rules on Page 10 

Mission Statement

Our purpose is to provide a recreational senior softball environment in the spirit of camaraderie for seniors age 62 and over. The commissioners govern the league. Teams will be made up of players with a balanced skill level and will adhere to the Rules and Policy adopted by the league. In the event an issue comes up that is not covered in the league rules the commissioners will look to the “Official Senior Softball-USA Rulebook” for guidance. 

The governing body of Golden Years Softball shall be comprised of the Commissioner along with a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will be comprised of a five-member Board selected by the Commissioner. Current managers are a part of the Board of Directors and may vote on all issues, except the replacement of the Commissioner and any of the five-member Board. A current manager is one who is managing during the season. The last playoff game ends the current season and whoever is a manager for the next season assumes a seat on the Board immediately. If there is a need for intervention to select managers for the next season, the Commissioner and the five-member board will vote on the candidates. Consideration will be given to previous managers. 

Secretary and Treasurer positions must be filled by one of the five Board members.

The Board of Directors will exercise the powers of the League about the establishment of rules and procedures, management of finances and property and all other business and affairs pertaining to the League. If any position on the five-member Board becomes vacant, the Board shall act promptly to fill the vacancy. Any member of the five-member Board may be removed from his/her position by a majority vote of the Commissioner and the five Board members, excluding the current managers, whenever in the five-member Board’s judgement, the best interests of the League would be served by such removal. The member subject to such removal shall not have a vote on the question.

The Board of Directors shall be responsible for approving permanent committees. The Commissioner may, from time to time, designate temporary committees and any member of the League may serve on such temporary committees. The Board of Directors shall appoint the Chairman of each permanent committee and the committee Chairman shall then select the members of the committee, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Any change in League procedures suggested by the committee Chairman must be approved by a vote of the Board of Directors. Committees shall meet at the discretion of the Chairman. 

The Board of Directors may authorize a Board member or committee Chairman to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the League. Such authority may be general or may be confined to specific instances. Whenever more than one signature is required, the Commissioner shall be authorized to sign along with any other member of the Board of Directors.


Section 1:  Player Requirements 

     ·         All players must be 62 years of age by the end of the season in which they will compete in with exceptions as approved by the BOD.                                                                                                                                                                                   ·         All players must be fully paid and have filed an application and signed a waiver in order to play in league games, pickup games and to be a reserve player.                                                                                                                                               ·         The application fee for a player registering for any season must be paid in full prior to the day of the draft to be included in the draft.                                                                                                                                                                                     ·         Registered and fully paid players in a given season will be allowed to play in league or pickup games until the start of the next season.                                                                                                                                                                               ·         Any registered player not drafted to a team will be placed on the reserve list. They may ask for a full refund and will not be placed on the reserve list. They may ask for a 50% refund and be placed on the reserve list as a reserve and pickup                     player.

      ·         New players joining after the draft may be assigned to a team if a spot is available and it does not change the competitive balance of the league. Otherwise, they will be placed on the reserve list by the BOD.

Section 2 :Playing Seasons and Playoffs 

·         The league will operate using a two-season format.

·         The seasons will be designated Winter and Summer.

·         The number of teams, schedule of games and playoff structure for each season will be determined and approved by the BOD prior to the start of each season.

·         The length of a given season will be determined by the number of teams, field availability, holidays and tournament days during the season.

·         A season’s schedule can be adjusted as needed during the season due to weather conditions that do not allow for the completion of the scheduled games. Adjustments can be in the form of playing on an off day, playing a double header or as last resort to the actual cancellation of games. All such adjustments are to be approved by the BOD.     

·         Presently the Winter season games will be scheduled as 9 innings with the Summer as 7 innings using a full count for both seasons.

-      The playoff structure will be determined each season by the BOD. The preferred playoff schedule would be a double elimination tournament with all teams participating. If this is not feasible due to field availability, number of days required or any other circumstance the BOD     will determine the playoff schedule to be used that season


Section 3: Draft 

·         The Draft will be conducted in a manner that is commonly called a “Snake Draft” with all players being available during any round.

·         Draft order to be determined by selecting from deck of playing cards with the starting order being from highest to lowest ranked card. The draft will continue in snake pattern until all rounds are complete.

·         Current ratings system will be used to evaluate new players, guide the managers as to a player’s abilities and rank those players going on the reserve list for proper placement when used as a replacement player.

·         Each season the BOD will determine the limit of the number of players per team. Present expectations are that teams will consist of a maximum of 12 roster slots.

·         Managers and /or players may recruit new players for the league but not specifically for their team.

·         Managers will be assigned a draft position by the BOD and the assigned draft position will be final. They will be the only players assigned a specific draft position and team.

·         A “helper” may be used to assist a manager during the draft process provided they are rated 6 to 12. The “helper” would then be assigned to the manager’s team in the appropriate draft position.   

·         All other players shall be available to be drafted in any position and are not preassigned to a specific team.

·       Trades are allowed upon completion of the draft and before the end of the leafue"s game day 4 and subject to approval of the BOD. Trades may only be done when the traded players are no more than one rating apart. (A 4 may be traded for a 3, 4 or 5). Exceptions can be made by the BOD.

·         Players cannot request to play for a specific manager, with a specific player or to not play for a specific manager. If a player chooses not to play for the team that they were drafted by a player from the reserve list may be selected by the manager with BOD approval to replace that player. The player choosing not to play will not be included in the next seasons draft.


Section 4: Pitching

·         The league will utilize a pitching screen as a means to protect the pitcher from bodily harm by being hit by a batted ball. It is recommended that the pitcher get behind the screen after releasing the ball but it is not required.

·         The screen will be placed in-line with the front pitching rubber with one leg of the screen in contact with the pitching rubber. The leg in contact with the rubber can be placed anywhere on the rubber. The screen must extend towards the base on the glove hand side of the pitcher.

·         The foot of the pitcher may be positioned anywhere on the rear pitching rubber. The pitcher’s body may be positioned behind the screen but the pitch cannot be delivered over the screen.

·         The pitching motion must include a full stop of at least one second prior to starting the pitcher’s motion. The pitcher’s motion starts when the pitcher makes movement of the pitching arm and must be in one continuous motion.  

·         The pitcher may take a step in any direction as long as one foot is on the rubber and it is simultaneous with the movement of the pitcher’s arm and release of the ball.

·         A pitch may not be delivered from the glove.



Section 5: Batting 

·         The batter begins each at bat a 0 ball 0 strike count. Each at bat shall be based on a standard 4 ball 3 strike count.

·         A legal pitch shall be between 6 to 12 feet in height above the ground.

·         A batted ball hitting the pitching screen before being touched by a defensive player is a dead ball and a strike. A batter with 2 strikes will be given one courtesy 3rd strike should this occur. If a second batted ball hits the screen the batter is out. 

·         Any batted ball that is touched by a fielder prior to contacting the screen is a live ball.

·         Any thrown ball that hits the screen is a live ball.

·         A foul ball by a batter with 2 strikes is an out.

·         A foul tip that does not go over the batter’s head but is caught by the catcher is a strike. Should the ball go over the batter’s head and is caught the batter is out.  

·         Any pitch not called illegal that hits the “wood” plate is a strike. Simultaneous contact with the dirt and plate will be a discretionary call by the umpire. Benefit will go towards the pitcher. 

·         A batter touching first base with a bat in hand will be declared out.

·         A batter may be walked once per game either unintentional or intentional. Once this has occurred the manager may refuse the second walk at which point the count will return to zero balls and zero strikes. Intentional walks shall be confirmed with the fielding team’s manager prior to awarding the batter first base. There will be a limit of 2 walks per inning per team.

·         ANY player that hits a ball over the fence is considered a homerun and the “hit & sit” rule will apply. The batter and any runners do not need to advance to the next base and may go directly to the dugout

·         A batter may not be walked to create an out due to a missing player caused by an ejection. The next batter in the lineup will come to bat.



 Section 6: Runners 

·         There are two first bases. The runner must touch the outer base on all plays at first base. The runner will be allowed to touch the inside base in order to avoid a collision with the fielder at which point the fielder may touch the outer base.

·         There will be no penalty when a bad throw draws the fielder into the runner.

·         All attempts will be made by both the fielder and runner to avoid a collision. Should a collision happen, it will be an umpire’s decision as to the result of the play.

·         Runners that over run 2nd or 3rd base may be tagged out.  

·         Sliding into any base shall be allowed.

·         Any runner while in fair territory that is hit by a batted ball will be out and the ball declared dead.

·         A team may have an unlimited number of Run-for players (RF) and two Run from the fence players (RFF). Any player may be a substitute runner for either an RF or RFF.

·         RFF players shall be designated on the team’s lineup card.  

·         A player may only be a substitute runner once per inning. Except if a team bats around in the unlimited inning the same substitute runner may run for the same player again.

·         Once a substitute runner takes the place of an RF or an RFF they cannot be replaced by another player.

·         A substitute runner coming to bat while on base shall be declared out. The substitute runner then leaves the base and takes the appropriate turn at bat. If it is the third out the substitute runner shall leadoff the next inning.

·        The RFF has no restrictions; he/she can run all the way home.

·         RFF players that accidentally run towards first base and passes a line approximately 20 feet from home plate shall be declared out and the ball is considered dead and all play stops.

·         Runners on 1st and 3rd base may step into foul territory as a safety precaution for being hit by a batted ball. They must retouch the base prior to running to the next base. Failure to do so will result in an out on appeal by the opposing manager.

·         All plays at home are force plays.

·         There is a no return commitment line placed 30 feet from 3rd base.

·         A runner can be tagged out if caught in a run down between 3rd base and the no return commitment line

  • Once a runner touches or goes past this line, the runner must continue toward the runner's home plate.
  • If the runner returns towards third base after crossing or touching the commitment line and re-crosses the commitment line, the runner is automatically out and no defensive play is necessary.
  • Should a fielder step on the wood plate while in possession of the ball with the runner past the commitment line but not yet passed the scoring line the runner shall be called out.
  • There is a line in the grass starting 8 feet from the batter’s home plate. This is the runner’s home plate. The runner must step on this line or on the grass past the line to be safe at home. If the runner runs anywhere else, they will be called out.

 Section 7: Game Play :

·         All players are to wear the correct team shirt.

·         The batting team will be allowed a maximum of 6 players on the field of play. The batter, two on-deck batters, two coaches, and the manager or his designee.

·         All players must play a minimum of three (3) full innings in the field and bat during the entire game. Exceptions when both teams do not have 12 players.

·         Managers are not allowed to play 12 players on the field.

·         The league will supply a new ball and a good backup.

·         All gloves are legal.

·         All bats are legal except altered bats (All bats are subject to ISA dimensions).

·         Games to start at 9:30 am. Batting practice and warm-ups at 9:00 am. All doubleheaders will start at 9:00 am with BP at 8:30 am.

·         Late players may enter the game when they arrive. If the game has started, they bat last in the lineup.

·         Lineups due 5 minutes before the game. All subs shall be clearly indicated on the lineup card given to the opposing manager. The card should list the rostered player and the player being substituted.

·         Protests must be made to the umpire at the time of the protested play or event causing the protest. No protest can be made after the end of the inning. The umpire will inform the opposing manager. Protest involving illegal players must be made before the game starts and it will be settled by the BOD before the game starts. Protest must be received in writing by the commissioners within 72 hours of the occurrence.

·         Players are not to yell: Out, Safe, Fair, Foul, or Infield Fly at any time. The umpire may call verbal interference to give the batter or runners the bases in his opinion they would have made had there been no interference.

·         In the judgment of an umpire, an infielder playing a dedicated infield position intentionally drops a fair fly ball including a line drive, which can be caught with ordinary effort with first or first and second bases occupied and less than two outs, the batter shall be declared out, the ball dead and return the runners to the previous bases. The defensive player does not have to make a play or attempt to make a play on the ball to make the infield fly call by the umpire official.

·         An infield fly is a fair fly ball (not including a line drive) that can be caught by any fielder with ordinary effort when first and second bases or first, second and third bases are occupied with less than two outs. Any fielder can catch an infield fly. The defensive player does not have to make a play or attempt to make a play on the ball to make the infield fly call by the umpire official

·         A fielder covering 2nd or 3rd base has the right to be on the base if a play is imminent. Any physical contact or act by the runner that prevents the fielder from fielding the ball is interference. The runner committing the interference is ruled out and the other runners return to the last base they occupied at the time of the interference. If there was an effort by the fielder to make a throw to 2nd or 1st base for a force out the runners heading to 1st or 2nd are also out.

      The runner has a right to the base path. If there is physical contact between a fielder without having the ball and a runner in the base path, the runner will be considered safe and may be awarded additional bases if the umpire feels he would have made if there had been no obstruction.  If an errant throw draws the fielder into the path of the runner and they collide there is no penalty.

    •     Umpires will call time when a batted ball is held in the infield and the umpire decides all play has ceased. Substitute runners may only be placed on the field after time has been called by the umpire.
    •     There will be a maximum of 5 runs per inning until the final inning which shall be unlimited. In a regulation nine inning game if a team is 15 runs ahead after 7 innings, 20 after 6, or 25 after 5 the game is considered a mercy and is over. There is no mercy rule in a 5, 6, or 7-inning game.


   Section 8: Player Conduct:

·         Only a manager or a player designated by the manager may argue decisions or rulings made by the umpires. If a game has two umpires, they can be asked to confer concerning rulings or close plays. The home plate umpire will make the final decision.

·         Player Ejections: Players may be ejected from a game by the umpires under the following circumstances:

Ø  Continuing to argue a ruling after a decision has been made final.

Ø  Continued verbal abuse of the umpires, other players or spectators.

Ø  Aggressively touching, threatening or fighting with an umpire or player.

> Continuous profanity on the field will not be tolerated.  Umpire(s) will issue a warning to the player.  Any continuance of profanity by the player will then result in an ejection from the game.  The Board will review the situation to determine if a further suspension is warranted.

·         Player Suspensions: The BOD may suspend players from league play (games, pickup games, batting practice) for any period of time at their discretion. These decisions cannot be appealed. Suspensions may be applied in the following circumstances:

Ø  Ejection from a game by an umpire

Ø  Threatening or fighting with any member anywhere within the park.

Ø  Refusing to leave the field after being ejected by the umpire.

Ø  Leaving the field during play without approval of their manager.

·         Players Leaving a game early:

Ø  Players may leave a game before it is completed only with the approval of their manager.

Ø  The manager of the player leaving early must make the opposing manager and the umpires aware of the player leaving early prior to the start of the game.

Ø  That players spot in the batting order will be skipped without penalty.  

Ø  Should the manager not advise the opposing manager and the umpires the players spot in the batting order will be an out each time it comes up.

·         Players Quitting:

Ø  Should any player decide to quit the team after being drafted or during the season they must obtain approval from the BOD with a valid reason.

Ø  Players quitting and not getting BOD approval may be subject to a penalty decided upon by the BOD including an indefinite suspension.      


   Section 9: Injuries:   

·         If a player becomes injured during a game and no replacement is available, the players spot in the batting order will be skipped without penalty.

·         A player injured during the game may sit out until they feel well enough to reenter the game.

·         The injured player may reenter the game only once.

·         If a player is injured while running the bases, a substitute runner may run in their place. This substitute cannot be a player that has already run as a replacement runner in that inning.

·         If an injured player cannot return to the game, the game will be completed with the remaining players.


Section 10. Replacement Players:
  • Managers are to contact the replacement Czar for replacement players as early as possible.
  • Managers must not contact individual players directly.
  • Managers may request a specific player.
  • Any player may be replaced by a substitute player from a bye team or the reserve players.
  • The substitute player must be equal or lower rated to the player being replaced. Example: replace the 4th draft pick with a player also drafted in the 4th round or a 5th or 6th etc.
  • A team (when no pitchers are available) may contact the BOD for a solution.
  • The manager with the worst record has the first choice of substitute players.
  • The manager must start any substitute request with the team’s highest missing draft round selection first. The highest being round #1 and lowest round #12.
  • All managers must receive their first pick prior to beginning the selection of any team’s   second pick.
  • If a manager is missing a player drafted in the last 2 rounds and an appropriate substitute is not available the manager may request a substitute from one round higher. A 10th round for an 11th round or an 11th round for a 12th round.
  • Managers are expected to secure a replacement player for all team members missing a game. If a team comes to the field with 11 players and did not request a reserve player from the replacement czar for the missing team member, their missing player is an automatic TWO outs in the lineup based on the manager’s choice of placement. The fielding team may walk any batter to create a 1st, 2nd or 3rd out when the automatic outs is due up next.
  • If no replacement player has been assigned due to the replacement Czar being unable to find a replacement or because of late notice of absence, the manager may try to find a replacement from spectators or umpires present at the game. There is no penalty in this case.
  • In the event that a team must play with 11 players the opposing manager MAY choose to split 2 players and use an 11 player batting order. The split players must each play a minimum of 4 full innings.
  • Alternative situations will be handled as follow:
    • 12 vs 10 – The team with 12 will select and give a player to the team with 10, thus playing 11 vs 11
    • 11 vs 11 – Play as is.
    • 10 vs 10 – Each team will supply a catcher when they are the hitting team.
    • 11 vs 10 – The team with 11 supplies a catcher when they are the hitting team. The manager with 11 players MAY split 2 players in the batting order with 2 players alternating at bats throughout the game, or he may use an 11 player lineup.
  • All other situations, see the BOD for a solution to be able to play that day. In the absence of sufficient players, the BOD may arrange a solution with available players, postpone a game or declare a forfeit at their discretion.   



Player Requirements:

            1. Managers are not allowed to play 12 players in the field.

2. Ejected players must leave the park. Failure to do so may result in suspension. The umpire may forfeit the game for failure to comply.

3. An ejected player cannot play the next game. A second ejection for that same player in the same season and the player is out for the next 3 games. Ejected or suspended players can be replaced with a substitute player for any future games that the player is out. The player cannot be replaced in the initial game when the player was ejected and the team will take an out every time the ejected player would have come to bat in that game.

4. Any player leaving the field or team without the manager’s permission is subject to suspension for one game.  A second offense within same season will be a 3-game suspension. Suspended players cannot be replaced during their suspension.             

5. Players that antagonize or harass another player before, during or after the game are subject to suspension.

6. Suspended players Will Not be allowed on the field of play for any reason during any league or pick-up games. Any suspended player who comes to the fields and causes a disturbance will be asked to leave or the police will be called to remove him, and his suspension will automatically convert to a one (1) year suspension.

7. Team players will be in full uniform consisting of solid black long pants or solid black shorts. No strips down the legs of the pants/shorts are permitted. Uniforms are to include team shirts and hats. We will ignore this rule on very cold days. First offence is a warning. Second offence the player sits out for the game. Reserve and pickup players will not be required to have team shirts.

8. Any players leaving the game and field for any reason are done for the day. A player that knows he must leave early for any reason shall tell his manager before the game. The manager shall tell the opposing manager and the umpire if there is an official umpire about the player leaving early. The missing player would then not be an automatic out and can be skipped in the batting order. If the manager forgets to notify both the official umpire and opposing manager, the missing player will be an automatic out when he is due to bat in the lineup. An ejected player is an out when due to bat. Players injured or leaving early can be replaced by “bye spectators” or players from “earlier” games or “sitting” players and they must be rated higher than the injured player.

9. Any Individual swinging his fist or placing his hands another individual in anger will be suspended for a minimum of 1 season. Verbal assaults called by the umpire will receive a 1 game suspension. A second verbal assault will receive a 1 season suspension.

10. If a player quits mid-season for any reason other than medical, that player will not be permitted to register to play in future seasons.             


Game Times, Umpires, Protest and Forfeits:

            1. Games to start at 9:30 am in the winter season. All double headers will start at 9:00 am.

2. Late players may enter the game when they arrive. If the game has started, they bat last in the lineup.

3. Lineups due 5 minutes before the game. All subs shall be clearly indicated on the lineup card given to the opposing manager. The card must list the rostered player and the player being substituting. 

4. Protests must be made to the umpire at the time of the protested play or event causing the protest. No protest can be made after the end of the inning. The umpire will inform the opposing manager. Protest involving illegal players must be made before the game starts and it will be settled by the commissioners before the game starts. Protest must be received in writing by the commissioners within 72 hours of the occurrence.

5. Managers shall not request the opposing manager to agree to a change in the rules. This makes the opposing manager look like a bad guy. Managers may not change any rules unless they consult with a commissioner. If there is a violation of the rules the manager that benefits from the violation will forfeit the game. This applies even if the opposing manager has given his permission.

6. ONLY THE MANAGERS and COMMISSIONERS may discuss rules, decisions or any other matters, with the umpire. One warning may be given a player followed by ejection by the umpire or the commissioners. Any call made by the home plate umpires stands unless there is a base umpire's call to the contrary. In this case the base umpire will confer with the plate umpire and it will be up to the plate umpire to agree or overrule the base umpire. The plate umpire's call, right or wrong, is to be respected. Any team that disrespects an umpire call by walking off the field may forfeit the game upon review of the circumstances by the commissioners. Any team refusing to take the field due to a dispute will forfeit game. To avoid a forfeit, the team should take the field under protest.

7. Managers must tell their players not to yell: Out, Safe, Fair, Foul or Infield Fly at any time. The umpire may call verbal interference give the batter or runners the bases in his opinion they would have made had there been no interference.

8. Interference: A fielder covering 2nd or 3rd base has the right of being on the base if a play is imminent. Any physical contact or act by the runner that prevents the fielder from fielding the ball is interference. The runner committing the interference is ruled out and the other runners return to the last base they occupied at the time of the interference. If there was an effort by the fielder to make a throw to 2nd or 1st base for a force out the runners heading to 1st or 2nd is also out.

9. Obstruction: The runner has a right to the base path. If there is physical contact between a fielder and a runner while the runner is in the base path, the runner will be considered safe and may be awarded one additional base if the umpire feels he would have made it to the next base if there had been no obstruction. If an errant throw draws the fielder into the path of the runner and they collide there is no penalty.

10. Umpires will call time when a batted ball is held in the infield and the umpire decides all play has ceased. Substitute runners may only be placed on the field after time has been called by the umpire. 

Scores and makeup games:

            1. The winning manager will give the score to the assigned webmaster.

2. A 5, 6 or 7 inning game is deemed official if it is called mid game after 4 complete innings have been played. If the home team is at bat or due to bat in the bottom of the fourth inning and are leading the visiting team, the game is considered official and the home team does not have to bat. 

            3. A 9 inning game is deemed official if it is called mid game after 5 complete innings have  been played. If the home team is at bat or due to bat in the bottom of the fifth inning and are leading the visiting team, the game is considered official and                 the home team does not have to bat. 

4. Any game that is called mid game that is not officially complete shall be rescheduled to be played from the beginning. Any inning not played will not count. Innings played in all playoff games that are called in any inning mid game will count and when the game is rescheduled teams will pick up where they left off. 

5. A game that is tied and has proceeded past the required innings to make it official and is then called by the umpire, the two teams will have the opportunity to complete a modified version of that game the next time the two teams meet.

6. Makeup games may be played at the end of the season or on a Friday of a future week.

7. Winter season makeup games may be made up as 9 inning games on a Friday or a 5, 6 or 7 inning game on a regular game day.

8. Nine inning Mercy Rule: if a team is 15 runs ahead after 7 innings, 20 after 6 and 25 after 5 the game is over. There is no mercy rule in a 5, 6 or 7 inning game.     



Section 10: Play Offs:

1. End of season ties will be broken: #1. Head-to-head wins, #2.Run Differential  #3 total runs for the season.

2. A: Seasons with 4 teams the 4th place team is out. In a single elimination first round, the 2nd place team plays the 3rd place team. The 1st place team has a bye. The winner of the first round plays the 1st place team in the best 2 out of three series for the Playoff Championship title.

2. B: Seasons with 5 teams the 5th place team is out. In a single elimination first round, the 3rd place plays 4th place team. 1st place and 2nd place teams have a bye. In a single elimination second round, the winner of the first round plays the 2nd place team. The higher seed team will be home. The winner of the second round plays the 1st place team in the best 2 out of 3 series for the Championship title.

2. C: Seasons with 6 teams the 6th place team is out. In a single elimination first round, the 2nd place team plays the 5th place team and the 3rd place team plays the 4th place team. The 1st place team has a bye. In the single elimination second round, the winners of the first round play each other. The higher seed team will be home. In the third round, the winner of the second round will play the 1st place team in the best 2 out of 3 series for the Playoff Championship title.

2. D: Seasons with 7 teams: The 7th place team is out. In a single elimination first round, the 3rd place team plays the 6th place team and the 4th place team plays the 5th place team. The higher seed team will be home. 1st and 2nd place teams have a bye. In a single elimination second round, the 1st place team plays the winner of the 4th place team vs 5th place team game and the 2nd place team plays the winner of the 3rd place team vs 6th place team game. The higher seed team will be home. The remaining 2 teams play each other in the best 2 out of 3 series for the Playoff Championship title.

2. E: Seasons with 8 teams: The 7th and 8th place teams are out. In a single elimination first round, the 3rd place team plays the 6th place team and the 4th place team plays the 5th place team. The higher seed team will be home. 1st and 2nd place teams have a bye. In a single elimination second round, the 1st place team plays the winner of the 4th place team vs 5th place team game and the 2nd place team plays the winner of the 3rd place team vs 6th place team game. The higher seed team will be home. The remaining 2 teams play each other in the best 2 out of 3 series for the Playoff Championship title.

3. In emergency situations (injuries, illness etc.) the replacement czar may take players from eliminated teams to fill in using the same formula used to make substitutions during league games.

4. Playoff replacements: Replacement players will be supplied by the replacement czar using the same formula used to make substitutions during league games. 

Section 11: Field Conditions & Miscellaneous Information:

1. The assigned weather person will check fields at 7:00AM and call assigned contact who will send out an e-mail indicating game status to all players.

2. Each player will be responsible to check on playing conditions. If you do not have e-mail, find someone on your team you can call who has e-mail to find out if game was postponed. OR CALL your manager.

3. Games will be postponed for rain or if the temperature is projected to be 50 degrees or lower at 10:00 AM. If the temperature is 50 degrees or less but not expected to rise substantially by noon, the games will be postponed. 


GY Senior Softball Summer Rules


The rules for the summer mirror the winter rules with the following exceptions:


Section 1. Pitching, Batting and Batters:

1. In the Summer 5, 6 & 7 inning games, the batter starts off with 0 balls and 0 strikes. The batter will be given a courtesy if the third strike hits the screen but no courtesy on a third strike foul ball.  

Section 2. Run-for Player & Substitute Runners:

1. In the summer season a manager can have unlimited RF’s and 2 RFF on their lineup card before the game starts. A RF cannot become an RFF. The umpire will check the lineup card to make sure the RFF players are identified before the game starts.

2. During the summer season, a substitute runner coming to bat while on a base is not out and the runner takes his turn at bat. The runner is replaced by another substitute runner.  

Section 3: Player Requirements:

1. All subs shall be clearly indicated on the lineup card given to the opposing manager. The card should list the rostered player and the player being substituted.  

Section 4. Game Times, Umpires, Protest and Forfeits:

1. Games to start at 9:15 am in the summer season and all double headers will start at 9:00 am. 

Section 5: Scores and Makeup Games:

1. Summer makeup games may be played as 7 inning games on a Friday or 5 inning games on a regular game day.

2. There is no mercy rule in a 5, 6 or 7 inning game.

3. Summer season makeup games may be made up as 7 inning games on a Friday or a 5, 6 or 7 inning game on a regular game day. There is no mercy rule in a 5, 6 or 7 inning game.       

Section 6: Injuries:

1. If the injured player reduces the team roster to 10 players or less, the opposing team must supply a temporary fielder each inning. Players may re-enter once after sitting out due to an injury. 

Section 7: Replacement Players:

1. Follow Winter rules