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1)Touching of umpires will result in immediately dismissal from league no questions asked.
2)Players fighting will be dismissed from league. Teams fighting will be out and never to return.
3)All teams must have a catcher’s mask. No steel cleats are allowed!!! (Ump fee $25 per game)
4)All players must be at least 16yrs old, women are welcome. (We provide the bases)
5)Teams must have 8 players to begin a game or they will forfeit.(Forfeit players 3 abats credit)
6)No bunting, No stealing, and no leads before the pitch. You forfeit your 1st game after 15minutes.2nd game forfeit is 30mins after 1st one.
7)You are allowed to courtesy run only 3 x per game. (Must be the last batted out at the time needed)
8)You must give your stat sheet to the umpire when games are over so stats can be recorded. IF LOST or not turned in then 3 at bat credit.
9)All players must have 15 a-bats to be eligible for playoffs. Photos will be taken during season.
10)Mercy rule is(10) runs after 4 inn. Home team must get last a-bat.
11)There will be a 1 & 1 count start on each batter.
12)If a player has no team shirt by week two they must play a $3 fine to umpire to play. $6 in playoffs
13)There are no D.H’s! You may have up to 2 extra hitters in your line-up.(you can sub for E.H’s)
14) On Field 5 any balls hit behind the fence/sandbox is a ground rule single if it’s untouched.
15)All suspensions are from 1-4 games base on the severity. Decided by umps & Commissioners.
16)Tiebreaker: 1)head to head 2)record against top teams (Best record has homefield adv. In playoffs)
17)If umpires are absence the commissioner will perform the duties. Stats are on web-site!
18)Pitcher’s mound is 46 feet from home plate and bases are 60ft. No base coach may aid runners
19)Player’s throwing items at others will be suspend & $25 fine must be paid by the mgr(It’s Your Player)Throwing of bases ejection will handed.
20)All make-up & protested games(2 strikes) will be Saturday at 10,12,2,4pm. Protests are $25 to file.
21)Due to rain if (cleaning) takes place, it will cost each team $10 for the time spent on Saturdays to remove the water. 
22)No fast pitching! You will be warned, then removed from the mound (This is slow pitch modified)
23)If a team folds no more than 3 players may join another team in the league. Stats follow the player.
24)Once you play 1 game with a team you cannot go to another team unless the manager tells the commissioner that you are released from the team. Game starts are 8am,10:30am,1pm and 3pm
25)No fake tags are base runners will be awarded an extra base, if seen by umpire.26)No baseball bats allowed, also you can’t protest judgement calls only rules. (A.S.A)
27)All teams will make the playoffs if there is an even number of teams. (1st rd Best of 3)
28)All throws must be made from a grass area, on either side of pathway is acceptable.
29)All throws into the dugouts or outside the park will be the base you where going to plus 1 extra base.
30)Runners must slide or attempt to give themselves up at 2nd base, & throwing arms up will be an out.
31)There will only be 5 minutes between games , no time for runs to the store or Mcdonalds.
33)Umpires have the right to call time if players are hostile or disorderly on or off the field. No arguing of balls & strikes permited.
34)Teams are allowed to have players enter game late upto their full allotment of 10 players. Skip a turn
35)Umpires place runners on balls that hit or are touched by non-players. Judgment of the Umpire.
36)A player must be securely under a ball for an infield fly to be called. Not on the run!
37)Forfiets that are known 24hrs in advance will not result in a $50 fee. Otherwise you must pay.
38)The strike zone in this league is from the knees to the chest. Judgement of ump if it crosses the plate.
39)All shirt must be same color with a number on the back, team name not required.
40)Field maybe altered if due to rain for safety. (Example moving home plate up.)
41)Any excessive force at home plate will result in an out and possible ejection. ( No forearms to face)
42)All delay of games will result in the calling of balls.Offensive team will lose a ball 1st then gain a strike
43)Softballs are not included for free in exhibition or playoffs, only in regular season.
44)If player is witnessed performing usage of drugs the umpire will remove you from the game, period.
45)If games are stopped because of darkness/rain the will be replayed with the winning team maintaining their run lead from the point the game was postponed.Ump fee must be repaid. 2 strikes!!If game starts the 5inn it is offical and recorded if losing team has 5 abats, even if tied.
46)Exhibition games are no longer than 7 innings max. All players must run to outside bag at 1st.
47)Any balls hitting bats on the outside of dugout COULD result in a extra base.
48) Tag up from any base & courtesy run from any base. Time can be given when runner stop or retreat.
49) Teams can only choose to forfeit 1 inning of batting per game. (A.S.A applies if not listed in isl rules)
50) You cannot replace an injured player with an E.H!! E.H DON’T COME ON FIELD PERIOD!!
51) Timeout can only be given if the ball is in the infield, any coach or player then can call time.
52) Teams will forfeit games if any funds due are not paid by deadlines given, no makeups.
53)Teams winning games by forfeit must still pay their own fee to ump to be awarded games.Coin flips should be call by team with the lesser record.
54)All-star game M.V.P must come from the winning team’s roster.If no tie!
55)All games at 1 or 1:30pm that are scheduled on field 4 could be moved to field 1 if ness.
56)There will be 2 umpires in playoffs.
57)Any fastpitch will result in 4 warnings afterwards you will be removed from the mound for a min. of 2 innings.
58)All exhibition and all-star games are not permitted beyond 7 innings.
59)Ejections may occur if any player walks/approaches towards oppenents/umpires. If you leave your position or dugout with aggression!!

60) If you forfiet more than 6 games you will be out the league, in addition no more abat credit will be given after 4 games forfieted

61) Games are considered a tie after 8 innings.