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At Kingsville Class we have a long tradition of offering both House League and Travel Programs through the Fall and Winter seasons. We offer programs for both boys and girls from Senior Kindergarten through Grade 8. On occasion we may have travel basketball teams for the high school age group but our core programming is designed for Elementary School children. Our programs are normally held at Kingsville Public School.
We offer many programs in the Fall, normally starting in October and finishing before Christmas. These programs usually run once a week for 8 weeks and each session is 60 to 90 minutes depending on the age group. We offer sessions for both girls and boys. Some house leagues will start in January depending on gym availability due to the number of programs we offer.
Small Ball - This is a very popular program for kids in Kindergarten through Grade 2. It is for both boys and girls and we preach FUNdamentals. It's all designed to introduce children to basketball and have fun while learning. We use lowered nets to make sure all ages can shoot and score through drills and games.
Junior Girls and Boys - After Small Ball we split the girls and boys into their own house leagues. This is usually grades 3 to 5 and we offer more fun drills and games for this age group.
Intermediate Girls and Boys - We usually have strong interest to continue our girls program and they continue to grow and learn through more advanced drills and games but this is designed for ANY participant and ANY skill level. All are welcome! Due to numbers and gym times an intermediate boys program is usually offered in January and only if we have enough participants.TRAVEL CLUBS
Travel teams can range from any age group and is for boys and girls. The normal age groupings are Grades 4-6 and also Grades 7-8. However, due to interest levels we can have teams of only one year and different pairings. It is very flexible. We do not normally have travel teams for High School players but it has happened occasionally.
Teams typically practice twice a week and also play local games in addition to some tournaments (both local and around the province). Team tryouts usually start at the beginning of October and most teams play until March Break or so. All other local teams are based out of Windsor or Tecumseh. Sarnia and Chatham have teams and then many programs exist in London, Kitchener, Hamilton and the GTA.
Travel Rules - Just a few quick points. At the U12 level (grade 6 and under) the OBA rules for players use Fair Play. This requires all of the children to play at roughly equal amounts. Defenses must use man to man. There are some restrictions on pressing depending on how young the teams are. Once we hit the U13 level and up (grade 7 and higher) Fair Play is no longer required and playing times can be varied. Man or zone defenses can be played and all normal basketball rules apply.
To register you will need to create an account and successfully log in. From there you will be asked to enter your personal information and add "participants" which are your son or daughter. Their grade and age will help with picking the correct house league program. If you have ever registered with Kingsville Minor Baseball, they use the same software (League Lineup) and your login information would be the same. If you have successfully logged in and entered your information you should have green check marks that will allow you to proceed as shown below.
If you have any questions about our house league or travel programs please contact us. If you are interested in helping coach any of the programs or a travel team we would love to hear from you.