Subscribe to our NewsletterOLA MUSTANG TOUCHDOWN CLUB BYLAWS 2017
( Reviewed and Amended 3/9/16)
Article 1: Name of Organization
The name of the organization shall be the Ola Mustang Touchdown Club (OMTC).
Article 2: Purpose
The purpose of the organization shall be a supporting extension of the Head Coach’s overall program and organization. The organization will promote and support football activities that teach good sportsmanship, leadership, and responsibilities to the student athletes involved in the Ola Football Program. The emphasis of this organization is for the continual improvement and upgrading of facilities, events, functions, special equipment, and coaching for the student athlete in the Ola Football Program. The Head Coach, Principal, AD, and County Representative must approve all major facility upgrades as per county directive.
Article 3: Membership
The membership of the organization shall consist of those people that meet the membership requirements. Membership shall consist of one membership per family. Only members of the organization who have paid dues for the current membership period may participate in the business of the organization. The membership period ends on the date dues for the next membership period are required to be paid. Membership in the organization may be obtained by the payment of yearly dues. Active members shall be those paying dues. The Head Football Coach and President may appoint Honorary Membership to individuals for special purposes. Honorary members shall not have voting privileges in the business of the Club.
Article 4: Dues
The annual dues and membership levels will be established and reviewed by the Board prior to each season. The dues for the organization shall be payable on or before the date established by the Board of year prior to the start of the football season. This date may be adjusted as per need for program printing and actual start date as decided by the Head Coach and President.
Payment arrangements may be made available. To make payment arrangements please see the Board Treasurer.
All fees must be paid before any privileges are extended.
Article 5: Meetings
There shall be regular monthly meetings of the organization each month beginning in February and continuing through January of the following year.There will be Board meetings once a month prior to the monthly meetings with the parents.
Special meetings of the organization may be called at anytime before the appointed time of the meeting and shall be made by letter, email or another agreed upon method of communication to all active members.
At all regular meetings of the organization, the order of business shall be as follows:
1. Reading of the minutes.
2. Head Coach Report
3. Reports of Officers.
4. Reports from Committees.
5. Unfinished Business.
6. New Business.
7. The floor.
8. Adjournment.
Article 6: Board Officers
The Board Officers of this organization shall be appointed by the Head Coach and Athletic Director. The Executive Officers of the organization, known as Board Officers, shall be President, Vice President Finance, Vice President of Operations, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors to support these roles are appointed by the Head Coach and President.
The starting date for Board Officers will be determined as the end of the season wraps up. Relinquishing duties shall be in a timely manner as prescribed by the Head Coach and Athletic Director between the last meeting of the year and the first meeting of the New Year.
Each Board Officer shall be a member of the organization.
Board Officers shall assume and relinquish their official duties at the last yearly meeting or the first meeting of the New Year as deemed necessary by the Head Coach and Athletic Director and President.
Article 7: Duties of Board Officers
· Preside at all meetings of the organization;
· Represent the Head Coach in the event of this absence or allow an assistant coach to represent the Football Organization during his absence;
· Serve as an ex-officio member to all appointed committees and direction and supervision thereof;
· Direct and manage Thursday and Friday Game Day Affairs;
· Appoint special committees;
· Register as check signature
· Sign off on all financial accounts of the organization;
· Sign and execute all contracts, agreements or other obligations in the name of the organization as mutually agreed upon between the President and Head Coach;
· Perform other duties as needed for the benefit of the Ola Football Program
Vice President of Operations:
· Act as an aide to the President;
· Perform duties of the President in his absence at a OMTC meeting or function;
· Perform other amended duties which may be added in Bylaw format on a needed basis as seen and appointed by the Head Football Coach;
· Perform duties needed for game day operations;
· Responsible for overseeing field painting and maintenance;
· Responsible for maintaining and managing the concession operation;
· Register as an emergency check signature for the Treasurer to be empowered by appointment of the Head Coach and/or President
· Record the minutes of each meeting;
· Maintain an accurate membership list as provided by the President and Treasurer;
· Carry and maintain and distribute a current copy of the by laws;
· Call the meeting to order in the absence of the President and Vice President;
· Responsible for communications with the OMTC members;
· Register as an emergency check signature for the Treasurer to be empowered by appointment of the Head Coach and/or President
VP of Finance
· VP to act as an aide to the President;
· Initiate and chair the effort to acquire corporate and game day sponsorships;
· Present an annual report of the financial condition of the organization;
· Answer all financial questions promptly and to have records available at all meetings. Provide a written financial statement at each meeting;
· Maintain a full account of the funds of the organization;
· Register as an emergency check signature for the Treasurer;
· Act as Treasurer in emergency situations
· Disburse and collect all funds for the OMTC upon approval by the Head Coach and/or President;
· Establish a fund request form for all Touchdown Club members that will be for the purchasing items or services on behalf of the OMTC. These expenditures are to be approved by the Head Coach and/or President. Any disbursed funds over the amount of $200.00 will have to have prior approval. All small purchases and services need to be regulated in a professional manner and in accordance with good accounting principles;
· Maintain a full account of the funds of the organization;
· Insure that all checks have the signatures of the Treasurer and the President. In the event of an emergency, a Vice President or Secretary may sign a check if approved by the Head Coach and/or President.
· Make all payments by check in accordance of the payment terms on the invoice. It is the responsibility of the requestor to receive an invoice and/or receipt upon payment. The invoice/receipt must be turned into the Treasurer in a timely and reasonable manner;
· Maintain an operating budget for everyday Football Field House needs and expenses not to exceed $200.00 at any one time on premises. The funds disbursed in this manner need to be receipted and returned to the Treasurer when authorized by the Head Coach or President.
· Deposit funds into approved account only, personal and school accounts are not acceptable;
· Make available a cash receipt books for fundraising events to the Touchdown Club and Coaching Staff; all cash monies received must be counted and signed off by two persons with at least one of those persons being an Board Officer;
· Keep a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements in the books belonging to the organization;
· Conduct an annual audit at the end of the year or when there is a change in Treasurers. This examining of the accounts shall be done by the Head Coach, Treasurer and two non-Board OMTC members appointed by the Head Coach and Board Members with the purpose of showing where expenditures have been disbursed and collected through out the course of the year;
· Shall not sign any checks during auditing period
· Prepare a written statement for the examining committee’s findings for the next regular meeting that is signed and dated;
· Maintaining tax exemption information
Relinquished Duties of Board Officers:
A board member may be released from duty at any given time as deemed necessary by the Board Officers. Upon the expiration of the term of office or when individuals cease to hold the position that entitles them to be a member of the board, they shall automatically cease to be a member of the board and shall be relieved of duties and responsibilities incident to such membership unless special arrangements have been made as per the Head Coach. All records, books and other materials pertaining to the position shall be turned over to the President or Head Coach. All funds pertaining to the positions shall be turned over to the Treasurer, President or Athletic Directorwithin 10 business days.
Article 8: Annual Budget
The budget year for the OMTC shall be Feb. 1st to Jan 31th of the following year.
The Board Officers and Head Coach shall prepare an annual budget to present to the OMTC membership at the first meeting of the new budget year for adoption. The Boards primary responsibility in the development of the annual budget is to ensure that the projected income and expenditures for the year are reasonable and balanced. The Board may opt to complete an amended budget to reflect actual numbers and real-time needs for the current season.
Expenses not approved as part of the annual budget require the following approval:
$1-$200 approval of President
$201-$1,000 approval of President and Vice-President
$1,001-$5,000 Board approval
Over $5,000 membership approval
The budget shall allow for funds to be carried forward from one budget year to the next. Neither the Board Officers, the school, nor the School District, will be responsible for any debt incurred by OMTC. The Principal may have discretion to approve spending for the benefit of the Football Program.
Article 9: Committee
Only members of the organization shall be eligible to serve in any appointed positions.
The Head Coach and the President may create or dissolve committees as they may deem necessary to promote the purpose of the organization and carry on the work of the organization.
Committees and committee heads (Directors) will be appointed by the President or Head Coach at times necessary for the benefit of the Football Program.
Current committees are as follows:
Assigned Fund Raisers
Spirit Cards, Food Flyers, Donations Flyers, Lift-a-Thon, Ola Daze, Sign Sales, Ford Drive, etc.
Senior Night
Building and Grounds
Field Committee
Email/Calling Post
Spirit Wear
Golf Tournament
Corporate Sponsorship
Article 10: Amendments
Notice of any additions or amendments to these Bylaws must be presented at the regular monthly meeting and approved by the Athletic Department, Principal, Head Coach and Board Officers.
Head Coach’s Signature ___________________________________________________
President’s Signature ______________________________________________________
Principal’s Signature ______________________________________________________
AD Director _____________________________________________________________
Bylaws can be revisited annually for the betterment of the OMTC. The OMTC is seeking 5013C status.