Coaches Box
Subscribe to our NewsletterThis page is intended to be a resource for our team managers and coaches. Please review and direct any questions or concerns to your division director, program VP, our appropriate board member.
Schedules for Clinic and Intramural are on the Anne Arundel Baseball Co-op website. See Schedules on the left for more info.
Clinic Teams - do not report their game scores because we do not keep team standings in the Clinic program.
Intramural Teams - report their game scores using the process determined by the Co-op scheduler for their division.
- 8U, 10U, and 12U - email their results to
- 15U - email their results to
Travel Teams - follow your league or tournament policy.
PARENTS: Always contact your Team Manager or Team Parent to find out if a game has been postponed. Don't just assume the game wont be played or you may cause your team to forfeit if they don't have enough to play.
MANAGERS: BOTH managers must agree to postpone a game due to weather or field conditions. Never postpone a game without first contacting the opposing manager. Use the following guidelines to make the determination:
- If Rec & Parks has "closed all fields" (check, then all games and practices on Pasadena Baseball fields are postponed. Make sure they are talking specifically about closing "FIELDS" and not just cancelling "games". If they only use the word "games", they are only cancelling the County-scheduled games, and not games scheduled by the Pasadena Baseball Club.
- If Rec & Parks has NOT closed the fields, but it has been raining recently, then BOTH managers should plan to meet at the field to determine playability. Even if you think you saw a message on our website, the county's website, where-ever... always make sure the other manager agrees BEFORE you do anything else. Remember to consider the safety of the children, and also potential damage to the field, but BOTH managers must agree to postpone a game. If BOTH managers cannot agree, then at game time the umpire has sole authority to start, continue or stop a game due to rain, field conditions, darkness, etc.
The HOME team must notify the Umpire Scheduler as soon as a game has been determined to be postponed. Call must must be 60-90 minutes (1.5 hours) before the scheduled start time to avoid the Club having to pay an umpire "show-up" fee.
- SPRING: Tom Hader 443-848-2221 - for all intramural divisions.
- FALL: Tom Hader 443-848-2221 - for all intramural divisions.
The HOME team must also notify the Director of Concessions Carole Caines 410-255-7229 so that she can plan to scale-back or cancel concessions operations.
To prevent double-booking, the VP-Scheduling has the sole authority to schedule games on Pasadena Baseball fields.
- CLINIC DIVISIONS - The two managers should contact each other to pick a mutually available date for both, and then email the Field Scheduler at least 2-3 days in advance. There will usually not be a problem finding a field to play on any given day.
- INTRAMURAL DIVISIONS - Send email to the Field Scheduler to advise that a rainout occurred. Games will be rescheduled on the first available opening at about 1 week or so from the date of the postponed game. Some makeup games may be rescheduled on Sundays. Games postponed within the last week of the regular season may be cancelled in order to start the post-season tournament on time.
- TRAVEL DIVISIONS - If you need to make-up a home game, contact opposing manager first to determine their availability - get several dates. Then send email to the Field Scheduler to request field availability. NOTE: If your league reschedules games for you, you must contact the Field Scheduler to make sure the date they choose is available.
To request a reschedule due to school, church, or other approved reason, a Team Manager must contact VP-Scheduling in advance to advise of conflict. The VP will determine if reason is acceptable for rescheduling the game.
Managers - all fields are scheduled through the club's VP-Schedulingcheduler. Any time you need a field for practice or makeup game, you MUST contact the Field Scheduler to reserve that field, either for a one-time use, or on a weekly basis.
- PRE-SEASON. During the pre-season (generally up until Clinic & Intramural games begin about mid April), each team will receive two regular practices. If you want to add additional practices, you may request additional practices one at a time, use before next request. Some travel teams may begin their game season during this period - any team's game always has priority over another team's practice. If your practice is going to be bumped, you will be offered another day, time or field to practice on.
- REGULAR SEASON. During the regular season (generally mid April to end of May or early June), no regular repeating practices will be assigned unless all teams could be assigned one. However, you may always continue to request practices one at a time, use before next request. Again, last-minute makeup games may bump your practice.
- POST SEASON. After our regular season has finished, teams may continue to practice and/or play additional games at their choosing - again requesting them one at a time, use before next request. Travel teams and All-Star-type team practices and games will have priority over any add-on practices or games.
Use of the cage is reserved through the VP-Scheduling. To reserve the cage, first look at the Batting Cage Calendar (SCHEDULES on the main menu, then CALENDAR, then Batting Cage on the drop down) to see what days are/aren't available. Then send an email withthe date you want to use it. Please note that there may be some time that has already been reserved and just hasn't been posted on the calendar yet.
- For weeknights, time is usually assigned as 5-6pm, and 6pm to dark.
- For weekends, time is usually assigned in 1.5 or 2 hour increments.
- If the cage has been reserved, only the team having reserved it may use it.
Any time the cage has not been reserved, anyone may use the cage on a first-come-first-served basis, but all players should take turns so that no one is shut out from using it.
NOTE: On weeknights when games are being played at Havenwood Park, no one may reserve the cage prior to 6pm. The teams playing there that night get to use the cage on a first-come-first-served basis, but again sharing it so that on one is shut out from warming up. General advice is to show up early if you expect to use it before your game.
- Only members of the Pasadena Baseball Club may use the batting cage.
- Adult supervision is required - adult inside the fenced cage - at all times.
- Players will wear batting helmets at all times inside the cage.
- Players will not swing bats in the general area between the cage and Field #2 - move behind the cage or swing only inside the cage.
Dragging fields:
All field areas should have a drag of some type available for dragging the infield before and after games. Light trucks may be used with care on the larger fields (10U and above). Some field areas have tractors available for dragging. Always drag in circular pattern from the outside in to keep from spreading the dirt out into the the grass area.
Lining fields:
Load line into the machine at the field, not in or near the building housing the line. Load only as much line as is needed for the field - try to use only 1/2 bag. Adjust the drop level to conserve the line - we don't need three-inch high lines!
Batter's Boxes:
Batter's boxes for 12U and below are 6'x3'; for 14U and above are 6'x4'. Our landscaping rakes are 3' wide. Use two widths of the rake for the depth of the box, centered at the middle of the plate; and use one width of the rake for the width of the box.
The Pasadena Baseball Club is always looking for good managers to lead our Clinic, Intramural, and Travel teams. The Club requires all managers to be certified by the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks, which includes a limited criminal background investigation. The certification can be waived for one year for new managers, but the background investigation must be completed. Background applications are competed online on the Rev and Parks website
- If you are interested in managing a Clinic or Intramural team, you may complete a Coaches Application anytime or at the same time as your player registration in the spring or fall seasons. Selection of managers is made after the normal registration periods end.
- If you are interested in managing a Travel team, you should contact the VP-Travel to indicate your interest, and complete a Coaches Application now. We formally nominate Travel managers at our September BOD and Membership meeting, with selections made by vote of the BOD at the October BOD meeting.
Maybe you don't want the job of leading a team, but you DO want to get out on the field and help. Every manager will be looking for several good coaches to help him/her coach the players on the team. For most teams, the parents of children on the team become the coaches. The Club requires all coaches who are on the field to be certified by the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks, which includes a limited criminal background investigation. The certification can be waived for one year for new coaches, but the background investigation must be completed.
Coach's Code of Ethics
Above link is the Anne Arundel County Rec & Parks Coach's Code of Ethics, which we have adopted for our Club. Please carefully read our expectations - you will be held accountable for your actions.
Disciplinary Actions
Above link is the Anne Arundel County Rec & Park Guidelines for Discplinary Actions, which we will consult when we believe our Code of Ethics are not being followed. We reserve the right to apply whatever form of discipline is necessary as indicated in our Sportsmanship Policy (see Handouts), regardless of what these guidelines state.