Subscribe to our NewsletterWe are proud to be the largest youth sports organization in the City of White House. We have children that participate in our humble program from Ashland City to Nashville and are very proud to be a part of the White House Community. Last year was our largest year yet with over 1100 kids participating in our programs.
We have several sponsorship opportunities available.
Sponsorships for 2019 will be put towards our future light fund. The future light fund monies will be used to have all of our fields with game level lighting for evening games. We have 5 fields and currently only 2 have game level lighting. This is needed for future growth and tournaments. I have made it a personal goal to raise $20,000 in sponsorships for 2019. Please help me reach this goal by doing one of the following sponsorships:
Banner sponsorship $300 - (name /logo on a 3x6 banner hung at soccer complex for all of spring and fall season 2019) Banner Renewal is $200 the following year
Player of the Month Rec Sponsorship $2,500 - (name/logo on all U8 –U18 Player of the Month jerseys for the fall and spring season 2019 and name /logo on a 3x6 banner hung at soccer complex for all of spring and fall season 2019)
Player of the Month Select (Travel Teams) Sponsorship $2500 - (name/logo on all U8 –U18 Player of the Month jerseys for the fall and spring season 2019 and name /logo on a 3x6 banner hung at soccer complex for all of spring and fall season 2019)
2019 Tournament Sponsorship $5,000 - (name/logo on all tournament medals, communication, social media, as the “presented by” Sponsor for all tournaments for the year and a 3x6 banner hung at soccer complex for all of spring and fall season 2019)
If you or your organization would like to be a sponsor of WHYS, please email jspicer@whysoccer.org or call (615) 428-9468