Season Kicks Off September 8th with SoccerFest


The TRAYS league matches at all levels will commence on September 15th.

Your coach will be in touch with practice information and schedules.

League Participation

The Alpha Colts participate in the Twin Rivers Area Youth Soccer League:  

Alpha is eligible to field teams in the following levels in both the Fall and Spring seasons:

  • Kinder Kickers (Kindergarten)
  • Little Kickers (Grades 1 and 2)
  • Biddies (Grades 3 and 4)
  • Intermediate (Grades 5 and 6)
  • Senior (Grades 7 and 8)

For the 2017 Fall Season the Colts will field Little Kickers, Biddies, and Intermediate.  Also, we have opened our new Soccer Field behind the pool!!  Come out to a game and see our new home!!