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Bylaws - Word Document
League Bylaws (Note: Two Thirds vote is required to change a bylaw.)
1. Policies
A. Each team must pay $300 to enter the league. New teams must pay an additional $100 entrance fee
to enter the league.
B. For a team to change sponsors and not be considered a new team, 75% of the roster must stay
C. If a player changes teams before the final roster is due, that player must sit out the next 2 games for
his new team.
2. The league must have ASA insurance.
3. There shall be no more than 8 teams.
4. The league must have 2 divisions.
5. The divisions are to be drawn from a hat.
6. Players are not allowed to wear metal spikes or cleats.
7. The games will begin at 6:30 PM. The deadline for a team to start the game with “8� players is 6:45 PM. Any game played after August 1st will begin at 6:15 PM, and the deadline to start with “8� players will be 6:30 PM.
8. Playoff System
A. All teams will make the playoffs.
B. Teams one and four will play within their division. Best of 3.
C. Teams two and three play within their division. Best of 3.
D. Winners of each series will cross over divisions for the second round. The highest remaining seed
from one division will play the lowest remaining seed from the other division. Best of 3.
E. The finals will be best 3 out of 5.
F. The team which finishes higher in its division will be the home team for games 1 and 3 of the series.
The team which finishes lower in its division will be the home team for game 2 of the series.
If both teams finished in the same spot in their divisions, overall record will determine the advantage.
If the teams have the same overall record, the Tie Breakers rules in Bylaw 8 Letter I will be used.
G. All playoff series must be played on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in the same week.
1. Exception: If both managers agree, games can be played on Monday, Friday,
or Saturday of the same week, or Sunday of the following week.
2. If games are played on Monday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, the series must be finished by
3. If a playoff game is cancelled due to weather, the make up date must be the next day.
H. The home team will choose the field on which the game will be played. If two home teams would like to
use the same field, the team with the better record will get first choice and the other team will choose a
different field. If the teams have the same record, the Tie Breakers rules in Bylaw 8 Letter I will be used to
determine who gets their first choice.
I. Tie Breakers
1. Head to head
2. Record in own Division
3. Number of umpiring fines
4. Coin Flip
9. Rain Outs
A. Home team manager must contact visitor by 5:30. If he does not, then all players for both teams are to
report to the field and a decision will be made by the home manager at the field.
B. All rain outs will be made up the following Sunday at 3:30.
If a game is already scheduled for that field at 3:30, then the game will be at 5:00,
if games are already scheduled for 3:30 and 5:00, then the game will be at 6:30.
If all three time slots are already filled for that day, then the game will be moved to a different field.
Failure to show up for a make up game will result in a forfeit.
10. Other Cancellations
A. Teams should make every effort to avoid canceling a game for reasons other than weather.
B. If a team must do so, the manager of that team must call the manager of the other team at least 24
hours in advance. The managers must determine a make up date AT THAT TIME.
11. Forfeits
A. Any team with 2 or more forfeits (less than 8 or no show including make ups) could be subject to
ejection from the league.
B. Any team ejected from the league cannot have more than 2 players on any other roster the next year.
12. Any player playing in 2 modified leagues must have 24 at bats or play in one half of the scheduled games. Place an asterisk (* on the roster) by any player that plays in two modified leagues.
13. Any player taking physical action towards and umpire; before, during, or after a game, will be ejected from the league for one year.
14. A league meeting will be held either near the end of the regular season or shortly after the regular season, before the playoffs.
Rules and Penalties (Note: Majority vote is required to change a rule.)
1. Standard ASA rules apply in all games except:
A. 25 man roster – temporary for the first game, final – June 1st
B. No “10� run rule
C. A team must have “8� players to start.
D. A team must have “8� players to finish.
E. Teams have the option to have an Extra Hitter (EH) in their line up. Since ASA Modified rules do not
permit this, all rules in slow pitch that pertain to the EH will apply.
F. A team does not have to take an out if they do not have enough players.
2. The team responsible for umpires must have 2 assigned umpires for each scheduled game.
3. There is a penalty of $15 for each umpire that misses an assigned scheduled game.
4. Each team will pay a returnable deposit of $60 at the beginning of the season for umpiring fines. Once the team has used all of its $60, it must pay another $60 to continue playing in the season.
5. As long as they are contacted 48 hours in advance, teams are responsible for umpiring make up games that they were originally scheduled to umpire. The only exception to this is if they have a game on the night the game is rescheduled.
6. All umpiring fines must be paid before the playoffs. If not paid, the team is ineligible for the playoffs.