Leagues Offered
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Old Bridge Men's Modified League - Spring/Summer plays on Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs or Fri nights in Old Bridge Veterans Park, and Geick Softball field. Game start times vary based on location and can start as early as 6pm and as late as 9pm. The league has four divisions for all levels of play (A, B+, B & C Divisions). The leagues offer 12-15 regular season games and playoffs for qualifying teams. Spring seasons begin in early April and run through early August. Fall season begins in late August and runs through early/mid November: League website: www.cnjsoftball.com
Old Bridge Coed Slow Pitch League - Spring/Summer season plays on Mon or Fri nights at Old Bridge Veterans Park and Geick Softball field. Game start times vary from 6pm and can be as late as 9pm starts based on location. The league has one division and plays a regular season of 12-15 games and playoffs. Spring Season begins play in April and is completed by late July/early August. Fall season starts in late August and runs into early Nov. The league website: www.cnjsoftballcoed.com
Monmouth County Leagues
Sunday Morning Men's Double Header Modified Pitch League - Spring/Summer season begins in April and runs through early August. Fall season begins in late August and runs into early November. The league plays games at Ross Fields (2 fields), and other locations in Hazlet and Middletown on Sunday mornings with start times of 8am/9:30am, and 11am/12:30pm. We play a 18-21 game schedule and playoffs for qualifying teams. The league feature two divisions and A level and B level with separate playoffs for each league. The league website: www.cnjsoftball.com
Middletown Men's Modified Pitch Weeknight League - Spring/Summer season begins in April and runs through early August. Fall season begins in late August and runs into early November. The league plays games at Normandy Park, McMahon, MTT in Middletown/Lincroft and Hazlet on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday nights. The league has a 12-15 game schedule and playoffs for qualifying teams. The league features two divisions and A level and B level with separate playoffs for each division. The league website: www.cnjsoftball.com
Monmouth Men's Slow Pitch Double Header Weeknight League - Spring/Summer season begins in April and runs through early August. Fall season begins in late August and runs through early November. The league plays 6-12 arc, 18x26 home plate mat with a 18-21 game schedule with games at Normandy Park, McMahon, MTT in Middletown/Lincroft and Hazlet on Monday or Thursday nights. Game start times vary based on the location starting as earlier as 6pm and as late as 9pm. Playoffs for qualifying teams at the conclusion of the regular season. The league features a mixture of double headers and single games each week. The league website: www.cnjsoftballslowpitch.com
Monmouth Men's Slow Pitch Double Header Sunday Morning League - Spring/Summer season begins in April and runs through early August. Fall season begins in late August and runs through early November. The league plays 6-12 arc, 18x26 home plate mat with a 18-21 game schedule in Middletown on Sunday Mornings. Playoffs for qualified team at the conclusion of the regular season. All teams play at 8:30/9:45am each week. The league features double headers each week. The league website: www.cnjsoftballslowpitch.com
Monmouth Legends Over 30 Men's Slow Pitch League - Season begins in early May and we play into mid/late October on Sunday afternoons starting at 4pm/5:30pm or 7pm based on field location. League plays 16-20 games, 9 innings, 6-12 arc at various field locations in Middletown. Playoffs for qualified teams at the conclusion of the regular season. The league website: www.cnjsoftballslowpitch.com