Being a Volunteer
Subscribe to our NewsletterAs with any youth sports league, volunteers are needed for many different jobs during the season. First, we try to recruit a team mom for each football and cheering team. Some of the duties as a team mom would be passing out informational flyers at practices and scheduling volunteers to work at our home games. Jobs during a home game consist of working the concession stand, a crew to hold the sideline chains, a person to do the MPR (Mandatory Play Requirement) sheet, and other small things during there teams game. As a parent, naturally you want to watch your child cheer or play. We understand this and have a way to make this possible. Since all football players and cheerleaders should be at the field 1 amd a half hours before their game time, this will give the parents time to volunteer just 1.5 hours of the day. You can also volunteer for the game after your childs game if you wish. If everyone commits to help, it will let everyone enjoy their child's game. All team mom's and concession coordinator will be listed on the Contact Info page once the season starts. Also job schedules will be posted for our home games on this page by mid week of our upcoming home game.