Notable Contributors

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Ralph Liz

Built the website, manager of the Wild Cowboys, one of the original Bronx teams. Ralph came to be the one of the most notable contributors to the Commissioner, dealing with the Bronx contingency. His demeanor helped with the transition of the Bronx teams to our league rules and in many cases his recommendations made the league what it is today.


Joe Curatola

Joe, the manager of Clubhouse, was one of the original 12 Juniper teams that contacted the Commissioner. He acted as liaison for the Commissioner helping to make the transition easier than expected, as there were many hurdles in the early days.


Pete Marchiello

Pete was the manager of the first team to join this league.  Pete was an avid player in both this leagues Saturday and Sunday session. His suggestions to make this league as close to the NFL rules including kickoffs, punts, and first downs were revolutionary, unfortunately, Pete was taken from us too early and his memory is always with us.  (R.I.P.)


Pat Hartell

Manager of Mean Machine. Pat brought in multiple teams during the expansion of the league.