Meeting Minutes
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MEETING MINUTES – January 2020
Members Present
-David Houghton, President
-Rob Anania, Vice President
-Justin Bailey, Treasurer
-Zach Maurer, General Counsel/Secretary
-Shaun McLarney, MARCOM
Others Present
-Allison Monacelli
-Nick Lennon
-Scott McDonald
Old business
Zach Maurer: BOD votes to adopt previous meetings’ minutes (unanimous)
Items of Discussion
A. New Agenda Items
Dave Houghton: Spring registration to open ASAP, Peach Jar flyer to go up on site immediately with updated costs (including that this is a uniform year). Registration to close by 1.31.20.
Board discussed reservations of both Dryer Road and VCS fields, with consideration of VCS turf for some Sundays and how many of the Dryer Road fields need to be reserved and whether the box is a worthwhile field to reserve as well. Spring Season to begin indoors at Irondequoit Athletic Campus last week of April with all games indoors for the first two weeks to avoid weather issues.
B. Uniforms
Allison Monacelli: Proposed two design options w/two color schemes. Board discussed and voted on design with email follow up to determine color scheme. Fittings schedule discussed as orders must be placed by February 10 to ensure a six week turnaround in time for Spring season.
C. League Update
Dave Houghton: Same core teams as 2019 season to participate in RGLA. Despite efforts to reach all RALL teams via email and phone, unable to expand league at this time. It appears that Pittsford, HFL, Hilton and Brighton will attempt to form a league, board discussed possibility of merging leagues in the future for greater variation in competition.
Spring league will be composed of approximately 7-8 regular games with a minimum of two tournaments. Goal set for a total of 12 games per team.
Entire Board: Formal vote to adopt the RGLA League and game schedule for Spring 202 (unanimous)
D. Fundraising:
Rob Anania: To reach out to Champps for opportunity to run a pancake breakfast, goal set to schedule the event in March of 2020. Discussed possibility of running a ‘guest bartender’ event as other athletic programs have recently had success.
E. Financials
Justin Bailey: Financials up to date, forecasting Spring to continue to be financially strong for the program. Discussed cash on hand and upcoming expenses.
Members Present
-David Houghton, President (BOTH MTGS)
-Rob Anania, Vice President (BOTH MTGS)
-Justin Bailey, Treasurer (BOTH MTGS)
-Zach Maurer, General Counsel/Secretary (BOTH MTGS)
-Shaun McLarney, MARCOM (BOTH MTGS)
Others Present
-Keith Maynard, Equipment (8.2019 MTG)
Items of Discussion
A. Fall Grade 1/2, 3/4, and 5/6 will all play 2x tournaments
Dave Houghton commenced the meeting with a discussion of plans for our fall season of tournaments. The Board approved all levels practicing Wed/Sat at Dryer Road Park, fields to be reserved and lined. Discussion surrounding at least two tournaments to enter, options include Webster, Sharpshooters, Halloween Hustle and Irondequoit. The Board approved mixed teams at all grade levels, no A/B teams. Discussion was had regarding appropriate team sizes for the tournaments and tabled for further discussion upon deciding which tournaments to enter. While some coaching spots have been filled, the Board is continuing to confirm and consider coaches for 3/4 and 5/6. Equipment will need to be distributed to all teams and confirm fields are in appropriate shape for practice.
B. New Agenda Items
Dave Houghton raised for Board consideration extension seasons for Fall and Winter following up on email sent the day before detailing the options. The Board approved of extension seasons for both seasons. Dave Houghton informed the Board regarding the options available to the club at TSE East Rochester, Tri-County and The Athletic Facility (formerly Brighton Sports Zone). The Board agreed to hold off on Spring Parent Surveys until we begin the process of forming the next iteration of our Spring League to seek input for changes and improvements as the league continues to evolve in it’s second year.
The Board discussed and approved moving forward in seeking additional town programs to expand the number of teams in our league. Dave Houghton to discuss with the other town representatives at meeting at the end of August and report back to the Board on the general consensus of the league regarding expansion in year two.
Discussion regarding search for new BOD members as Rob Anania (VP) is entering what is traditionally a 5th Grade parent transition year.
2020 Spring will be a new uniform year, plans for re-design of uniforms to begin now.
Discussion of potential Fall fundraisers to increase funding for the program. Board approved a Chipotle fundraiser for the fall. Discussion of previous success with pancake breakfast, proposal to explore the possibility of Champps at EVM for a more local option, Rob Anania to reach out to Champps and other local establishments to explore scheduling options. Discussion around a ‘parents only’ fundraising event brought up, perhaps aligned with a Bills game broadcast, Rob Anania to explore options for this as well and report back to the board at the next meeting.
Discussion of potential “points of emphasis” for referees going into upcoming seasons among league teams and coaches.
C. Equipment Needs/Update
Dave Houghton on behalf of Keith Maynard brought update on our team equipment needs. Fields to be reserved for upcoming fall and winter seasons. All equipment bags have been returned to BOD and inventoried, discussion of any particular needs for replenishment, specifically LAX balls, goalie equipment. As of August meeting all fields at Dryer have been reserved, discussed possible combinations for lining the fields to maximize the ability to have as many teams playing at the same time as possible. Keith Maynard updated equipment needs, a full inventory to be taken by the end of August, with special focus on goalie equipment.
D. BOD Paperwork
Zach Maurer discussed BOD formal vote of each new member to their positions, which was unanimous. Further discussed the finalization of all paperwork necessary to turn over the BOD membership. All paperwork prepared and ready for state filing.
E. Non-Profit Status/Tax Filings
Justin Bailey brought the BOD up to date on all financials, all necessary state and federal filings and taxes are current through June 2019
MEETING MINUTES – Sept/Oct/Nov 2019
Members Present
-David Houghton, President (ALL MTGS)
-Rob Anania, Vice President (OCT/NOV MTGS)
-Justin Bailey, Treasurer (ALL MTGS)
-Zach Maurer, General Counsel/Secretary (ALL MTGS)
-Shaun McLarney, MARCOM (ALL MTGS)
Others Present
-Keith Maynard, Equipment (10.2019 MTG)
-Becky Adrid (10.2019 MTG)
-Kathy Dodge (10.2019 MTG)
-Allison Monacelli (10.2019 & 11.2019 MTGS)
-Nick Lennon (10.2019 MTG)
Old business: BOD voted to adopt previous meetings’ minutes
Items of Discussion
A. Dave Houghton: Confirmed tournaments and team structure for all fall tourneys at each grade level. Worked to boost early numbers for Fall participation to get to our usual levels. Firmed up dates and field requirements for fall practices.
B. New Agenda Items
Dave Houghton: Began discussions for Winter 1 & 2 Registration, cost and practice schedule/facility; whether Winter 2 program to be offered as an add-on for those participating in Winter 1. BOD discussed possibility of adding a goalie training program to the winter program.
Dave Houghton: 2020 to be a new uniform year, BOD discussed changes to design, Allison Monacelli to propose design choice for board consideration.
Dave Houghton: Full board discussion on interest in seeking to expand our league. Board agreed to reach out to several towns to gauge their interest in joining the established league from the 2019 season. Email sent to all RALL participants with little to no response. Efforts to continue based on board desire to expand competition if possible.
Dave Houghton: Board takes the position to encourage all coaches across all grade levels to attain US Lacrosse Level ½ Training.
C. Equipment Needs/Update
Keith Maynard: All fields were reserved as needed for both Fall and Winter 1 & 2 seasons. All equipment bags now accounted for and inventoried. Board discusses replacing goalie equipment across grade levels, Keith to investigate costs to the program. Possibly to include switching to smaller ‘trick sticks’ for Grade 1/2 goalies.
D. Non-Profit Status/Tax Filings/Financials
Justin Bailey brought the BOD up to date on all financials, all necessary state and federal filings and taxes are current, each season continues to remain financially healthy.