Liberty Bell Men's Baseball League Bylaws & Charter


The LBMBL will abide by Official Major League Baseball Rules except where superseded by the following LBMBL rules.


1. Uniforms, Helmets, Baseballs and Other Equipment
2. Game Length, Run Rule and Rain-Outs
3. Teams, Players, Line-Ups and Courtesy Runners
4. Player Behavior and Team Responsibility
5. Pitchers
6. Fielders
7. Ex-Pro Status and Regulations
8. General League Rules
9. Code of Conduct



1.a All teams must have full baseball uniforms consisting of caps, numbered baseball jerseys, and baseball pants - each player’s uniform must be of similar design to his or her teammates’ uniforms. Teams having sponsorship will be allowed the sponsor’s name on their uniforms via patch or uniform shirt.  

a.1. No player out of uniform will be allowed to play without the opposing manager’s consent, which must be granted before a player out of uniform is permitted to enter the game.  Any manager who chooses to exercise the option to not consent to a player’s entry into a game because that player is out of uniform must inform the umpire of the decision.  The umpire shall then request that the out-of-uniform player comply with league rule 1.a or the umpire shall prohibit the player from entering the game.
a.2. All teams should have their uniforms by their first game. A grace period shall be extended for newly activated players or for new teams to complete their uniforms.

1.b All batters and runners must wear helmets for both at bats and on base. There is no option to this rule.  All base coaches are to wear helmets while on the field of play. Base coaches may wear no flap “skull cap” helmets.

1.c Balls: Game balls are to be Wilson A1010 Pro or Blemish balls. No baseballs of lower quality than a Wilson A1010 are to be used

1.d Only wood or "composite" bats are allowed for play and both will be permitted for all games (metal bats may not be used).  If a player uses an illegal bat and a protest is made, the offending batter will be declared an out.

1.e Metal and plastic/rubber/MCS cleats are permitted. Teams must adhere to field specific rules on footwear, should they exist (i.e No metal spikes at Villanova-Plymouth Meeting).


2.a All single games are 9 innings.  All double header games are 7 innings.  All Playoff games will be 7 innings. All single 9 inning games will count as two games in the standings and count for two games towards player eligibility.

Re: rain:  4 innings complete, or 3.5 if the home team is leading entering the bottom of the 4th inning in rain – umpires discretion (4 innings for a scheduled 7-inning game).
The umpire may suspend, cancel or call a game if, in his or her opinion, the safety of the players is compromised due to rain, darkness or other conditions.  All league playoffs games must be played to completion (playoff games suspended by the umpire shall be resumed from the point the game was suspended, regardless of which inning the game was suspended during).

2.b Final league standings will be determined by won/lost percentage.  Ties in final standings will be broken in favor of the team with the best head-to-head record and then (if necessary) in favor of the team with the best run differential.

2.c In the event of rain, the league will notify teams of the status of games scheduled for that day. Managers are responsible for communicating with the Commissioner/league officers to ensure umpires are notified of a weather cancellation at least one hour prior to first pitch.

3. Added via League Vote June 15th, 2023 – Extra Innings Automatic Runner Rule -- All all half-innings after the seventh will begin with a runner on second base in the 2023 regular season. This rule will not be in place for the postseason but will take effect for the remainder of the 2023 regular season and all future regular season contests.

The runner placed on second base at the start of each half-inning in extras will be the player in the batting order immediately preceding that half-inning’s leadoff hitter. So, if the No. 7 hitter in the order is due to lead off, the No. 6 hitter would be placed on second base. In line with the LBMBL rules for pinch runners, designated runner, and courtesy runners the following stipulations apply: After the “Automatic Runner” on second base is placed, that runner on second base can be pinch run for with a player who is not in the offensive lineup, or has not yet appeared in the lineup. If the “Automatic Runner” is the player in the batting order with “Star” for a Designated Runner, that runner on second base can exit for the Designated Runner (last batted out or player who is not in the offensive lineup, or has not yet appeared in the lineup) as they would during standard play. Finally, if that runner on second base is the current pitcher or catcher on defense, they may exit for a Courtesy Runner (last batted out or player who is not in the offensive lineup, or has not yet appeared in the lineup) only once there are 2 outs in the inning.



3.a A player is eligible to participate in an official league-sanctioned  so long as they are at least 18 years old and not currently on a professional roster (MLB, MiLB, Independent League, foreign professional leagues, etc.)

3.b To be eligible, players must submit to the league:  all applicable fees, league waiver form, and player waiver forms. 

3.c A team manager may bat as many players as he or she desires, with a minimum of 8*.  Batters cannot be deleted or skipped over, regardless of their batting position or when they were added during the game.

          *if only 8 players are at the field, per 3.8 

 3.d A manager may add batters to the bottom of the lineup at any time but if a batter is pinch-hit or run for, he or she may not re-enter the game as a hitter, but may remain in the game as a fielder or pitcher.  Each team has a hitting and a defensive lineup that are independent of each other. Players may play in either lineup or both.

3.e If a player is forced to leave a game for any reason, a reserve player, not previously entered into the game as a hitter, must hit in the batter’s place. If no reserve is present, that spot becomes an out in the lineup.

3.f Players that will need courtesy runners must have their manager notify the opposing manager before game time. Each team will be allowed one courtesy runners per game. Courtesy runner to be designated by an asterisk on the lineup card. Any player not in the batting order at the time or in the inning before a courtesy runner is required may be the courtesy runner. The last batted out may also be the courtesy runner. The player requiring a courtesy runner must call time and request the runner immediately upon reaching base as the result of their plate appearance. Time will be granted by the umpire and the courtesy runner will take the batter-baserunner’s place on the bases once the batter-baserunner has reached base safely.

3.g All players running for batters who reach base but are not designated as needing a courtesy runner must be pinch runners and assume that batter's place in the batting lineup. The player who was pinch run for is not eligible to return to the batting line up.

3.h The current (read: most recent defensive inning) pitcher and catcher may request a courtesy runner with two outs in the inning. This request must be made immediately upon reaching base safely with two outs, or if already one base after the second out of the inning is record but before the next at bat begins.

3.g A team may start the game with only 8 players per the “Play With 8” spirit of the game rule.

3.h All players may be substituted for defensively, at any instance when time is out, without affecting the players offensive status in the line-up. If the pitcher is removed, he or she may re-enter to pitch only one time during the course of the game, but not in the same inning. The removed pitcher may play any other position after being removed or no position at all.

3.i No player may switch teams during the League Season (which, for the purposes of this section, shall extend from February 1st to October 1st) without the consent of both managers and the league commissioner.  Any player may switch teams without consent of both managers or the league commissioner outside the league season.

3.j Teams may roster a maximum of 27 players, plus the manager, each season, for a maximum total of 28. Once a player is rostered and appears in a game, that player is locked into your roster. League Managers are to submit “Opening Day” Rosters to the League, by first pitch of Opening Day, understanding that players may be added in the future per below “3.k”.

3.k Players will be added to the league free agent pool throughout the year, as they apply. Players may be added to a team roster, if a team is not at its maximum 28, until the Summer Roster Freeze Date. The Summer Roster Freeze Date will shift each year given the schedule and surrounding off days for Holidays, with the date generally being set for the Saturday before the last weekend of the season in which a player could achieve full eligibility by playing the rest of the year. For the 2023 Season, the Roster Freeze Date is Saturday, July 13th at 3pm EST. Once passed, no players can be added to a team’s roster. Rosters will be audited through the year by the league.

3.l.To qualify for playoff play, the below conditions must be satisfied

Position Player eligibility: 6 or more Games Played (recorded in the box score)

Pitcher Eligibility: 8 total Games Played OR 4 separate Pitching Appearances across 4 different weekends (i.e pitching in Game 1 and Game 2 of the same DH does not count as two appearances for eligibility)

; a player must appear (get credit for appearing in a league game in the official league statistics as a pitcher, batter, or runner). The official league Season Statistics will determine appearances for playoff eligibility. 

3.m Playoff rosters will be submitted to the Commissioner immediately following the final Sunday Double Header of the regular season allowing for time to review rosters and handle any disputes. Playoff rosters can only be comprised of players added prior to the roster freeze date. No new players may be added for the playoffs, after the rosters freeze.


4.a The league commissioner, with support of at least 60% of the league (managers), has the right to suspend or expel any team member who abuses league rules or who does not exhibit a sense of sportsmanship or who plays without regard to the safety of the umpires or other players.

4.b An umpire has sole discretion to eject any player or manager from the game.

4.c Fighting among players or aggressive physical contact with an umpire will not be tolerated and players ejected from the game for either violation will be subject to suspension or expulsion from the league.

4.d Players shall not intentionally collide with any other players. In the case of a runner intentionally colliding with a fielder, the runner will be called out and may, at the umpire’s discretion, be ejected from the game. All base runners must either slide or give up their right to a base (avoid a collision by stopping or leaving a base path) if the defensive player (e.g. catcher) has possession of the ball, is in the act of receiving the ball, or is about to immediately receive the ball and will be able to make an apparent play on the base runner.

If a defensive player is not in possession of the ball, is not in the act of receiving the ball, or is not about to immediately receive the ball so that he or she is able to record an out (apparent play at any base), he or she cannot block the base (e.g. home plate) or be in the base path so as to impede (obstruct) the base runner’s right to that base. Under such circumstances, the defensive player shall be responsible to avoid collision. If a collision does occur under these circumstances, the runner will always be considered safe and the obstruction rule shall be enforced. The defensive player may be ejected from the game (if the action is intentional, he must be ejected), and will be suspended from league play if the obstruction is judged to be flagrant.

4.e Failure to abide by age regulations – all players shall certify that they are in compliance with rule 3.a.  Anyone found to be out of compliance shall be expelled from the league.


5.a No player while pitching may wear white or gray sleeves, nor may a pitcher wear a batting glove or wristband on his or her pitching hand while pitching.

5.b If a pitcher hits 5 batters in any one game, the pitcher must be removed on the fifth hit batsman.


6.a Infielders are not allowed to decoy a throw or catch. If a decoy throw or catch is detected, all runners shall be allowed to advance one base beyond the base held after all play stops. If the same fielder decoys twice in the same game, the fielder shall be expelled from the game. Decoying is referred to as a false catch or throw done in an attempt to get the player to slide unnecessarily, where no strategic value is gained.


7.a A player must not be on a roster of a professional team in order to be eligible for LBMBL play. Pro-ball refers to major and minor leagues including unaffiliated and independent leagues in the United States or another country. Any player or prospective player who has been rostered in professional baseball must be able to show proof of release if necessary.


8.a  All league rules will be promulgated by the league commissioner and approved by a majority of the board of league managers, which will comprise the manager of each league team (any vote resulting in a tie shall be broken by the league commissioner). 

8.b All protests should be lodged to the league Commissioner within 24 hours after the game for which the protest is made. All protests shall be decided by league commissioner. If the Commissioner must recuse himself from making a decision, the league officers** will make a ruling in his stead.

**for future consideration, my idea of having one two “league officers”, could be permanent or rotating or even elections by the total base of managers as a more official role for certain aspects of league management (rules, fields, etc)

8.c Each year, all players on the league’s prospects roster will be invited to a draft.  The annual draft will be conducted in a manner to allow parity in leagues by having the prior year’s teams with the lowest finishing records drafting first.



Managers and players shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. No manager or player shall commit the following:

1. Lay a hand upon, shove or strike, or threaten an official. Players and managers guilty or such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until their conduct is reviewed by the league commissioner. Players and managers guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension for the remainder of the season or expulsion from the league for life.

2. Refuse to abide by an official’s decision. Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until their conduct is reviewed by the league commissioner. Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to probation or suspension for the remainder of the season.

3. Be guilty of objectionable demonstrations of dissent at an official’s decision. Players and managers guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension from further participation in the game.

4. Discuss with an official or officials the decision reached by such official or officials, except for the manager or his or her designee who are authorized to participate in such discussions. Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to ejection from the game.

5. Use unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game against the body or person of an opposing player. Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall be subject to probation or suspension for the remainder of the season.

6. Be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor upon any player, manager, official, or spectator, before, during, or after a game. Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until their conduct is reviewed by the league commissioner. Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension for the remainder of the season or expulsion from the league for life.

7. Be guilty of verbal abusive attack upon any player, manager, official, or spectator, before, during, or after a game. Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until their conduct is reviewed by the league commissioner.

8. Consume alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs during the game or be upon the field of play at any time in an intoxicated condition. Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall be subject to probation or suspension for the remainder of the season.


1. The league commissioner with league officers in agreement may suspend any player or manager for such a period and upon such terms as he or she may propose, for the conduct within its opinion is prejudicial to the welfare, interest, reputation, or charter of the league.

2. Except as otherwise provided, the league commissioner shall determine the appropriate action required for violations of the codes of conduct, and shall report his or her decision to the player, manager and board of league managers.

3. A player found in violation of any provision delineated in the codes of conduct, after being placed on probation for the remainder of the season shall be suspended for the remainder of the season.

4. Any player found in violation of any provisions delineated in the codes of conduct, after being suspended from further participation in a game shall be suspended for the remainder of the season.

Grievances, protests, and appeals

1. Grievances may be filed by an individual player or by the manager of a team provided that a grievance is formally submitted to the commissioner. The commissioner shall adjudicate all such grievances and shall report any action taken to the board of league managers.

2. An appeal of any action or ruling may be filed with the board of league managers by an individual player or by the manager of a team provided that the appeal is formally submitted.  The board of league managers may overrule the league commissioner by a vote of two-thirds of its members. All decisions by the board of league managers are final and not subject to appeal.

 ubject to appeal.